Chapter 6

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Du Guzhou's thick eyebrows were fiercely wrinkled together, squeezing deep lines between his eyebrows, his eagle-like eyes looked at Yue Chu coldly and full of oppression, and his thin lips pursed fiercely, revealing disgust.

This month Chu, why is it always so annoying!

As soon as the momentum of the top alpha came out, Omega, who was "as weak as a petite flower" like Yue Chu, naturally could not afford it, he took a step back in fear, but immediately stopped, even if his body trembled to the naked eye, but still held his head high, unwilling to compromise.

Seeing this scene, even Mu Qiangru Alpha couldn't help but feel pity, feeling that Du Guzhou was too aggressive, you must know that it was the weak and helpless Omega who would cry some time ago.

Wei Xianyang clenched his fists, and a burst of anger suddenly burned in his chest, but this anger was mixed with self-deprecation and warmth, so that the roaring flame would not swallow him up. Even the words that he himself gave up were so cared about, no matter what Yue Chu's purpose was, at least his maintenance at this moment moved him.

He blocked in front of Yue Chu and sneered, "Du Guzhou, you are too much."

Du Guzhou's jaw tightened, his face was grim, and he was unwilling to defend something, but he became silent when he faced Shangwei Xianyang's indifferent eyes with mockery. He didn't understand why Wei Xianyang wanted to side with Yue Chu, just as he didn't understand what his maintenance of Zhou Ran meant.

Wei Xianyang turned his gaze to the pale-faced Zhou Ran, this Omega who was poked by Yue Chu through tricks, at this time like a small white flower in the wind, shivering and leaning on others, his eyes flickering, trying to shrink his sense of existence. If in the past, he did not disdain to deal with such a person, but since Yue Chu had to seek justice for him, it would be better to proceed to the end.

Wei Xianyang: "Zhou Ran, whether I pushed you or not, you know best in your heart." Since you don't want to apologize now, then I will apply to the student council and the school board of directors for a thorough investigation, and hope that you will take care of yourself.

Zhou Ran raised his head in disbelief, but lowered his head in panic after meeting Wei Xianyang's sharp gaze. He clenched his fists desperately, his nails digging into his palms but he didn't feel the slightest pain, because he was already panicking, and fear and embarrassment filled all his thoughts, making him tremble helplessly like a rabbit chased by a hound into a corner.

It's all to blame Yuechu, why did he jump out to help Wei Xianyang speak! Otherwise, with Wei Xianyang's personality, he would only suffer a dumb loss in the end, which was good for him from the beginning.

Zhou Ran lowered his head, gritted his teeth and said, "I won't apologize..."

That place was stepped on in advance, there was no surveillance, no passers-by, even if he investigated, he couldn't find out the truth, he didn't need to be afraid.

Wei Xianyang had already seen through his thoughts, and there were always some people who thought that those small means could hide the sky and the sea, but they didn't know that it was just that others were too lazy to calculate with him.

Yue Chu's goal was achieved, and if it weren't for the wrong occasion, he wanted to smile and applaud himself.

"System, how is my rating?"

Little Bear waved his magic wand and called up the scoring system, not even bothering to look at it, and found a small corner to think about it.

"The completion of ordinary task two, the dialogue is closely related to the theme, the emotional appeal is very strong, and it strongly promotes the world to change, and the protagonist's emotional fluctuations are detected to be positive. Final score, eighty-one points, good, reward tea art worth eight points, please keep up the good work!

"As soon as the special task was completed, the white lotus did not admit the mistake and knelt down to beg for mercy, the coolness was insufficient, the grade was failing, the grade was failing! The bonus tea art value is zero, please keep up the good work! Yue

Chu was stunned, he didn't expect that the special task failed, and the system's requirements for hitting the white lotus in the face were so much higher than the requirements of the green tea protagonist, and he was directly awarded a failing grade.

The little bear moved his ears, and as soon as he heard this, he immediately became energetic, and flew triumphantly in front of Yue Chu, smiling badly with a petal mouth.

Little Bear: "The mission failed, now enter the punishment mode, force the host to confess to Du Guzhou within five seconds, and count down to five or four..."

Yue Chu froze, his eyes narrowed slightly, this punishment mode system did not tell him. But it was too late, and when the countdown was over, Yue Chu felt his body walking uncontrollably in front of Du Guzhou, looking at him with bright and affectionate eyes.

Yue Chu: "Student Du Guzhou, I like you!" I didn't have any other thoughts, just wanted to say the words that had been buried in my heart for a long time, so that there would be no regrets. So you don't need to be burdened, and I won't ruin your relationship, please rest assured.

His voice was clear, even in the midst of the noise, the corners of his eyes were slightly red with excitement, and he kept his distance from his sincerity.

The students who had not completely dispersed immediately looked over with green light, clapping and whistling again. Not only did he not accuse Yue Chu, but he was very excited to witness such a scene. Because in the traditional concept, it is normal for a top alpha to be liked by many Omegas, whether it is Zhou Ran or Yue Chu, it is like a medal hanging on Du Guzhou, showing his personal charm.

When Wei Xianyang saw this scene, he only raised his eyebrows slightly, and he was unexpectedly not angry in his heart. It's also embarrassing, obviously I like Du Guzhou so much, but I have to confront Du Guzhou for him, it's really a fool.

Du Guzhou didn't touch it at all, he only felt like he had been stuffed with durian (durian is his most hated fruit), and he almost vomited out the overnight meal disgustingly. The cheers of the surrounding classmates made him even more irritable.

Du Guzhou didn't feel that Yue Chu liked him at all, on the contrary, Yue Chu's existence always made him feel like a dragon in his throat, and he was not happy anywhere. Now this sudden confession made him even more depressed, but this anger could not be released, and he always felt that it was wrong to say anything. He turned away angrily, showing his refusal cleanly, without the slightest hint of emotion.

Yue Chu watched him leave, but he just smiled with relief, as if he had let go of something. Such a strong and fragile appearance undoubtedly attracted everyone's pity, and even Wei Xianyang stepped forward to comfort him, further proving that Yue Chu's words against Zhou Ran were not lying.

Yuechu, Yuechu exploded, damn the system!

It wasn't until the crowd dispersed that Yue Chu's punishment mode was lifted, and he looked at the little bear with a smile, his fingers lightly tapped his arm, good, this bear successfully provoked him.

"What are you going to do? You are nue standby system! I want to complain to my superior!! The

little bear was grabbed by Yue Chu's wings, struggling pitifully, and tears floated into the air. It didn't mean it, it really forgot about it, and it didn't expect Yue Chu's special mission to fail.


Yue Chu mercilessly beat the little bear to a blue nose and swollen face, only then moved his wrist loosely and straightened his slightly messy hair and sleeves in front of the mirror.

Yue Chu: "This is the first time, I will only give you a warning, and there will be another time." Speaking

of this Yue Chu smiled, it was that gloomy smile that made the bear shudder, almost missing his pants.

Little Bear quickly shook his head and swore to heaven and earth that he would not dare.

Little Bear explains: "The punishment mode is set to motivate the host to complete the task better, and it will not be turned on as long as it achieves a passing grade. If you fail, the system will randomly select a way to punish the host, but also do not bear any possible consequences. The

consequences? The consequence was that he lost all the games, and now the whole school knows that he likes Du Guzhou.

Little Bear is quite happy, this is not right, all the plot can be put on track, it no longer has to worry about OO love.

Yue Chu ignored its whispering and began to plan in his heart how to turn things around.

The results of the investigation soon came out, and the students would find evidence from the reflector standing in the corner, and Wei Xianyang did not make a move at that time, and it was Zhou Ran himself who deliberately hit the guardrail to frame him.

The melon-eating masses were in an uproar, and they couldn't imagine that Omega, who was so noble and pure that people wanted to be cared for, would do such a thing. Zhou Ran was unable to return to heaven and was expelled for slandering the royal family and misconduct. However, Omega, who has such a noble status, is not like Zhao Heng who has lost his family, and he will be blamed at most for a few words, and he will soon be able to resume his studies, but his reputation is not as good as before.

"I didn't expect Zhou Ran to be such a person, but I still liked him so much before."

"Kaokaokao, suddenly felt that compared with Zhou Ran, it was still Yue Chu sincere. Should like to like, should refuse to refuse, should maintain and maintain, I see that he follows Wei Xieyang every day with a little tail, but it is also quite cute.

"I don't think so, maybe this Yue Chu is a person with a deep heart."


Everyone was discussing enthusiastically, Yue Chu couldn't see it for the time being, he looked at the scene in front of him with a smile, gently turned the signature pen in his hand, but in his heart he beat the little bear again.

Although Du Guzhou is an arrogant and arrogant person, he is not dead and does not admit his mistakes. The truth is in front of him, proving that he was indeed blinded by Zhou Ran and made mistakes. As soon as he got the news, he came to Wei Xianyang and apologized very sincerely.

At this time, he was still wearing a mecha combat suit, his tall body was perfectly outlined by tight clothes, and his handsome face was apologetic, kneeling on one knee in front of Wei Xianyang, holding his hand and telling apologies.

Yue Chu chuckled, and an interest ignited in her heart, this guy is really difficult to deal with.

The high-ranking alpha apologized, and I wonder how many Omegas could resist, let alone Wei Xianyang's betrothed. Very good, Du Guzhou, this guy is a little unexpected.

The bear lay lazily on the table basking in the sun, picking his nose from time to time. It shakes Erlang's legs, sighs twice in its mouth, and is pleased with the host's deflated appearance, I have never seen this kind of person who increases the difficulty of himself, obviously it is a simple mode must be played into hard mode, the!

Wei Xianyang helped Du Guzhou up and accepted his apology. Although the knot in his heart has not been completely eliminated, in the face of Du Guzhou's rare whispered breath, even if there is a big fire in his heart, it seems that he can't come out.

The two looked at each other and smiled, and the unpleasantness that had been unpleasant dissipated at this moment, and returned to a state of tacit understanding.

However, Wei Xianyang looked at Yue Chu. Yue Chu is actually a person who is soft on the outside and rigid on the inside, whether he speaks or does, he has always been gentle and gentle with a smile, but his heart is tough and strong, and he is always upward when the wind and rain blow. Only when facing Du Guzhou, this strength becomes bitter, because people who are too independent cannot be loved.

From the moment Du Guzhou entered the door, he found that Yue Chu's eyes stared at Du Guzhou for a moment, and the smile on his face became more and more gentle, obviously he liked Du Guzhou, but he couldn't approach it for various reasons.

Wei Xianyang didn't know why he felt bad for his love rival: stupid, why should you like someone you shouldn't!

He pointed to Yue Chu: "You should also apologize to Yue Chu."
As soon as
these words came out, heaven and hell were clearly distinguished.

Yue Chu stroked the non-existent ash on his sleeve, stood up reservedly and nodded slightly to greet Du Guzhou, but his smiling gaze seemed to reveal a sense of superiority and provocation. He walked slowly to Wei Xianyang's side and stood opposite Du Guzhou, and the boundary between Chu River and Han was clearly distinguished.

Yue Chu: "Only a person as good as His Highness would forgive you so easily." If it were me, I wouldn't believe Zhou Ran at first, after all, he acted so contrived, and anyone with a little discernment ability could see it. I will always believe in His Highness and stand with His Highness, instead of protecting others and making His Highness sad.

Du Guzhou pursed his thin lips, his dark pupils were lit up with anger, and his fists were clenched on the side of his legs without a trace, but there was no fire.

He stared at Yue Chu coldly: If you don't speak, no one will treat you as a dumb!

Yue Chu chuckled: I want to say that if you do this, Wei Xianyang is really pitiful.

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