"Hey Y/n. You're ok, you're ok."

"Peter what happened?" Y/n asked again, more sternly than the first time.

"There was an explosion at Delmars. There was the guys with crazy high-tech weapons, and I think you got hit by one."

At that news Y/n attempted to adjust herself in her bed to get into a more comfortable position. She tried to move for about 10 seconds before giving up.

"Hey, do you need some help?" Peter asked softly.

"Peter, I can't feel my legs."


Multiple doctors had come in to check on y/n and to do some analysis' on why she can't feel her legs.

"Well, I think I've found the source of your issue y/n." A doctor stated stoically, as if this wasn't some possibly life-altering statement he was about to make. Y/n's eyes flickered around the room to each person inside, with straight fear glimmering in her eyes. Though there were only four people in the room it felt like it took a century just to take a single glance at each one of them.

The doctor took a deep breath before continuing, "It seems the roof the collapsed in on you fractured parts of your spine, hence your current state."

"Is it permanent?" Tony asked from the opposite corner of the room, from which he had been quiet. He didn't exactly know what to say. Y/n had been so close to dying, he really started to think what life could be like without her, with Bucky being who knows where he had tried to step up to the plate of being as best of a father figure as he could to y/n. His experiences had made him realize how much he truly did love y/n and having almost a daughter of his own. Could a daughter of his own be in the picture for him someday?

"At this point there is really no way to tell at this point. She could go to physical therapy and she could gain her strength back or the function of her legs could be permanently gone."


5 months later~

Over the five months following this event Y/n had began to get some mobility back into the lower half of her body through many vigorous physical therapy sessions, but she had not gained enough strength back to walk on her own.

"Hey Kiddo! How are you feeling?" Tony asked as he walked into Y/n's room.

"I'm alright, just ready to go home."

"I think I may have a way to help with that." Y/n gave Tony a perplexed look. How could Tony possibly help Y/n? All Y/n had done in the past five months was go to physical therapy after physical therapy session, barely making any progress. She had fallen more times than she could count as this point.

On top of all that her mental health had been slowly deteriorating back to how it had been when her dad first left. It take a toll on a person, staying in one place for so long, not being able to walk on your own, barely having any human interaction. Sure Peter and Tony visited her, with the occasional Nat, but they had their own lives. Tony had his company and Peter had school, on top of Avenger things. All that doesn't leave much time for Y/n.

One month ago

"Hey Y/n! I brought you your favorite pizza! You want some?"

No response.

"Hey babe are you ok?" Peter asked while sitting down on Y/n's bed next to her, gently rubbing her back.

Y/n turned to Peter with glossy eyes. "Peter I'm not sure how much longer I can do this."

"Do what?"

"Be here in this place. It's sucking the life out of me. I'm going stir-crazy."

"I know how you feel. How-"

Y/n interrupted Peter, "How could you possibly know how I feel? Have you ever been stuck in one place for so long, not being allowed to leave, and not being able to do anything your self? I need help just to go to the fucking bathroom that's three feet away from me. How could you know how I feel?"


"How could you possibly help my situation right now? It's not like you can just give me someone legs."

"I can give you something similar." Y/n gave him a questioning look before he took a breath and continued.

"After what happened to Rhodey I thought of a way to help him and I think I could do the same for you. I built him a frame that went around his legs and helped him to be able to move freely again. And now I can do the same for you."

"And you didn't think of this five months ago? Do you know how long I've been in this place slowly losing my mind? Ever since the accident at Delmar's my nightmares have been back and worse than before. Sometimes I wish I was still at HYDRA. At least then I couldn't think about anything else, or have to worry about anything besides making my owner happy."

"Y/n don't say that. You know you don't mean it. I'm sorry I hadn't thought of this sooner, but hey no time like the present."

Y/n stared down at her hands, then slowly let her gaze travel down to her legs.

"When can it be done?" She whispered quietly.


One week later

"Hey Y/n! How you feeling kiddo?" Tony asked as he entered the room.

"I'm alright. I've been trying to stay positive since I know that I'll hopefully be able to walk again soon."

"Well hopefully I'll make your day then." Tony pulled out what he had been hiding behind his back, a small metal structure only a few inches long.

"Um Tony I think you may have made it a few sizes too small."

"Just wait."

Tony walked over to Y/n and stretched the waist part of the structure over her waist and as soon as it clicked, it begin to expand to fit Y/n perfectly.

"I used the same technology as I did for Peter's suit."

"Thank you Tony it's perfect." Y/n smiled. Maybe she was on her way back to being normal. Well as normal as she could get.

Y/n attempted to stand up, but slightly wobbled.

"Woah take it one step at a time kiddo."

Y/n tried to take a step, almost falling forward, but after flailing her arms around to keep balanced, she successfully took her first step after months of being paralyzed.


Peter's pov

"The spiders dead Ned."

After seeing Peter in his room, taking off his suit, Ned had found the 'big secret 'or at least half of it. He still knew nothing about who Y/n really was.

A/n.   I'm sorry this chapter has taken so long to get out! I was having writers block and then I got sick, so this chapter is honestly awful.  I don't know why I moved the plot so fast in this chapter, but I just wanted to get to the action so yeah. I'm on Christmas break now so I'll hopefully be able to get at least two chapters out before I go back to school. Have a happy holiday! 

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