Chapter 20

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Author: [Bookmark this chapter] ] [Complaint]Chapter 20
The soft music flows slowly, and the singer's magnetic deep voice is like a lover's whisper. Yue Chu closed her eyes, her fingers gently beat the beat, and lay leisurely on the sofa, as if she was not in a cage but at home.

With a creak, the iron door opened again. Yue Chu opened her eyes and saw a strange alpha walk in. He curled the corners of his mouth slightly and looked at the man with interest.

Du Guzhou promised him that no other alpha would come in, but this was not coming.

This alpha is named Lu Yang, and he is also a top alpha, who is plain-looking and rude. The Omega he fancy doesn't look at him, and he can't fancy his Omega, so he doesn't have a partner yet.

Later, his fox friends gave him the idea of guarding the Omega shelter, maybe one day he would meet the top Omega who committed crimes.

In fact, his friends were all teasing him, but he didn't expect that Lu Yang took it seriously, and specifically found the director of the shelter through his family, just for first-hand news.

Today finally made him wait.

Lu Yang looked at the beautiful Omega lying there lazily, and only felt that saliva was about to come out. Two pairs of eyes were full of evil, and their gaze flowed from their beautiful faces to their slender necks, and they couldn't wait to slide directly into the collar.

Yue Chu sat up straight, her pupils darkened, as if a thick fog filled the air, covering the black with a layer of foggy gray.

As the old saying goes: if you break iron shoes, you can't find a place, and it doesn't take any effort to get it.

Since someone specially sent it to the door, then he is not polite.

Yue Chu smiled lightly, but the words he spit out were extremely harsh: "A garbage alpha like you can also be prestigiously here, if you put it outside, I am afraid that you will already be beaten like a dog who has lost its family, am I right?"

Lu Yang's eyes widened, and he only felt a burst of anger rushing out from his heart, burning his Heavenly Spirit Cover to burst into flames. Yuechu's contemptuous eyes reminded him of the countless scenes of being rejected by Omega, and the face containing contempt overlapped with those people, as if they were all laughing at his incompetence.

Lu Yang clenched his fists, his eyes were red, and he almost bleed. The gaze that looked at Yue Chu was no longer full of meaning, but turned into anger, as if a wild dog with grinning teeth was about to attack.

The mist in Yue Chu's eyes became more and more flowing, and his voice carried a demagogic temptation, like a small hook, hooking out the deepest darkness in Lu Yang's heart little by little.

Lu Yang rushed over and grabbed the silver knife placed on the dining table and rushed towards Yuechu, the not sharp blade reflected a dazzling cold light in the light, making him have a momentary trance.

What am I doing...

But when he looked into Yue Chu's eyes again, the trace of doubt disappeared instantly, and he gritted his teeth and stabbed into Yue Chu's chest without hesitation.

Yue Chu held his hands holding the knife, seemingly blocking him, but in fact he was stabbing deeper and more accurately. Bright red blood flowed out, staining his snow-white sweater, as dazzling as a rose blooming in the snow.

Yue Chu coughed twice, and continued to stimulate him in a cold tone: "Bullying a weak Omega, you are capable of this?"

Lu Yang gasped roughly, frantically pulled out his knife, and stabbed Yue Chu's chest again.

Red blood splashed out, dripping at the corners of Yue Chu's eyes, and slowly sliding down her cheeks, like blood and tears.

He hooked the corners of his mouth, cast his gaze to the snow-white ceiling, and slowly closed his eyes.

Detecting Yuechu's vital signs, a blinding red light lit up in the corridor, the alarm sounded in Ulaula, and the heavily armed staff rushed over in a panic.

The white light illuminated everything, and the staff grabbed Lu Yang, who was still crazy, with difficulty, and pressed him to the ground. The medical staff immediately stepped forward to check Yue Chu's condition, but his injuries were too serious, several places were in critical parts, and if the rescue was not timely, his life would be in danger.

The leader immediately reported and ordered the preparation of the aircraft to send Yue Chu to the central hospital.

Of course, shelters also have their own medical equipment, but most of them deal with simple injuries. They promised to absolutely guarantee Omega's safety, but this time they were slapped in the face, and if they were not handled well, they were likely to trigger large-scale public opinion attacks, and it would be difficult to clean up at that time.

The leader looked at Lu Yang coldly, they had to take a good look at this culprit, and when the time came, they would push everything onto him.

The aircraft whizzed past, and Yue Chu on the stretcher, pale and bloodless, was immediately pushed into the emergency room for rescue.

The surgical light finally went out, and the leader immediately greeted him, for fear that Yue Chu would die on the operating table.

The doctor looked at him coldly: "The operation was successful, and the patient is out of danger. I have called the patrol and ask you to wait. One

Omega was stabbed and seriously injured, which is definitely a big deal, no one can bear the responsibility, and must wait for the patrol to deal with it.

The leader looked ugly, but he had to agree, if he forcibly took Yue Chu away, I was afraid that it would make things even worse. Seeing the order sent by the director, he almost crushed the communicator in his hand, damn Lu Yang!

The dim light of the cellar flickered on and off, barely illuminating the

dark room. The surrounding walls oozed water stains, covered with moss due to chronic dampness, and the sound of ticking water could be heard from time to time, which was particularly clear in the silence.

"I said, I said everything, please don't fight..."

A bloody alpha was tied to the ground with a big hole in his head, his whole face was red and swollen like a pig's head, nosebleeds flowed down the person into his mouth, and an open mouth was full of blood. There were also traces of cigarette butts burned on the arms, which were very standardly connected, and there was not even a single gap in the interval.

A person sitting in the darkness opposite him was none other than Wei Xianyang. His face was grim, his eyes were indifferent, and he didn't even have the slightest fluctuation in the face of this situation, as if what stood in front of him was not a person but an inanimate object.

Wei Xianyang nodded his finger, and the square sapphire ring on his middle finger reflected dazzling light in the light.

"Go on."

There was another wail, until the other party was already dying, he raised his hand and made the person next to him stop.

Wei Xianyang walked to the man's side and looked condescendingly at the alpha lying at his feet like mud, this person used to stand beside Zhou Ran, but now he could only cry and beg for mercy. This is what power tastes like, and the feeling of being in control of someone else's life is really addictive.

Wei Xianyang: "I didn't ask you for anything, but to tell you that the Zhou family can't keep you." If you are funny, I can still leave you with a dog's life; If you continue to die, then don't blame me for being unkind.

"I know, I understand, I will do what you want, don't worry!"

Wei Xianyang nodded lightly: "I hope you really understand that if you dare to regret it at that time, the consequences will definitely be worse than you think."

The man trembled, wishing he could turn back time and move far away from this terrible fellow.

Is this really Omega?

Yue Chu on the hospital bed suddenly opened his eyes, his chest was still wrapped in thick gauze, but his beautiful eyes were oneSlice Qingming.

At this time, he was the only one in the ward, and it was quiet except for the ticking of the machine. Because of the particularity of his identity, the shelter arranged a single room for him, and this time was when the staff handed over the shift, plus the nurse went to check the ward, and the guard was very fragile.

Yue Chu ripped off the tube on his body, endured the pain and got up, gently opened the door and looked out, and sure enough, he saw two people from the shelter talking not far away.

He walked out lightly, just avoiding the sight of the two, turned directly into the corner, sneaked into the utility room while people were not paying attention, and changed himself into a doctor's white coat.

He wore a mask and walked out quickly. When he came, he was not unconscious at all, and had been carefully observing the route of the hospital, just to escape at this moment.

The shelter-managed Omega is missing after being severely injured by a matching alpha, presumably giving them a headache for a while.

However, his current situation is still very dangerous, and in order to avoid being discovered, he must join Wei Xieyang as soon as possible.

After leaving the hospital, wearing a white coat was too conspicuous, Yue Chu took off her clothes and mask, and casually stuffed them into the trash.

At this moment, his keen hearing suddenly caught a small sound of breaking wind, but the excessive blood loss made his reaction a little dull, and it was too late to dodge.

There was a tingling pain in the neck, Yue Chu gritted his teeth and pulled out the needle, and took a few steps forward with the handrail against the vertigo from the invasion, but he still couldn't resist the medicinal properties and stumbled to the ground.

A few gentle white clouds floated in the blue sky, but the dark shadows that appeared against the sunlight encroached on all the light.

"What did you say?!"

Wei Xianyang stood up in disbelief, the fingers placed on his side trembled slightly, and his heart instantly sank to the bottom.

His legs were so weak that he almost fell to his seat, but he had to hold on to the armrests to stabilize his figure.

Yue Chu is gone!

The shelter forcibly matched Yue Chu with the Lu family's alpha, but he did not expect that Lu Yang went crazy and stabbed Yue Chu into a serious injury, and disappeared after being sent to the hospital for rescue.

Originally, the shelter still wanted to hide the facts, but did not expect that the situation was out of control, and the paper could not hold the fire after all, and the news still leaked out.

Wei Xianyang hated to the extreme, and the anger in his eyes swept away with monstrous waves.

They...... How dare you...

According to the regulations, although Yue Chu is guilty, he is only a suspect at this stage, and only the final trial and conviction of the court can be matched. But now the shelter is making its own claims, and the illegal operation is clearly deliberately torturing Yuechu.

He didn't dare to imagine how helpless Yue Chu was at that time, and how he struggled hard under Lu Yang's blade.

They all deserve to die!

Wei Xianyang raised his head, and his eyes were blood-red like a beast. He made all the preparations to clear Yue Chu's name, but he didn't expect that some people wouldn't even give him such an opportunity.

"Everyone go to Yue Chu, call the people from the legal department, I will make the shelter discredited!"

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