"Tony?" Amelia called as she wandered through the empty Avengers compound. 

"Amelia is that you?" a voice called back. "Yeah, Tony it's just me. Can I talk to you?"

"Of course kid. What's up?" 

"Did you know?" Amelia's happy demeanor immediately changed.

"Know what?"

"Don't bull shit me, Tony. Did you know?" 

"Lia slow down. Know what?"

"That my entire life has been a lie? Ever since Ultron? I had a life Tony, a love. I know damn well u could've brought my memory back, or at least tried. So why didn't you?"

"Lia-" The Iron Man, for once, was at a loss for words. He had never thought this day would come. 

"How did you find out?"

"Come with me." 


The Amethyst had taken Tony back to her apartment in the heart of New York that she had set up after the Avengers broke up in case she ever needed it. She led him back to the guest bedroom where Pietro lay, unconscious and tied up by purple magic bands.

"Lia, what did you do?" 

"I took some new knowledge and my magic and I combined it."

"Lia, Pietro is dead. What the hell did you do?" 

"I went back in time."

Eventually, Amelia and Tony sat down and she explained everything that had been happening for the last few months, between Peter and trying to find out who she really is. 

"My god Lia, this is wrong on so many levels. Do you know what could happen with you traveling through time?" He rubbed his face with his hands and paused, thinking about what to say next. "Lia, look. I know your dad is gone, and we have no idea where he is. But if you being alone is going to lead to things like this happening, maybe you need to move back into the compound."

"Tony I did this for a reason. Do you know what my powers are capable of? I could travel the multiverse. I could find a cure for every sickness, every disease. Nobody would ever leave me or us ever again. I just need time to figure it all out."

"I am seriously concerned about you Lia. You need to take that Pietro back to wherever you got him and come back home with me. Please."

"I'm sorry Tony; you know I can't do that."


"I know there's something that could help me," Lia mumbled to herself as she searched the shelves of the Kamar Taj library.

"Lia?" A voice called out from behind her. "I thought you went home?" Lia turned around to find a drowsy, looking Stephen behind her. 

"Sorry. I came back to look for something. What are you doing up? Isn't it like 3 am?"

"Yeah, couldn't sleep. Do you need help?"

"Oh, no, I'm fine." She waved Stephen away, figuring it was best not to tell him what she was looking for. A book. Not just any book, the Darkhold. She had heard about it, only in myth during her time at Kamar Taj. She knew it contained the spells to help her search the multiverse. 

"Bingo." She pulled out a large black book and ran her fingers over the thick leather covering. "Let's go home." She pulled her sling ring out of her pocket and placed it over her fingers. She closed her eyes and imagined her destination, but something stopped her, someone.

"Ugh." Lia groaned. "Wong, what are you doing?" 

"I should ask you the same question. What are you doing with the Darkhold? That's the book of the damned, it'll corrupt you."

"I'm sorry Wong." Lia waved a purple string of magic into Wong's head, forcefully making him leave the room. "Now, let's go."

Lia opened a golden portal back to her apartment where she found a, now awake, Pietro. 

"What's that?" He asked his eyes traveling down to the Amethyst's hands. 

"Oh! This? It's just a new toy nothing for you to worry about." 

"Can I go back home yet?" Pietro whined.

"No." Lia simply panned. "I think we need to pay a visit to your sister."


Edinburgh, Scotland.

"Hey Wands." Lia smiled as Wanda opened up the door to find her best friend whom she hadn't seen in nearly two years.

"Lia! Oh my gosh, you have no idea how happy I am to see you!" Wanda engulfed Amelia in a bear hug. 

"Yeah, you might want to rethink that," Lia spoke muffled into Wanda's shoulder. 

"What-" Wanda was cut off as her twin brother revealed himself from behind the wall next to the two. "Pietro? Oh my god, Lia what did you do?"

"Cut the bull shit, Wanda. How could you, of all people, not tell me my entire life was a lie? My memories aren't even my own."

"Lia, I'm sorry, I truly am, but believe me, if I could've told you I would have. But what is my very much dead brother doing here?"

"Dead? I'm not dead I'm right here-" Wanda engulfed Pietro in a hug, just as she had previously done to Amelia, with tears running down her face.

"Wanda, do you two wanna take a walk with me? I can explain everything." Wanda silently nodded as she slowly let go of her brother.

The trio silently strolled down a silent sidewalk as Lia broke the silence. "I learned how to travel through time." 

"What how?" 

"It was a mistake, a total mistake, but I-" She paused. "Pietro?" She frantically looked around for Pietro who had gone missing, as she turned her head around she saw him at a TV, a few feet back from where the two were. "What are you doing?" She asked as she jogged back to him, staring at a TV in a window of a shop.


"What?" Lia breathed out as she saw the one and only Spiderman fly across the screen as New York was being attacked and her friend, Dr. Strange, being beamed up onto a large circular ship.

"Wanda we have to go- oh my god!" Lia screamed out as a large scepter was stabbed through her abdomen. "Wanda run!" She breathed out between her screams of pain. "No, I'm not leaving again." Wanda formed a scarlet red ball in her hands to throw at Lia's attacker, but before she could throw it, a stream of blue energy threw her into a nearby shop window. 

"Wanda!" Vision yelled as he appeared out of seemingly nowhere. Before he could run to his partner's side, another blue blast hit him straight to Corvus Glaive who used his scepter to attempt to remove the mind stone from his head. "Vision!" Wanda yelled as she flung him away from his attacker. 

"Leave him!" Proxima Midnight yelled after her partner who went after Vision. "We got one out of the two, we'll come back for him." Proxima dragged a limp Amethyst back to the train station where they could be picked up by their ship and return to their father. 

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