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So this still 1st chap of the story by wulan152
I know seems like so lame, boring nd cliche but as usual it's just the beginning..

I hope y guys enjoy the

"Impossible! He must be lying!"
"Don't believe what he said! Look clearly he is a man!" Said a handsome man ...

while the sweet-looking man just sat quietly on the couch and bowing his head ...

his eyes fell even more heavy with the words of the handsome man ...

hurt ...

how could the man say that in front of many people ...

"Ma! Don't believe in his words! Yes, I admit we had slept together! But only once that I was drunk!

"Yibo calm yourself ..."
said his mother

"oh I know! You must be a bitch right! You deliberately trapped me that night who was very drunk ... so you can ask for accountable actions that I never wanted! You're the same as a crazy woman treasure outside ther-"

"Enough! That's enough!" The sweet man slapped the man who was older than him.

he stared sharply but his tears could not be held until it was dripping.

"you said i'm a bitch !!!? Do you not remember that night I just came out of the taxi and then you came and drag me to the hotel! I rebelled but you hit me! there's not my will Mr. Wang but you first doing it ! I don't need your accountability! I can take care of this kid myself"


that night sweet young man named Xiao Zhan just arrived in the big city ... he just got off the train and got into a taxi

" Sir, do you know where the cheap apartment in this city?"
He asked the taxi driver

"You just came from the village? big cities are not as good as the village ... let's say big cities are terrible everyone in this city is very busy with their respective jobs and yes looking for work here is very difficult but it doesn't matter before trying not to give up ... I know where the apartment you want"

Xiao Zhan justifies the words of the taxi driver ... it's already night but still around 10pm, the taxi drivers dropped him off in an apartment building yes it's not good but not that bad, Xiao Zhan just wanted to step but failed because someone pulled it ...

Xiao Zhan was surprised he turned to see the handsome man and yes that is Yibo. he pulled Xiao Zhan hand till hit his chest but zhan strongly pushing him away.

"Hey..What are you doing!"

Yibo did not listen
He prefers to bring Xiao Zhan back into the kiss, again Xiao Zhan try to rebel but this time it did not come off. Wang Yibo finished his kiss and now the man was pulling him somewhere.

Xiao Zhan jerked Yibo's hand and trying to run but something hit his head until he fell.
In that moment he can't do anything while yibo carrying him.

the smell of alcohol was very strong makes Xiao Zhan who was already dizzy with the hit on his head was getting more dizzy with the smell of alcohol, finally he vomited on Yibo's shirt.

Yibo dropped Xiao Zhan on the sidewalk ...
he crouched and slapped Xiao Zhan's cheek

"How dare you!"

Xiao Zhan fell limp,
His eyes began to blur and he fainted.

Xiao Zhan opened his eyes slowly ... He saw someone was lying on him ... And at that time the young man named Xiao Zhan immediately squealed in pain

"Akhhh what you.. hiks .. doing... hiks hiks ahh let me go .. jerk!"

Yes, Yibo is now raping him...continues to rape Xiao Zhan without paying heed to Xiao Zhan's yelling or cursing...

"Ahhh.. Cheng Xiao you are so delicious... ahhh'

Everything is ruined... Xiao Zhan's life was ruined that night... he was raped by someone he didn't know... and he was very hurt when Wang Yibo called someone else's name

Xiao Zhan understands this is the release of the man above him...
Xiao Zhan finally fainted when Yibo had released a lot of sperm in his sweet-hole.


In the morning...
Xiao Zhan woke up again, he slowly opened his eyes... hoping it was all a bad dream but when he heard a voice he finally cried again uncontrollably

"I don't know what happened last night...sorry for raping you...I will pay you...but not now...I don't have any money...here is my apartment address...you can go there to collect the money"

After putting down his apartment address paper and also his name...Wang Yibo just left leaving Xiao Zhan who was still crying silently...

His voice seemed to just disappear because he kept screaming last night...

"I'm sorry grandma.. hiks now zhan is destroyed, zhan is dirty, zhan is broken.. grandma.. aaarrgghh"


Two months after the incident, Xiao Zhan left the hospital... he sat in the city park still looking at a paper of the examination results

He was still looking the ultrasound paper and photo until his voice interrupted him


Xiao Zhan quickly wiped away his tears...he forced a smile in front of the girl who greeted him

"Hey, what's up?"

"Gege, is that a photo of baby? "

Uh Xiao Zhan saw the child's hand pointing to the ultrasound photo...
how did this child know

"Hmm..how do you know?"

"My mom also has one... she said it was a photo of my sister who was still in her belly..."

Xiao Zhan stroked the child's long hair...
"Is that true?"

"yes it is right...Gege knows I'm very happy to hear that mom will give me a sibling...papa is also happy to hear that... papa forbids mom to do this and that...Gege do you have a baby here too?"

The girl touched his stomach.
Xiao Zhan was shocked...but he still smiled


"Wow, Gege's husband must be very happy to hear that... congrats, Gege, don't give up okay.. I'll go play first bye bye Gege"

Xiao Zhan waved his hand...

Don't give up.. huh ??
That's right what the girl said...

don't give up...

the same words he said before going to this big city...

Xiao Zhan felt in his pocket... took out a piece of paper...
"I have to meet this man"

At first Xiao Zhan came to Yibo's apartment...but nothing the man wasn't there...but thankfully the security guard told him the man's office address.

Xiao Zhan went there and Yibo wasn't there either...the mood of everyone he asked was very good...showed where Yibo's parents lived

And that's the beginning

flashback end

Xiao Zhan stepped out of the house ... he can take care of his baby himself without the interference of other people ...

And about his grandmother in the village, he will keep all of this a secret until he has his own income and brings his child back to the village.

To Be Continue~
24 august 2023

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