"Join me and together we will be my new Lego Death Star." Ned whispers in an exaggerated voice, making his deeper, while hovering a Lego Mini-figure above Peter's shoulder.

"What?" Peter exclaimed making the people around him roll their eyes at what a nerd he was.

"No way that's awesome." Peter said a little more quietly. "How many pieces?"

"Three thousand, eight hundred, and three."

"You guys are such nerds." Y/n remarks while giggling from her locker next to Peter's.

"Oh like you won't build it with us."

"Oh I will, but I won't go around announcing it."

Y/n had decided to go back to school to finish and get her diploma since she had been kidnapped and deprived of her final high school years. She had done as best as she could to stay away from the topic of her kidnapping, her real age, and her being an Avenger at all. So far she had done a pretty good job at keeping it all secret since she still looked like a sixteen year old since half the time she was at HYDRA she was under cyro-freeze, preventing her from aging.

"Anyways do you guys want to build it tonight?"

"Sorry Ned we can't tonight we have the-"

"Stark Internship." Ned said sighing while finishing Y/n's sentence. Neither of the two lovers had told Ned about their true identities not wanting anyone else to find out, or worse, Ned being in danger just for knowing them. So they had made up the Stark Internship that they were both lucky enough to get, where every night they had to go "help" Tony, while really they were doing their nightly patrol together.

"Always got that Stark internship." Ned sighed again.

"Well hopefully it will lead to Y/n and I being able to get a real job with Stark industries."

"That would be so sweet."

"Yep." Y/n said agreeing with Ned, knowing full well she did have a real 'job' with Tony.

" 'Hey good job on those spreadsheets you two. Here's a gold coin.' " Ned mimicked what their future 'boss' may say to his friends.

"I don't know how jobs work."

"That's exactly how they work." Peter said to Ned.

"God I'm friends with two idiots."


"Hey buddy is this your bike?" Peter asks a man passing by, while holding up a bike he had gotten from a thief.

"Ugh, why won't Tony ever give us real work? We literally just fought against some of the most powerful people in the world and now we're saving little kids bikes from robbers."

"I think he just wants us to prove ourselves since we're the youngest, y/n."

"Come on let's go."

As Peter swung through the streets of New York, Y/n followed close behind with purple energy pulsing out of her hands, keeping her afloat.

"Everybody good?" Peter yelled as he swung past a subway station.

As the two landed on top of a building after not finding anyone in danger a high pitched voice called up at them.

"Hey you're the spider-boy and flying girl from youtube right?"

"Call me Spider-Man."

"Ok Spider-Man do a flip!" Peter did as he was told and did a back flip to the mans amusement and y/n chuckled from behind.

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