Chapter 14

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"How do you feel when you're awake?"

Yue Chu sat on the edge of Wei Xianyang's hospital bed, and couldn't help but smile slightly when she saw him wake up, holding his hand and gently rubbing the back of his hand, her eyes were as gentle as water.

Wei Xianyang stared at him blankly, and after a moment, he suddenly reacted, and his face turned red in an instant. He hurriedly got up from the hospital bed, his eyes moved, and he never dared to face Yue Chu, carefully supporting Yue Chu and pressing the person on the bed.

He didn't stand or sit, his hands didn't know where to swing, he could only put stiffly on the sides of his thighs, more standard than standing in a military posture against the seam of his trousers, and when he opened his mouth, he didn't see his usual sharp and smooth, and he stumbled and laughed.

Wei Xieyang: "Quick... Lie down and rest, waist... It doesn't hurt, I'll rub it for you. Yue

Chu was amused, but he didn't expect Wei Xianyang, who looked unattainable, to be so pure. He deliberately turned over, exposing half of his waistline, fair skin with a graceful arc to bring out a green temptation, coupled with a lovely waist socket, only Wei Xianyang glanced at it, and immediately the top of his head was angry, and red light spread from his face to his neck.

Wei Xianyang sat stiffly on the edge of the bed like a puppet, and his outstretched fingers seemed to stop in the air for a long time with some fear, before he gently landed on Yue Chu's waist like playing a piano, rubbing it for him with moderate strength.

Yue Chu turned her face sideways, lying on the pillow, and stared at Wei Xianyang with a deep smile.

Wei Xianyang was hot from his stare, his Adam's apple slipped restlessly, and he fixed his gaze on the iron pillar at the head of the bed.

They...... Heavenly, as soon as he remembered the scene last night, Wei Xianyang felt that he was going to have a nosebleed, and the cells all over his body were restless. When he faced Yue Chu again, all his feelings changed qualitatively.

The flexible touch under his fingertips made him tremble, even if he pretended to look away, the corners of his eyes always involuntarily captured Yue Chu's movements, and between breaths, he could smell the faint aroma of Yue Chu's body, which was the fragrance that could only be smelled after the two exchanged pheromones.

His heart pounded, making him want to hold his chest to avoid exposing his excitement in shame.

Yue Chu chuckled, and there was a hint of sweetness in the flow of light, so sweet that Wei Xianyang was dizzy.

Yue Chu: "Your Highness, you are so gentle.

The tips of Wei Xianyang's ears were red, and he moved his position for a moment before clearing his throat and saying calmly: "All I should do."

Wei Xianyang: Am I right in saying that? It won't make Yue Chu angry, right? Is the answer too official? Doesn't feel too flattering?

Although there was a marriage contractor, the innocence between Wei Xianyang and Du Guzhou was unbelievable, let alone such a close relationship, the two did not even hold hands. The first time he heard his lover's sweet words, his heart was as happy as a little rabbit, but he couldn't help but worry that he wasn't doing well enough.

Yes, Wei Xianyang has very consciously upgraded Yue Chu to his lover, he will be good to him, love him for the rest of his life, and never separate. Although he knows how difficult and resistant the two Omegas are together, he will definitely support Yue Chu and introduce him to everyone in an upright manner.

Well...... Whether to use light blue to arrange the wedding, he felt that Yue Chu was very suitable for light blue, like a gentle sea, which could accommodate all. At that time, the royal family and the Yue family will have to be invited, as well as their friends and classmates, so there should be many people...

Yue Chu still didn't know that Wei Xianyang had almost thought of the child's name, so he weighed it for a moment or decided to tell Wei Xianyang about Du Guzhou's visit first.

Yue Chu: "Du Guzhou came to see you in the morning, and you happened to be resting, so I didn't let him in." If you want to see him, just give him a call. Of

course, Yue Chu would not say good things to his love rival, he deliberately interlocked his ten fingers with Wei Xianyang, and put a little sadness between his eyebrows.

"Although he is your betrothed, I am still angry with him because what he has done has put you in danger, and I can no longer feel comfortable putting you in his hands. Your Highness, if he looks like this now, I am afraid that he will not be able to care about you even more when he goes to the army in the future, I am very worried. Yue

Chu's face did not have the sweet tenderness just now, he pulled Wei Xianyang's hand to his face, and his worried eyes turned to Wei Xianyang, telling the worry in his heart.

Wei Xianyang's heart suddenly hurt, and he leaned down and took Yue Chu into his arms.

To be honest, the relationship between the three people is really a bit chaotic: Yue Chu obviously likes Du Guzhou, but he is with him; He and Du Guzhou are marriage contractors, but they have already scattered and have a relationship with Yue Chu by chance.

Wei Xianyang didn't know what Yue Chu's feelings were for him, but he knew that it didn't matter anymore, the important thing was that they were already closely entangled and inseparable.

Yue Chu can only be his, this is his promise.

Wei Xianyang's gaze shone, and his beautiful eyes did not hide their aggression and slightness.

Wei Xianyang: "I don't like unclear relationships, so first of all, I want to confirm with you, from today, no, we have been lovers since yesterday, right?" Yue

Chu was stunned, he thought of many options, but he didn't expect that he would take Wei Xianyang in just one night, and successfully upgrade the revolutionary friendship, and become a lover in one fell swoop.

Wei Xianyang is really a... Good man.

His smile bloomed, brilliant as a flower, and he nodded seriously, placing Wei Xianyang's hand on his chest, and his talking eyes responded to Wei Xianyang's words with a light smile.

Wei Xianyang's eyes moved slightly, and he said: "Since we have the same idea, then don't use the raw title of 'you' and 'Your Highness', just call me Xieyang, and I will call you Xiaochu." "

Xiao Chu... Yue Chu felt that this title was too silly, but he really couldn't call it intimate with only two words in his name. He rummaged through his memories and began to recall how the general called him at the beginning, but after thinking for a long time, he found that the general had never called his name, he had always been "you you you", and he did not speak in bed.

Well, Xiao Chu is Xiao Chu.

Wei Xianyang: "As for Du Guzhou, my fate with him is exhausted, and I will find an opportunity to break the marriage contract, you don't have to worry about this." Wei

Xianyang's promise seemed very responsible to any lover, but Yue Chu had doubts. He let the system bring up the board, as green tea can be said that he has done very successfully so far, Wei Xianyang and Du Guzhou were separated by him, and the possibility of recombination is very small. However, after checking the world line, he found that the chance of world destruction was only reduced by 30%, and there was still a seventy percent chance of BE.

This shows that the relationship between the two protagonists is not the decisive factor in the destruction of the world, and his task is far from complete.

Little bear is also crazy, tugging at his ears and spinning, and his two big eyes are spinning in circles.

What's going on? Obviously, the value of green tea is full, but the world line is still stuck at one-third of the progress, which is not scientific!

No wonder the previous twelve systems came to do the task did not complete, this task is simply hellish difficulty.

Yue Chu raised his eyebrows lightly, oh, it turns out that this world has been raided by twelve people, and they have not succeeded, which shows how wasteful this green tea system is.

His eyes moved slightly, and a flash of inspiration flashed in his heart, and he had some thoughts.

Yue Chu stretched out her arm to hold Wei Xianyang's face, and the smile on her face became rich, with a hint of dangerous temptation, like the satanic serpent that tempted Adam in the Garden of Eden.

Yue Chu: "Xie Yang, can I ask you a question that looks tacky?"

Wei Xianyang put his hand over the back of his hand and nodded.

Yue Chu: "What is your ideal?" Wei

Xianyang was a little dazed, ideal? He didn't think too much, because his end was doomed from birth, and accompanying Du Guzhou through his life was his goal. However, at this time, when asked by Yue Chu, the seed buried deep in his heart seemed to be poked, turning out of the dark soil and peeping into the new world.

Yue Chu: "We are both Omegas, and our origins are so prominent, it is almost impossible to want to be together. I don't want to be separated from you, so we must have enough strength in our hands to fight the difficulties that may be encountered.

Wei Xianyang seemed to understand something, but thinking of this, he felt pity in his heart, and he couldn't bear to let Yue Chu suffer such embarrassment. Yue Chu was right, if he was strong enough, how could he need Yue Chu to endure such injustice.

Yue Chumo held his absolutely beautiful face, his gaze staring at Wei Xianyang's eyes for a moment, and the sincerity inside was burning like a blazing fire.

Yue Chu: "Don't break the marriage contract first, it may seem despicable to say this, but we really need Du Guzhou's strength." The

benefits of the marriage with Du Guzhou to Wei Xieyang are self-evident, this is a card that he can use in his hands, and it is a pity to give it to others like this. Yue Chu not only had to use it, but also squeeze Du Guzhou's value as much as possible.

Yue Chu chuckled: "Your Highness, haven't you thought about that position?" As far as I know, although everyone assumes that Omega does not have the right to inherit the throne, it is clearly stipulated that Omega's prince has equal inheritance rights.

Wei Xianyang's heart jumped, as if some secret mind had been provoked. It's just that this idea is very difficult to implement, and the best way to encroach on imperial power in his position is to enter the army, but Omega's estrus period is simply a deadly zha bullet, and it simply does not work.

Yue Chu wiped the creases between Wei Xianyang's eyebrows with her fingers, "Don't worry, Your Highness, I have a way, you forgot that yesterday I was not affected by estrus."

Wei Xianyang then remembered, yes, Yue Chu should have been infected by him yesterday, but he was like someone who was fine, not only took him, but also taught those people a hard lesson.

Wei Xianyang's eyes became brighter and brighter, and he couldn't help but grab Yue Chu's fingertips and put them on his lips and kiss them, and when his hot and tender lips touched the slightly cool fingers, he realized what he had done.

He froze at first, and then put Yue Chu's hand down in a panic, and spun around like a headless fly, before picking up the apple in the fruit basket and casually cutting one for Yue Chu.

Wei Xianyang blushed and handed the apple to Yue Chu's mouth, "Eat the apple, I will think about what you say." Yue

Chu did not answer, but took a bite of Wei Xianyang's hand, and then held his hand and handed the apple to Wei Xianyang's mouth.

"The apple is very sweet, His Highness tastes it, and I am looking forward to one day being able to walk side by side with His Highness."

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