Y/n's pov

On the television in front of me plays my favorite sitcom, 'The Brady Bunch' when a voice enters the room.

"Mrs. Barnes your presence is being requested by Mr. Stark in the main conference room." 

"Thank you F.R.I.D.A.Y. Tell them I'll be down in a sec." I sigh as I sit up pausing the TV. 

When I make my way to the conference room, the team is already there, Nick Fury and Tony standing at the front of the room next to a screen that has the Avengers logo on it. 

"Y/n! Nice of you to finally grace us with your presence. Please take a seat." Fury booms. 

I maneuver myself through the chairs scattered across the room and find the seat next to my dad. "Hey, doll." He whispers. 

Tony finally breaks the silence between everyone. "I'm sure you're wondering why you're here, since this was an unplanned meeting." Everyone continues to stay silent. 

"We have recently discovered another HYDRA base that went underground when we located the rest of the bases; this may very well be the most dangerous one we have found yet. Their technology is miles higher than the rest of the bases we have taken down." Fury explains.

"This mission is dangerous and requires the whole team." Tony glances at my dad with a sigh. "Everybody. No exceptions." I reassuringly grab my dad's hand and squeeze it as he looks up at me with a sad smile. "I'm ok." He mouths.

"It will be tough to get inside, but it will be even tougher to get what we need and get out with no casualties. That is why we need everybody." 

"We leave at 5, bright and early. Rest up, you'll need it."

Before anyone can ask any questions Nick leaves. I look at the floor and zone out, lost in my thoughts. My dad was at Hydra for nearly 70 years. I know he hates it and doesn't want me to go on this mission. I also know he believes Nick and knows I must go. They need my powers. They need me. 

Edited 6/18/24

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