Bucky's pov
I'm still so nervous about y/n coming on this mission. I can't loose her. The quinjet lands in Cambodia at the Hydra base. Everyone runs out and we are already met with guards shooting at us from left and right. Suddenly a blast of energy knocks all of the guards out, I look over and see Steve smiling at y/n. I think to myself, I know y/n is a good fighter, I've trained her myself. She can do this she has Sam and her powers to protect her.

Nat and I run off and start to fight. Suddenly Tony annocues over coms for y/n, Sam, Nat, and I to go inside. Once me and Nat find an entrance and manage to get inside, I see y/n fighting off a guard while she's limping and her legs bloody. I run over to her. "Y/n are you ok. Your bleeding!"

She reply's with "I'm fine dad, I just got stabbed in the leg." I don't believe her. She got stabbed there's no way she's fine. I ask her "Are you sure?" She looks at me and give me a smile of reassurance. "I'm sure dad. I love you!" Before I can reply she runs off and continues fighting.

I sigh but go back to Nat. "Is y/n ok?" Nat asks me. "I'm not sure, she got stabbed, but she said she's fine." I reply. Then I hear steve announce over coms asking me if I have the bomb Nick gave me to blow up the place. I answer and say. "Yep, Nat and I are in the middle of the base and I've just hit the timer. Everyone you have 10 minutes to get out!"

I turn back to Nat and we run as fast as we can to get out and knock out any guards in our way. Before the timer goes off we get back to the quinjet and see everyone else there. I see Tony, Clint, Wanda, Vision, Steve, Sam and the rest of the Avengers. Something doesn't feel right. Suddenly the bomb goes off and then I realize what was wrong. I ask "Where is y/n?" I look around and don't see her anywhere.

"Sam where the hell is y/n" I yell at Sam. "I'm not sure" He reply's quietly. "What the fuck do you mean you don't know. That's my daughter we're talking about!" I scream at him. "We had to split up. There was no other way. I assumed she would make it back in time." Sam says. I walk over to him and grab him by the throat.

"You're dead to me Wilson" I say to him. Everyone talks amongst each other as they discuss what happened. Tony starts up the quinjet and begins to take off. "Tony what are you doing? We have to go back for her.

If she's still alive I can't just leave her there!" I yell at Tony. He replies "I'm sorry Barnes. It's not safe here anymore. We can come back once the fire goes out and look for her." I exhale not knowing what to say and go and sit down as far away from everyone as I can. I think, why did I let her come. I knew something bad was gonna happen. I'm a terrible father. This is all my fault.

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