Y/n's pov
I feel awake but I can't see anything. My eyelids are heavy and feel like their sewed shut. I try to move but my arms and legs feel like they weigh a ton. It feels like there is a weight holding my chest down. I try and open my eyes but the lights so bright. I finally manage to flutter my eyes open and adjust them to the light. I hear someone speak to me. I don't recognize who they are or where I am.

"Ah good morning y/n" the stranger says to me. "Where am I?" I say. My voice is quiet and groggy. They say, " This y/n is your new home." "Where is my dad" I say "I want my dad"

" I'm afraid that can't happen. My name is Alexander Pierce. You're safe here. I promise y/n." I don't say anything. My mind is racing. I'm scared, terrified I just want to go home. I attempt to use my powers to free myself, but a collar shocks me, making me wince. "Let me go" I say to the man. "Let me go." I say agin. Now I'm yelling at him. "Y/n calm down its no use. This is your new home."

Before I can say anything, I see a doctor walk in with a large needle in his hand. He walks over to the Pierce and Pierce whispers something his his ear. The doctor nods. "Sorry y/n but this is going to sting a little bit." I he injects me in the neck with the needle and everything goes black.

I wake up in a new place. I'm laid down on the cold, hard floor of a cell. Suddenly 2 guards walk into my cell and start to beat me and they whip me.

Then Pierce walks in. "Good morning y/n. I hope your ready you've got the quite the day today." He says to me. I'm confused and scared. I want nothing more right now then to be home in my dad comforting arms. I say to Pierce " what are you going to do to me." He doesn't say anything and motions to the guards to pick me up.

I scoot away into the farthest corner I can away from them. The guards continue to walk towards me. I try to use my powers again, but the collar shocks me again. The two men pick me up and bring me to a room. It looks like a lab, but it has one chair in the middle. They throw me into the chair and strap me down. I desperately try to break free, but it's no use. I'm to weak without my powers. Pierce and  four doctors then walk in.

Pierce says to them. "Commence with operation white soldier" The doctors nod and walk over to a circuit board. They begin to push buttons and I yell, " What are you going to do to me. Let me go!" Pierce reply's, "Sorry y/n, but we need a new soldier." He says with a slight smirk on his face.

Then a guard walks over to me and list something in my mouth for me to bite down on. I look down confused and scared. I think their doing the same thing they did to my dad. I want to go home.

Before I can say anything the machine turns on and I feel a terrible terrible pain going through my head. I'm injected with a bright blue serum and I scream in pain as the serum enter my body.

When the machine turns off, the pain stops. I don't feel anything. I feel weird, different. Pierce walks up to me and asks, "Who is a Bucky Barnes?" I think for a minute I try hard, but can't remember. " I don't know" I reply. A evil smile spread across Pierces face. "Good it worked." He then says to the guards, "Take her back to her cell and prep her for training tomorrow ."

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