"Welcome to Kamar-Taj." A powerful voice spoke. The amethyst glanced around looking for where the voice was coming from.

"I am the Ancient One. What brings you here?"

"Um-" Amelia stuttered trying to find exactly where she was supposed to be talking to. "I heard about this place, I honestly thought it was just a rumor. I'm here for answers."

"Aren't we all?"

"Well, uhm, I suppose the main reason I came is I heard about this book here. The book of Vishanti. I think it has what I am looking for somewhere within it."

"I know why you are here Amethyst. You are seeking what lies within you. But the book of Vishanti is not what you need."

"Great! So you can help me. Can I at least see you first?"

At that, a woman emerged from a dark corner. She had pale white skin, no hair, and had yellow robes upon her skin. "The book of Vishanti is not what you need." She repeated. "The book of Vishanti is for the power of light. What you have surging within you is not light. It is darkness. The darkness that will cause the fall of our universe. The Apex Witch."

"So how long have you been here, Steven?" Lia spoke to the odd man she had met in her time at Kamar-Taj. He told her that he was from New York and he was an amazing doctor with all kinds of awards. On his way back from an awards banquet, he had gotten into a terrible car accident and lost his steady hands. He had gone through everything he could endure to be able to have steady hands again, but alas nothing seemed to work. That was until he heard about a place that fixed a man's paralysis that was deemed unfixable.

"About a month or so."

"Have you made any progress for your hands?"

"Not yet. I feel like this magic isn't going to do anything. My hands are so shaky I can barely even make sparks. God, you're such a natural at this Lia. You've barely been here two weeks and you can quite literally conjure stuff out of thin air."

This was true. The Amethyst had caught on quite easily to the mystic arts. It seemed to come naturally to her. It's almost as if she was made for it. Or perhaps the other way around...

"Lia? Earth to Amelia?" Steven called out as he waved a hand in front of the young Avengers face.

"Yeah sorry. I was deep in thought." Lia responded before rubbing her tired eyes. "I'm not that good yet. That's the only skill I've been able to manage since I got here. I can't seem to get the simple stuff yet and I don't know why." She paused. "Steven I think I'm gonna turn in for the night. See you tomorrow."

Steven nodded his head and stalked off to who knows where. Lia seemed to yawn each time her aching feet took a step. Ever since she had arrived at Kamar-Taj she just couldn't seem to sleep. Every night she has the same recurring nightmare. A woman staring down at her who looks freakishly like Lia. She had a dark purple crown on her head with a magic dark purple suit weaving down its body. The woman seemed to be pulsing with energy, with it keeping her suspended in the air. The energy she seemed to be overflowing with was a matching dark purple color, looking suspiciously like Amelia's powers.


The next morning

"Now Amelia, take a sling ring." Master Mordo spoke. He is one of the top masters at Kamar-Taj. Amelia did as he said and took a ring off of the tray that Mordo held.

"Put it on and do as I do." Amelia slid the ring onto her fingers, like Mordo had instructed, and began to copy his movements.

Mordo held his hands up in front of himself, forming a diamond with his hands, then sliding his hands upward to create one line with his arms. As he slid his hands up a golden orange band formed between them, sparkling with mystic magic.

"How the hell do you expect me to do that?"

"Just focus and you will get it. Now try again."

Amelia did as he said and restarted the movement. When she slid her hands up she closed her eyes and breathed out.

"Amelia? You can open your eyes now."

Amelia slowly opened one eye to see that she had done it. A sparkling golden ribbon was stretched between her two hands.

"Now keep going!"

Amelia continued with the movement she had been practicing for the past week but had had no luck until now.

She rotated her arms to form a full circle with the magic and thrusted her right fist into the middle of the circle to break it away.

"I actually did it!"

"Great now it's time for portals."

"Portals?" Amelia called in disbelief. "I could barely do whatever it was we just did. How do you expect me to make a portal?"

"Stand firmly, visualize where you want to go. See the destination in your mind."

Mordo stood next to Lia and rotated his arm in a circle while holding the other one steady, forming a portal to the cafeteria.

"Now you try."

So Lia went through the steps in her head. Feet firm, now visualize.

She took a deep breath in before beginning to rotate her arm in the same way as Mordo.

She failed.

After 3 more tries Lia was beginning to lose hope.

"I don't think I'm gonna be able to do this."

"You can! Just trust yourself. Give it one more go."

With this last desperate attempt, Amelia rotated her arms and alas a golden orange, shimmering portal opened in front of the duo, but the sight that met them was not quite what they expected. 

"The hell is this?" Lia asked as she walked through the portal she had opened. Her eyes darted around to what looked like the aftermath of a deadly battle around her. She continued to walk around, looking for any signs of life until a realization hit her like a brick wall. 

"What the shit. Why are we on a floating city?"


Sorry for the long wait! I've been super busy with school and I've been sick for the past week. I hope you enjoy this chapter. I'm so excited to get through this section to get onto Infinity War! It is by far my favorite movie and I have so many ideas for what to do. Also, sorry if this chapter is kind of bad, I wrote it quickly before I had to go to dance and was desperate to get it published. If you have any ideas for this part please comment them! I really am just blanking right now and have absolutely zero ideas. Thanks so much for taking the time to read this chapter!

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