Y/n's pov

I'm suddenly pulled from my thoughts when my dad calls my name. "Y/n? Y/n?" When I hear him I look up. He's looking at me concerned. "You know you don't have to go on this mission if you're not comfortable or ready." He says to me softly.

I reply " No. I want to. You guys need me. You need my powers."

 "Ok. You know I'm always here if you want to talk."

 "I know Dad. I love you."

My dad sighs while he stands up and places a gentle kiss on my head. "Love you more." 

The following morning I woke up from my recurring nightmare. My dad left me alone, him turning back into what Hydra made him, him not even being my real dad. Any nightmare that had happened had turned out to be true thus far in my life. It's as if my powers were giving me a warning, helping me predict the future. Of course, I know I'm just messing with myself, my dad would never leave me or do anything to hurt me. 

I mindlessly walk to the Quinjet hanger, lost in my thoughts. "Who's there?" A voice yells from inside of the jet. 

"It's just me, Cap." 

"Good, you startled me." He chuckles


"Yeah, Y/n?"

"Can I ask you a question?"

"You can ask me anything shoot." He looks up at me as he leaves the jet, wiping his hands on a spare towel. 

"Does my dad seem ok to you?"

"Not that I've noticed, why? Did something happen?"

"No nothing, it was just a silly dream. He just seemed a little off when he heard about the mission that's all."

"Well, you know how he is Y/n. You'd feel the same way if you had your mind put in a blender just to find out that the Hydra had not been taken down as you had hoped."

After a few hours on the jet, I must've fallen asleep. I sit up and rub the sleepiness out of my eyes. "Morning doll. Did you sleep well?" My dad asks softly. He gently kisses my head and pushes the hair out of my face. "Morning Dad. I slept alright." I completely omit the fact I had another nightmare about him. Before he says anything I get up and run to the bathroom, I know he knows something is wrong. 

I slam the door to the bathroom behind me and clench the sides of the sink, breathing shakily. I'm not ready for this. I think to myself. I can feel the sink beginning to crack under my grip. I know I have to do this for the team. I push all my thoughts out of my mind and stuff the bad feeling I have about this mission way down deep inside me and force a fake smile on my face before walking out and joining the rest of the team.

Edited 6/21/24

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