Chapter 22

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"Does it still hurt?"

Wei Xianyang looked at the twisted scar on Yue Chu's chest, and his fingers did not dare to touch it, for fear that it would hurt him, so he could only tremble and stay above.

He admonished himself to keep it all in his mind, because it was the punishment he deserved for his mistake.

He slowly leaned over, printed a kiss on Yue Chu's forehead, and put his hand to his chest, Yingying's eyes with a trace of grief.

"I'm sorry."

The simple three words expressed his heavy remorse, but he could never make up for the harm Yue Chu had suffered.

Yue Chu chuckled, and the soft light hitting his face made that smile as beautiful as an angel, able to forgive all the mistakes of his beloved.

"Why say sorry, you saved me. My terminal was taken away, and I can only secretly use someone else's terminal to send it, I thought you would have to investigate and come again, but I didn't expect you to come like this without hesitation. May I feel, is it important to you?

Wei Xianyang held his hand tightly, his voice hoarse but firm: "More important than anyone else." Yue

Chu smiled sweetly, and the corners of his curved mouth were like honey wine, which made Wei Xianyang wine not intoxicating.

He scratched Wei Xianyang's beautiful face with his fingers: "I also said this to Du Guzhou, you are more important than anyone else."
speaking, he frowned slightly, and worry flashed in his eyes: "Breaking the marriage contract with Du Guzhou like this will have a great impact on you?"

Wei Xianyang smiled proudly, and the mockery under his eyes was unabashedly displayed in front of Yue Chu, bringing out a trace of contempt.

The Du family was really careless this time, and originally wanted to use the hands of the Lu family to eradicate Yue Chu and the Yue family, but they didn't expect that Yue Chu could run out from the strict guard, and make such a big deal. Their handle had already fallen into his hands, and coupled with the fact that these two years were the key time for the Du family to control the Thirty-Seventh Legion, there was a lot of room for negotiation.

Wei Xianyang not only wanted to break the marriage contract, but also control the Du family in his hands. Coupled with the ambitious Luo family and the Yue family who had to follow, as well as the Lu family who was on the wall, the power in his hands could not be underestimated.

It's just that he still lacks the most crucial point - convincing glory.

Therefore, these forces can only be temporarily buried in the soil and wait for the most suitable time to break through.

Yue Chu half sat up and touched Wei Xianyang's forehead with her forehead, her clear eyes full of encouragement and support.

Yue Chu: "I will always follow His Highness." Wei

Xianyang was both warm and worried, Yue Chu was so weak, even the sun was unwilling to bask in the sun, but how to arrange the army...


Du family
Old man Du, Du Guzhou's grandfather,
Du Qingming was once one of the three marshals of the empire, with great combat achievements, and he can be described as a big man who will shock the empire if he stomps his foot.

However, his biggest regret in life was that he did not cultivate a son well, so that the Du family had no one to use in the next generation, and fell into a trough for a while, until Du Guzhou was born, the Du family was reborn.

Looking at Omega, who was sitting loosely in front of his eyes, he squinted his eyes slightly, and his deeply wrinkled eyelids could not cover his wise and sharp eyes, even if he was nearly eighty years old, he was still not cloudy.

He was actually the most supportive of the marriage between Du Guzhou and Wei Xianyang, and as a nobleman who watched the emperor grow up and served as an imperial master, he and the emperor hoped to establish a closer relationship to ensure the stability of the two parties.

Therefore, after learning that Du Guzhou made a move on Yuechu, he not only did not stop it, but also added a fire to his side. It's a pity that people are not as good as heavenly calculations, and there is such a big leak.

Old man Du didn't move, gently blew the tea in front of him, and inhaled the fragrant and sweet tea smell into his nose.

However, if this highness thought that he could threaten them with this little thing, it would be really naïve.

As early as when the matter had just happened, he had already arranged it, and all the finishing work was completed, and no one could find a clue that could be related to the Du family. There will only be one so-called confession, and no one will be able to turn over the palm of his hand.

Old man Du: "Why does His Highness have to break the marriage contract?" We can turn a blind eye to your business, and as long as the marriage contract is still there, everything is okay.

Du Guzhou's eyes widened in disbelief, and he wanted to say something but was stopped by Du Qingming raising his hand, and he could only clench his fists tightly and stand aside unwillingly.

He didn't understand why Grandpa didn't care about Yue Chu's affairs, but for the benefit of the Du family, this question could only be buried in his heart temporarily.

Wei Xianyang's expression was cold, even if the Du family opened such a sincere chip, it did not make his heart move. In fact, Yue Chu also persuaded him so, but he couldn't accept it.

Wei Xianyang lowered his noble head: "Sorry, that's my beloved, I have to give him the best of everything."
Old man
Du seemed helpless: "Young people like to talk about what kind of love and love, and after a long time, they will understand that those are not important at all, what is important is the power held in the hand."

Wei Xianyang gently rubbed the mouth of the cup with his fingers, and did not argue with Old Master Du about this issue again, but turned the question back to the original question.

Old man Du saw that he was toasting and not eating, and his face was already a little unbearable. However, his city is extremely deep, and people will not see their dissatisfaction.

Old man Du: "This is my marriage contract with Your Majesty, if you want to break it, I am afraid that you will have to agree to it."

Wei Xianyang had long known that there would be such a show, and he had prepared it in advance.

"Father has agreed, it depends on what you mean."

Old man Du paused slightly, and took a sip of tea without a trace, he really did not expect that Wei Xianyang could convince His Majesty first.

He set his gaze on the young man in front of him, this Omega had royal nobility on his body, and his proud and defiant appearance was very familiar. This pride placed on Wei Xianyang's body will not be disgusting, but it will make people despise, because arrogant people will always not look close.

But this person was not what he thought, he had a certain temperament, which made him rarely feel a little uneasy in his heart.

What does he want to do? Du Qingming was a little curious for the first time.

Old man Du shook his head helplessly: "Since His Majesty has agreed, then the old man has nothing to say, he can only say that you have nothing to do with Gu Zhou."

Wei Xianyang stood up and bowed to him, thanking the Du family for this step of concession. However, his purpose is not only this, but more importantly, to enter the army with the help of the Du family's power.

Speaking of this, Old Master Du's face suddenly became cold, there has been no example of Omega entering the army since ancient times, and it is absolutely not possible to let him open this gate!

Wei Xianyang couldn't afford this name-calling, and their Du family couldn't afford it even more!

He picked up the teapot and poured a full cup of tea for Wei Xianyang, until the water flowed down the mouth of the cup and spilled on the table.

His meaning was obvious, that is, to let Wei Xianyang immediately shut up and leave.

Wei Xianyang remained silent, as if he didn't realize what Old Master Du meant, and directly picked up the teacup full of splashed water and handed it to his mouth.

Thick eyelashes covered the cold color in his eyes, his cold face was not angry, and he did not land on the fishing boat with half of his momentum. The faint water stain soaked his fingertips, making his white jade hand appear more slender.

Wei Xianyang was waiting, waiting for Yue Chu's information.

Transfer Station

Yue Chu held the terminal with a smile and recorded all the pictures of the transaction in front of him.

Some people are just not satisfied, obviously they have great power, but they are still reluctant to be more prosperous and wealthy, such as Du Qingming's son and Du Guzhou's father - Du Tianyuan.

In order to control the Du family, Wei Xianyang has been investigating in private, but the Du family hides deeply, far from being able to find out by the forces he controls now.

However, Yue Chu is a person who opens up, and according to the background of the story, Du Guzhou's biggest crisis is that his father Du Tianyuan was exposed to trading with star thieves and was convicted of treason. That time, the Du family's vitality was greatly injured, but it was only by relying on Du Guzhou's power to survive.

In order to complete the task, the system secretly opened a back door for Yue Chu and revealed Du Tianyuan's trading location to him.

No, I just caught a big fish.

With a smile at the corner of her mouth, Yue Chu took out a cigarette she was carrying and wanted to light it, but suddenly found that she didn't bring a lighter. I touched my bulging pocket, there was only a lollipop inside, and I didn't know when Wei Xianyang put it in.

He broke the cigarette, threw it in the trash, and took the lollipop out again. I didn't eat it either, just rolled it around with round sugar balls against my face.

After recording the video, he clicked on Wei Xianyang's account and sent it to him.

His gaze was leisurely, his hands were in his pockets, and he quietly left, gently pressing the button in his hand. Just listening to a loud bang, a violent explosion occurred in the warehouse, billowing smoke rose into the sky, and immediately triggered the siren buzzing, and the people around them fled like frightened sheep.

Of course, the real man would not look back, and Yue Chu left with a smile on his lips.

Mission accomplished!

Just in the midst of embarrassment, Wei Xianyang's terminal drip, his face slowed, and the sharpness between his eyebrows immediately softened.

Turning on the screen, he began to type seriously, and finally did not forget to put a kitten applause at the end, and returned with a serious face.

It is said that 80% of couples in the empire use this expression when chatting - this is what is written in the "Guide to Success in Love".

Raising his head again, Wei Xianyang's expression was already a little aggressive, and Yue Chu's success gave him a lot of confidence to confront Du Qingming head-on.

"My relationship with the Du family is closer than the other two, and if I can, I naturally want to get closer." Now the opportunity is in front of you, and please think about it for a moment.

Du Qingming moved his heavy eyelids, and the excessive folds made his eyelids pull down, and the wrinkles between the corners of his eyes were like knife carvings.

He quietly looked at Omega in front of him, wondering where he got his confidence to dare to make such a big statement. It had been a long time since anyone provoked in front of him, but it made him a little uncomfortable for a while.

"Your Highness, sometimes putting yourself in the right position is a fact that you should recognize. When I was old and a little tired, I withdrew first, and asked for your forgiveness. Saying

that, Du Qingming stood up on crutches, and he was directly about to throw his sleeves and leave.

Wei Xianyang did not stop him, his eyebrows were still sharp and cold, like a wind sweeping through the ice field, blowing snow-white ice dust.

He said lightly: "I advise you to stay a little longer..."

Du Qingming shook his head in his heart, people who are too arrogant will always lose miserably, this His Highness is still too young, I am afraid that he will have to go through more experience.

However, at this moment, a person ran over in a panic and whispered a few words in Du Qingming's ear. Du Qingming's face changed instantly, and his decaying body swayed, almost unstable.

Du Guzhou hurriedly stepped forward to help him, wanting to ask what was going on, but he saw his grandfather turn around in anger and look at Wei Xianyang, who was as stable as Mount Tai.

Wei Xianyang slowly got up, and the pride condensed at the corners of his eyebrows was still as sharp as ice and frost.

"Now, can you consider my proposal?"

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