Y/n's pov
(This takes place 6 years later when y/n is 21)
I wake up on the cold, hard floor of my cell. A guard comes in. "Stand up." He commands. I do as he says. I get up and I hold out my hands knowing what is about to happen. It happens every week.

The guard puts handcuffs on me and push's me towards the lab at the end of the hall. I sit down in the chair and sigh. I'm about to get wiped again. I don't understand why it happens every week, but it does. 2 guards strap me down and one puts something in my mouth for me to bite down on. Doctors walk in and start pushing buttons and the machine starts. I scream out in pain as the process begins.

Once it's over Pierce walks in. "Soldier?" He asks sternly. "Ready to comply." I respond emotionless. " I have a new mission for you. I need you to retrieve more super soldier serum. It's being held at a secure facility known as the Avengers compound." I don't say anything. I'm trained not to. "Suit up. You leave in 10 minutes."

I stand up and leave not saying anything and leave to go on my mission. After my suit is on I get on a motorcycle and go to the facility. It's heavily guarded, but nothing I can't handle. I easily make my way in. Once I'm in I make my way to the room where the serums being held.  I see a guy walk around the corner. He has blond hair and looks me dead in the eye. "Who the hell are you?" He asks.

I don't say anything I take a gun and shoot him in the leg. I assume others heard the gun shot and they come running into the room. I'm met with a boy who looks like a spider, a man in an tin suit, and a man with a metal arm. They all start attacking me. I easily knock all 3 of them down. Then the man with the metal arm gets back up. He punches me in the face making my mask fall off. "Y/n?" He asks. He looks happy and yet terrified. "Who the hell is y/n?" I reply.

He stays looking at me like a deer in headlights. He punch him hard in the head knocking him out. I continue to walk towards the room with the serum. I feel something sticky attach to my ankle and it pulls me down and I hit my head hard.I stand back up and look at the boy who did it. It's the spider boy. He begins to fight me and I fight back. He's a good little fighter, but no match for me. I easily knock him out.

The tin man attempts to fight me to, but I easily knock him out with my powers. I finally enter the room with the serum. I pick up a briefcase and open it up to make sure the serum is there. "Package acquired" I say. Once I have the briefcase, I hear someone walk in. Before I can turn around I feel a punch to the head. It knocks me down and I hit my head hard on the floor, knocking me out.

I wake up in a lab, strapped to a table. Guards start to beat and torture me. I say weakly, "Please let me go. Stop please." They don't stop. Suddenly I'm in a room surrounded by bodies. I think, oh my god, I did this. There's blood on one of my hands and a gun in the other.

I wake up in a cell to a man comforting me. It's the man in the middle arm. I'm crying and skating uncontrollably. He says softly. "Hey it's ok. It's just a nightmare." I say back " Where am I? Who are you?" He says back "You're in the Avengers compound. Can you tell me your name?"

I look down and I think hard. No matter how hard I try I can't remember. "I-I don't know, I can't remember." "Damn it" he says under his breath. He doesn't think I heard, but I did. "I'm sorry." I say. "Do I know you?" He replies, "yes. I'm your father."

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