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Y/n pov
"Hey Wands!" I say as I walk into the living room. "Hey y/n! How are you feeling since you got your memories back?" "I feel... actually amazing. I can't describe how it feels. It's like there were walls guarding parts of my brain and they finally have been knocked down. Like I can actually think clearly again."

She smirks slightly as she's thinking to herself. "So. How have things been going with Peter since your big kiss the other night."

I feel my cheeks burn up at the mention of his name. A smile spreads across my face. "Things are really great. We're going out for dinner tonight." Before Wanda can say her next thought, Peter comes busting into the room.

"Hi y/n!"

Before I can even respond he's running out of the room almost as soon as he came in, "Bye Y/n!" I run after him through the long hallway towards the main entrance of the compound.

"Peter? Where are you running to?"

"I'm sorry!" He says placing a quick peck on my lips, "I'm late for school again and I've got a huge test today."

Before I can kiss him good bye he swings out of the door. Peters started taking some more college classes since he just graduated a few months ago.

I chuckle softly at his actions. Thought he's graduated and in college now, he can never seem to break his old habits.

A few hours later I hear someone come through the front door. I'm in my room reading a book. "Hey F.R.I.D.A.Y who's just come in?" "That would be Peter Parker, Ms. Barnes."

I immediately jump out of bed and run to my door. Right as I open my door I jump back at the sight of Peter already standing at my door.

He's standing out their a slight smile on his face, a nice outfit on, and a bouquet of roses in his hand. "Hey!" He says to me.

How can I have gone from to being a assassin to being so loved and in love in just mere months? I smile at him, "Hey!"

"Are you ready for our date?" He asks me. I look down at myself wearing sweatpants and an oversized t shirt. "Um clearly not." I laugh as the words leave my mouth. "I think you look beautiful." My cheeks burn up at his comment. I smile again.

"How about you meet me by the door at 7:30?" "Sounds great" I look up at him and place a long kiss on to his lips. After what feels like an eternity I pull away and look into his eyes. I could get lost in his eyes forever. "Ok. I'll see you at 7:30." He smiles at me again and walks down the hall back to his room.

I shut my door and look at the clock. It's 6:00. Crap. Only an hour and a half to get ready. I need this to be perfect. I can't mess this up. I rummage through my closet looking at all of my 15 year old selves clothes. Shit. I really need to go shopping. I run upstairs to Nat's room. I practically bang on her door.

"Nat? Nat?" She opens the door and looks at me in her typical Nat way.

A look of concern spreads across her face as she sees my expression. "Honey, what's wrong?"

"I'm going out with Peter tonight and I have nothing to wear! Can I please borrow a dress and maybe you could help me get ready?"

She smiles at me looking relieved nothing bad had happened. "Of course you can." She moves out of the doorway into her room and I follow her.

She begins picking up a few dresses from her closet and shows each one to me. "How about this one?" She asks me. My eyes fall upon a deep blue dress. I try it on and it falls just below my knees and hugs my figure beautifully. "It's perfect" I say to Nat. "Is it ok if I borrow it just for tonight?" "Of course it is" She smiles at me and she does my hair and makeup.

As I'm walking down stairs to go meet Peter I stop by my dads room. I knock on his door and wait for him to answer.

"Come in." He says. His voice sounds thick with sleep. "Hey dad! Sorry did I wake you?" I say as I walk in. "No of course not doll. And wow you look... just wow." He laugh slightly at him and walk towards him and hug him.

"I'm going on my first date with Peter. Is that ok?"

"Of course it is doll. You don't have to ask permission. You deserve to be happy after everything that has happened."

"Thanks dad" I say still hugging him. "I need to get going he's probably waiting for me."

"Ok, I'll see you when you get back. Have fun! But not to much fun!" I laugh at him as I walk out of the room. "Dad" I'm still slightly laughing to myself as I begin walking down the hall.

"Love you dad!" I yell from down the hall.

"Love you more doll!"

By the time I get downstairs its 7:25. I see Peter standing by the door fiddling with his fingers nervously.

"Hey Parker." I say as I approach him. He immediately looks up at me in awe. "Y/n you-you look incredible."

I feel my cheeks turn a rosy pink. "Thanks. You do to." "Here." He hands me the same beautiful bouquet of roses from earlier.

I hope I don't mess this up. No ones ever made me happy how he has.

"Should we get going? Your chariot awaits." He says as I follow him out of the door. I gasp at the sight of a beautiful vintage red Cadillac. "I remember you telling me once when we were 15 that you always wanted to ride in ones of these." "Oh my god Peter its amazing. Thank you."

"Your the most welcome. Now let's get going before we miss our reservation."

After about a 20 minute car ride we arrive outside of a fancy restaurant. One that I had never seen nor heard of before. "Oh my god this restaurant is so beautiful." I say to him as he opens my door for me to get out of the car.

The restaurant looks closed. Not a single other car or person in sight. "Are you sure it's open?"

"I'm sure." He replies to me with a large grin on his face. "What are you up to Parker?" "I may or may not have rented out the entire restaurant for you."

"Oh my gosh Peter you didn't have to do that!"

"Well I wanted to. Y/n you have no idea how long i've wanted to take you out on a date. I have wanted to do this for the last 6 years and when you were kidnapped I thought you were gone and I missed my shot. Now I have a chance again and I want to do it right."

"Thank you Peter." I kiss him gently on the lips.

About 2 hours later we arrive back at the compound. "Peter that was the best meal i've ever had, but I definitely had to much to eat."

He laughs slightly at me as we walk to my room. How can Have gotten so lucky to have a guy like Peter want to be mine?

When we finally arrive to my room Peter says, "Thank you for allowing me to take you out." I smile at him. I've never felt this way before. "Thank you Peter."

He places a kiss on to my lips and whispers in my ear, "Goodnight y/n" "Goodnight Peter." As he leaves my room I can't help, but have a smaller plastered on my face the rest of the night.

After I had showered a take off my makeup and put on my pajamas I got down the hall to my dads room and knock on his door

"Dad? Are you awake?" I say it quietly in case he is asleep. "Yea come on in."

"How was your date?" "It was really great actually. I know it's only the first date, but I don't know I just feel like he's the one."

"I know how you feel. That's how I felt about your mom."

I never really knew my mom she died in child birth. I had seen pictures of her from before I was born. I had her smile and her eyes.I wish I had gotten to know her. She seemed like she would have been amazing.

I give my dad a big hug . "I love you dad."

"Love you more doll."

    -I hope you enjoy this chapter. We'll get back to more drama and action in a chapter or two I just thought they all deserved a little break before everything gets going again. I hope you've enjoyed!-

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