3rd person pov

"Alright, there's two on the parking deck. One of them is Maximoff, I'll grab her. Rhodey you wanna take Cap?" Tony announces over coms.

"I've got two in the terminal. Barnes and Wilson."

"Barnes is mine." T'Challa finally speaks up.


"What the hell is that?" Wilson questions, almost sounding disgusted.

"Why does my daughter always have to choose the weird ones?"

As Peter crashes through the windows of the airport terminal, he kicks them out of the way, y/n following close behind him, propelling herself upwards as purple mist flows from her hands.

"You know Mr. Barnes, your metal arm never fails to amaze me." Peter speaks, in awe of Bucky as he catches one of his punches.

Whilst Peter and Bucky are in the midst of a fight, Sam and y/n are in the midst of their own. "Are we still friends?" Sam asks as he throws another punch at her.

"Sure we are as long as you make sure my dad snatches that cure for the trigger words."

"Deal." As the fighting gets more heated, y/n begins to throw purple balls of mist at Sam, pushing him back.

"You think you could cut me some slack so we can go get your cure?"

"You mean let you win? Never." Y/n chuckles in response.


"Captain Rogers" Vision states as he draws a line in the ground with his stone

"I know you believe that what you are doing is right. But for the collective good you must surrender now." Peter, Tony, Natasha, T' Challa, Rhodey, and y/n appear on either side of Vision.

"What do we do Cap?"

"We fight."

"This is gonna end well." Natasha says sarcastically while cracking her neck.

"They're not stopping." Y/n exclaims.

"Neither are we."


"Hey y/n?"

"Yeah Tony?" Y/n responds, not looking up from her book.

"I found where your dads going." This forced y/n to look up. She had not seen her dad for a few days after he and Steve had gotten on the jet to go to the base.

"I'm about to leave to go get him. I was wondering if you wanna come?"

"Of course I want to."

"Good then. Let's go."


The chopper carrying Tony and y/n began to slow down over the middle of the ocean.

"Tony? What's happening?"

"Had to make a pitstop."

As the chopper begins to lower down a large building appears out of the water.

"Woah." Y/n exclaims.

"So? You got the file? Let's reroute the satellites, start facilitating scanning for this Zemo guy." Tony says to Ross as he exits the helicopter

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