Chapter 5

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The scene in front of me is similar to the deliberate arrangement in the idol drama, obviously it is such a wide basketball court, but the two protagonists can stand exactly in the center, like athletes preparing to hedge their serves, and their eyes are crossed and ready to go.
Yue Chu chuckled: Is this a little too deliberate, and I don't know what Wei Xieyang, one of them, is so proud, thinks. Well, anyway, his face is very ugly now, and his gaze looking at Zhou Ran is full of cold impatience.

Yue Chu touched his chin, and had to say that looking good is dominant, and even the angry appearance is particularly endearing. It's just that Wei Xianyang's situation at this time doesn't seem to be too dominant.

Wei Xianyang stood alone on one side, while on the other side were Du Guzhou, Zhou Ran, and Zhou Ran's friends. Zhou Ran's white and tender arms fell red, and the beautiful face was pear-blossom with rain, and Chu Chu was pitifully distressed. His friends gathered around him in indignation, their condemning gazes directed at Wei Xianyang. Du Guzhou, on the other hand, frowned tightly and looked at Wei Xianyang with a disapproving expression.

Even in the face of such a lonely situation, Wei Xianyang, who was only one person, was still not half weak. He stood there, his slender back straight into straight lines, like a pillar standing above the heavens and the earth, never bent down for trumped-up charges.

Du Guzhou: "Xieyang, what's going on, you haven't spoken, how can I help you?"

Wei Xianyang said coldly: "I said, it has nothing to do with me, what else do you have to ask?"

Du Guzhou: "Then where were you at that time?" What are you doing? Who can testify?

Wei Xianyang: "Why should I tell you?"

Du Guzhou sighed, "Do you have to be so willful? Wei

Xianyang curled the corners of his mouth mockingly, still raising his chin proudly, not bothering to explain anything at all. Willful, it seems that every time Du Guzhou will use such words to describe him, for a long time, even he doubts whether he is too willful.

Zhou Ran's friends unceremoniously accused: "Your Highness, don't you dare to say this?" It is clear that you are jealous of Zhou Ran and Du Guzhou for getting too close to him to do this! Zhou Ran just likes Du Guzhou and wants to step forward and say two words to him, can't you even tolerate such interactions? Zhou

Ran leaned weakly on one of them, hearing this, he bitterly evoked a smile, turned his face sideways to wipe away the tears half-hanging from the corners of his eyes, as if he didn't want people to see his vulnerability and embarrassment.

Zhou Ran: "It's my fault, don't blame Your Highness."
saying this, he hugged his arm and deliberately exposed the blood-red abrasion in front of everyone, triggering a burst of pity.

Zhou Ran's friend immediately said distressedly: "Even if they are married, they are not officially married yet, what qualifications do they have to deal such a heavy hand on you!"

Zhou Ran shook his head weakly, bit his lips, and asked everyone to stop talking.

For a while, the condemning gaze on the field was almost all on Wei Xianyang's body, like a spike to penetrate him and nail him to the pillar of shame.

Yue Chu raised her eyebrows and said to Little Bear: "Did this Zhou Ran rob my lines?"

Little Bear was furious: "Can you not spoil the atmosphere!"

At this time, the little bear seemed to be very angry, staring at Zhou Ran with red eyes, and his mouth kept saying: "White lotus, it's so hateful!"

The little bear rushed to Yue Chu angrily and waved the magic wand in his hand angrily: "Host, our green tea system and white lotus system are incompatible, and we will definitely not be allowed to be robbed of the limelight by this white lotus." Rush, down with the white lotus!! Yue

Chu was speechless and hid her face, she didn't understand what was the difference between green tea and white lotus, not all of them were so annoying.

Little Bear: "The green tea guard system is on, and special mission one is released, 'Defeat the White Lotus, burn my green tea soul, and green tea will never be a slave'." If the score is above 90 points, you will be awarded a chance to complete the failed ordinary task. Yue

Chu silently took two steps to the side, because at this time, the little bear not only burned his eyes, but even his body burned red flames, and the whole person was as hot as a carbon ball, making his scalp want to sweat.

What a grudge this must be.

Yue Chu shook his head, it didn't matter if the task could not be accepted, but the important thing was that he could not let his target object be bullied. The opportunity to brush up on good feelings is not every time, and I have to thank Zhou Ran for the rockets sent here.

Yue Chu walked to Wei Xianyang's side and greeted innocently: "Your Highness, are you all right?"

"When I heard that something was wrong with you, I was very worried and rushed over immediately." What are these people trying to do when they surround you aggressively?

Wei Xianyang frowned, what did Yue Chu come out of at this time, even if it was to brush Du Guzhou's favor, it shouldn't be like this, lest he get dyed in the end.

Wei Xianyang: "It's okay with you.
Although he didn't like Yue Chu very much,
he didn't want to implicate him.

Of course, Yue Chu would not listen, he glanced at Du Guzhou who was blocking in front of Zhou Ran, and suddenly realized: "Your Highness, don't be angry with Du Guzhou, he is just spoiled by you and is not very sensible." And I don't think he meant it, don't blame him, if there is any misunderstanding, just say it, don't be bored in your heart.

Wei Xianyang snorted coldly, Du Guzhou didn't give him a chance to explain at all, and as soon as he came up, he tried him like a prisoner, and he had clearly convicted him in his heart. At this time, hearing Yue Chu's words, the anger in his heart became even higher.

Zhou Ran's friends couldn't stand it, and they didn't know where this person came from, and they were talking about people's words, how could they be so unhappy to hear.

"Who are you? What a nosy! Yue

Chu blinked, her beautiful big eyes were as clean as wash, there was no trace of impurities, almost the two words of purity were engraved in the pupils, and it seemed that the faces of those who were screaming accusations on the other side were ugly, and instantly made people biased to his side.

Yue Chu: "Hello, I am a classmate of His Highness, I heard that he had an accident, so I came to take a look." His Highness is so good, every time I am bullied, he is helping me. Everyone knows that I am stupid and stupid, I can only cry, and it was His Highness who taught me to be strong, so that I am different now. Your Highness protects me, and I will also protect Your Highness, and I must not let him be bullied.

Everyone suddenly realized: It's really true, at least this month Chu dared to stand up, and he hasn't cried so far, which can be seen as the result of Wei Xieyang's help. It is estimated that Zhao Heng and they dropped out of school some time ago, and it was also Wei Xieyang's handwriting, so it seems that the bullying thing may not have run away.

Zhou Ran's friend sneered: "Others bully him? It's not bad if he doesn't bully others! You look at Zhou Ran's arm, it was he who pushed it! Zhou

Ran covered his arm weakly, but there were scratches in his fingers.

Yue Chu stepped forward and carefully looked at his injuries before asking softly, "Then, why did His Highness push you?" The

corners of Zhou Ran's mouth condensed bitterness, and his loving gaze fell on Du Guzhou, and he quickly moved away, just lowered his head, and everything was speechless.

Zhou Ran's friend immediately answered: "What else can I do, that is, I am jealous that Zhou Ran is close to Du Guzhou." But the two of them were preparing for the next match, and Zhou Ran, as an announcer, wanted to know more about the players, so they spent a little longer together. However, His Highness didn't even have this amount of tolerance, and it was too much to hurt people! Yue

Chu withdrew his hand, his eyes were a little hesitant, as if he didn't know whether to say it or not. He bit his lip, and his tender red lips were tortured bloodless, making it clear that his inner torment could be clearly seen.

Yue Chu was positive, trying to straighten her weak back, and said seriously: "You are lying, Your Highness is not that kind of person." I also have a crush on someone, I know how bitter this tastes, but no matter how uncomfortable my heart is, I just want to be ordinary friends with him, and I don't think about anything else. You can come to our class and ask, even if I stick to His Highness and do something that makes His Highness unhappy, His Highness just ignores it, let alone do it, or say something excessive. Even His Highness a crush like me can tolerate it, let alone you. Yue

Chu turned his gaze to Wei Xianyang, Yingying's smile was gentle, such a public confession must have added a lot of points to him.

Wei Xianyang turned his head coldly: Idiot, now the whole school knows that you have a crush on Du Guzhou.

This Yue Chu, he dared to confess in front of Du Guzhou, his guts were really fat! However, I don't know if there is Zhou Ran to compare, he actually feels not so angry, but a little pitiful.

Everyone was stunned again, and after hearing the statement of the command department, they confirmed that Yue Chu secretly loved Du Guzhou, and Wei Xianyang actually allowed it. Ma Ye, it's so exciting, this is the same class, together all day, the opportunity is much greater than Zhou Zhou. And although Yue Chu is a little weaker, as long as it is not so weak and crying all the time, it is actually quite an attractive Omega.

Zhou Zhou's friend was a little uneasy, and immediately refuted: "You said nonsense, there were only two people at that time, Zhou Zhou and Wei Xianyang, not Wei Xianyang pushed it, can it still be Zhou Zhou himself who fell?"

Yue Chu woke up with a look like a dream: "So it is, this is not what I said." Zhou

Zhou's friend almost died of anger: "I didn't mean that, anyway, Zhou Zhou won't lie!"

Yue Chu shrugged: "Then His Highness will not lie."


Du Guzhou interrupted the conversation between the two with a headache, he was really impatient to deal with the battle between these Omegas, and now he had delayed his twenty minutes of training, and it would be endless like this.

Du Guzhou chose to rest the matter: "This matter ends here, as for who is right and who is wrong, there is no need to entangle to the end, Xieyang you go back first, Zhou Ran is injured, I will send him to the infirmary."

Wei Xianyang smiled angrily, was this really his betrothed? Not only protect his love rival, but even personally send it.

The sourness in his heart almost drowned him, but the pride of being a prince made Wei Xianyang unable to keep it without dignity. He raised his chin stubbornly and watched in silence as Du Guzhou walked to Zhou Ran and picked him up. The scene stung his eyes, but he could only open his eyes wide and prevent tears from falling.

However, Yue Chu disagreed.

"Zhou Zhou should apologize, and Du Guzhou should also apologize."

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