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Y/n gives her dad one last glance before descending into the room before her, that may very well hold the key to her future. She enters the room and immediately walks over to Zemo and send a purple string of magic towards him to grab him by the neck and lift him slightly off the ground, so he's only balancing on the very tips of his toes.

"The serum. Now." Y/n demands sternly.

Zemo manages to reach into his pocket between struggled breaths and squirming in her grasp. He then pulls out a vile filled with a liquid.

"Good. Now hand it over." She stretches out one arm for him to place the serum into. Only he doesn't place it into her palm as she demanded, he drops it on to the ground, the glass of the vile shattering from the impact causing yellow goo to spread on to the floor.

"Oops." He shrugs.

"You bastard. Do you have any idea what you've done?" She uses her hand that she's suspending him in the air with to slam him into the wall behind him.

"You've ruined my one chance at being somewhat normal again."

At this he just chuckled in between his staggered breaths.

"You think this is funny? Hydra haunts me in my dreams every night. I thought there may be a small sliver of hope that I may be able to be whole again. But here we are now."

"You know y/n. I do actually find this quiet amusing. I knew I would never be able to fight you guys, I'm just an ordinary man. But if I somehow found away to make you guys turn on each other, now that would be quite the sight to see."

"What do you mean 'turn on each other?'"

As if almost on cue, a video began playing on a screen infant of the Avengers patiently watching Y/n and Zemo. Y/n walked back to the Avengers so she could see the video herself.


"Steve. Steve please." She pleaded. "Steve stop you can't let your emotions get the better of you." Her eyes flickered around the room they were in stopping for a moment on each person she came across. A greatly injured billionaire, playboy, philanthropist. A, temporary knocked out, ex Hydra assassin. A finally a Super Soldier. The man out of time.

"He's my friend."

"So was I."

Y/n's brain could fairly comprehend what was happening. How could the Avengers turn on each other in the blink of an eye?

Tony aimed another blast at Steve, sending him into a stone pillar.

"Stand down. Final warning."

"I could do this all day."

At this, y/n slightly rolled her eyes. Why did that have to be his response to everything? Why couldn't he ever just accept defeat and let the fight be over?

As y/n looked up, she saw Steve picking Tony up over his head and throwing him onto the ground.

"Oh my god." Y/n whispered under her breath.

Steve started throwing punches left and right at Tony.

"Steve stop please!" She screamed at him through panicked tears. Now Steve picked up his shield and begins to hit Tony with it in the face as well, making Tonys helmet come off.

"Steve please!" She pleaded once more.

"Steve you're gonna kill him! Stop!" She continued.

After getting in a few more good hits, Steve raised the Shield over his head a shoved it down towards Tony.

"Steve no!" Y/n screamed as she ran towards the two men.

Steve shoved the shield into Tony's arc reactor, causing the light in it to go out.

Y/n ran over to Tony's aid as she began to speak, "Oh my god Tony are you ok?"

He gently nodded as well as he could before Steve got up and started to walk out after grabbing his shield and helping Bucky up.

"Steve? Dad? Please don't leave me." Bucky turned back to give y/n a depressing look as he and Steve continued out.

"That shield doesn't belong to you. You don't deserve it. My father made that shield!"

Steve and Bucky paused before Steve sighed and dropped the scratched, chipped and slightly broken shield onto the ground in front of Y/n and Tony.

As Steve and Bucky continued to walk out y/n knew that this would be the last time she would she Steve or many of her friends for a long time.

She knew it was gonna be the last time she saw her father for a very long time.

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