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Y/n pov

-5 months have passed-

It's been a few months since I've arrived at the compound. I've started to get small flashes of memory's here and there. But all my mind still is, is scrambled jig saw pieces waiting to fall into place.

I cant sleep, cant eat, cant focus, nor can I even trust my own mind. I don't know if these random flashes of memories are real or if my mind is playing tricks on me. Some are good. Some worse. I'd imagine that the bad and the worse ones are true, I've done horrible, unimaginable things in my 6 years at HYDRA.

Occasionally the memories will be happy. Ill be playing with a football with Bucky and Steve or building legos with Peter. I doubt these are true. It's all just one cruel trick my mind is playing on me to try and make me feel happy. Then once I've got a new found sense of relief, i'll be taken once again. I know Bucky says I wont be, but I know I will. I always am. They all ways find their way back to me one way or another.

Eventually, once I proved I wasn't being controlled anymore, Tony and Fury eventually gave into Bucky's desperate cry's for me to be let out of the cell and now I have a room. Bucky says this was my room from when I was 15. Im not sure what 15 year olds do, but there are clothes strung about the room and band posters hung on the walls. I don't think Bucky ever came in here when I was gone (If I was really ever here to begin with) it looks as though it hadn't been touched. Not one item had been moved from its spot.

I'm pulled from deep within my thoughts when I hear a knock on the door, "Hey y/n? It's Bucky. I was just coming to let you know we're having a movie night tonight and I wanted to see if you would be interested in joining us." "Oh, sure. Ill be down in a little bit. Thanks" I hear his heavy, yet gentle feet pound on the floor with every step he takes leaving my door.

I stand up and stare at my closet. It was filled with jeans, baggy t shirts, and enough hoodies to clothe a small town. I sigh and pick up some sweatpants and a hoodie and lay it out on my bed. I walk to the bathroom and turn the shower on, as cold as it goes. I stand in the shower for a while, until my body is numb and my skins turned purple, my face as red as a tomato. I get out of the shower and do my hair and put on my clothes I had previously laid out and headed downstairs to the kitchen.

I supposed I was early because the only person sitting in there was Peter. The whole time I've been here Peter was the only person I felt like I could talk to. I guess I related to him the most because we are about the same age. I always feel a sense of comfort around him, unlike what I feel for anyone else here.

"Hey Pete!" I say to him as I sit down next to him. "Hey y/n! Are you excited for movie night? I love it when we have movie night." "Yea! It's my first one and I don't really know exactly what a movie is, but Im sure it'll be fun." "Dont tell me you've never seen a movie?" "Well I have.. I think, just not that I can remember cause ya know I got kidnapped and shit." He chuckles softly at my joke and I smile back at him. " We have to watch all the Star Wars movies, their the best!" "Ok! It's a date!" I quickly go silent after I realize what I had said. I may have had my mind wiped, but I wasn't stupid.

I have always felt different around Peter since I've been here. I never really knew what it was until now. It was love. I doubt he felt the same for me. I cant believe I said that Im so dumb. Who could ever love a killer? Peter stares at me in disbelief . I stare back longing for an answer. Even if he didn't feel the same, it'd be nice to at least have closure. "Y/n I-" I cut him off before he can finish, "It's ok. i knew you wouldn't feel the same. Im so stupid to think anyone could like me like that."

"Y/n you didn't let me finish. I have wanted to ask you that question, will you go on a date with me since I met you when we were 15. Since the moment I first laid eyes on you, I could tell you were the one for me. The one that was supposed to be my endgame. I could just never work up the courage to ask you out." I stare at him blankly. I feel tears start to form in my eyes.

After contemplating, I finally made the consecutive choice to go for it. I leaned in and kissed him. His lips felt soft against mine, like they were made for each other, like magnets. I kissed him until we ran out of air. It felt as if time was irrelevant. Suddenly we both jumped back when a sound of clapping erupted from the hallway. We looked over to see the whole team smiling, clapping, and whistling from the hallway that leads to the kitchen.

"You know the movie was supposed to start 15 minutes ago." I chucked at Tonys usual self. I looked at Peter, longing for more, but alas now was no longer the time nor place. I leaned over to him and whispered in his ear, "Ill come to your room after the movie and we can finish what we started, thank you Peter." I leaned back and looked at him, getting lost in each others eyes, "Y/n I love you." "I love you to" I whispered back, smiles plastered across each others faces.

"Yo, love bird, can we get this show on the road?" I rolled my eyes at Tonys annoying comment and followed the crowd into the living room. Pizza was already set up on the coffee table in the center of the couches. "Y/n why don't you pick the movie?" Steve asks me. "I mean I don't really know any movies, Bucky what did I used to like, you know before everything happened?"

He replies with a soft smile on his face, "You used to love Greece, you would get up and sing and dance along the whole movie. You knew every word, every move, to every song." He chucked slightly at his own words, smiling to himself. "Ok then, I choose Greece." Clint grabbed the remote and put Greece on, on the tv.

After a little bit into the movie, everyone had already finished their pizza and the song "Greased lighting" starts to play. Suddenly, everything starts to fall into place. Everything comes flooding back. I start to remember standing on the coffee screaming the words to this very song at the top of my lungs. Bucky watching me, laughing. And Peter staring at me in awe. Peter always looked at me that way, but I had never noticed up until now.

Memories come back piece by piece and everything falls into place. Once the song is over, Bucky looks down at me, his arm wrapped around my neck, and my head resting on his shoulder. Im just staring blankly into space, my memories all flooding back to me. A single tear falls, "Doll? Are you ok?" I look at up at him with tears in my eyes. "Dad?" I ask him "Y/n? Oh my god, y/n. Did you get your memory's back?" I nod "Something from that song triggered it. I remember everything dad!" He immediately stands up, pulling me up with him. He pulls me into a tight hug and swings me around.

"Y/N's GOT HER MEMORIES BACK!" He screams. I laugh at him. Everyone stands up staring at me. "Y/n is it true?" Peter asks me. I quickly nod and smile at him. "I'm back" I say.

-I told you love would find its way into this story. I would say this is a happy ending, but we've barely scratched the surface of this family's story. Anyways I tried to make this chapter longer. Hope you enjoy!-

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