It has been exactly ten days, forty-seven minutes, and thirteen seconds since y/n had last seen her father and those ten days had been some of her worst. Her nightmares had come back, but worse than when she returned from HYDRA.


Tony got no reply.

"Y/n you can't stay locked in your room forever you know."

"What's the point in coming out?" A scratchy voice echoed from the opposite side of the room from the door.

"Look. I know your dad made some bad choices, but he wouldn't want you starving yourself. Just come eat something." Tony paused thinking of what he could say next, letting out a deep sigh.

" I brought you some food, I'll leave outside the door for when you're ready." His foot steps echo away from the door.

"Why does this kind of stuff always happen to me?" y/n thinks to herself. "Why does it have to be me that gets cursed with these abilities? Why does it have to be me to be kidnapped and turned into a mindless zombie? Why does it have to be me to be the one with no parents?"


One month later

It had been nearly one and a half months since everyone on Cap's side had left and everything has just been going down hill for y/n. Well almost everything.

Y/n's nightmares have not gone away, but Tony is always there for her when she wakes up screaming for her dad every night. On top of that y/n's health had been getting worse. She started to have seizures. She had only had two so far, but neither were very bad. She would also have severe coughing fits, which would end up with her choking.

But not everything was so bad for her. She had been exploring her relationship with Peter and they had been getting a lot closer. They had begun to hang out a lot and have been on at least one date per week.

Y/n also had not forgotten what Zemo had told her about her past. She thought about it often, though she never told anyone what had happened in Siberia and Tony knew not to mention it.

"Hey y/n!" Peter exclaimed as he walked into the living room to see y/n watching tv.

"Hey spidey." Y/n giggled as she stood up to kiss Peter.

"I've missed you Peter."

"I just saw you last night though." Peter lightly laughed.

"Last night was so long ago. How about tonight you don't go back to May? Just stay here. Just for one night?" She looked up at him with puppy dog eyes and her lip puckered.

"Please?" She asked one more time, changing her voice to sound like a little kid.

"Ok fine. You know I can't say no when you look at me like that."

"Come on I need your help." Y/n demanded as she walked past Peter towards Bucky's room.

Y/n had found herself hiding out in her fathers room quite often. She wanted to feel close to him even though she felt like she should hate him. He left her without even saying anything and he can't even be bothered to send a letter or even try to contact her.

"Y/n are you sure we should be in here?"

"Yes. I need to tell you something."

Peter sat down on the floor beside y/n, looking at her with puzzled eyes.

"So when I went to Siberia with Tony we met the man Steve and my dad were after. I was trying to get my cure from him, but he ended up saying how I had an interesting past or some shit. And obviously I had no clue what he was talking about until two days ago when I found this." Y/n reaches under her dads bed a pulls out a box full of papers.

"What's this?"

"Its record and files of everything that happened to me."

"What do you mean?"

"Well I found out that my mom had sold me to HYDRA, which then they experimented on me and gave me my powers."

"Wait I thought you were born with them?"

"Well apparently not. Anyways, I also found that my dad rescued me when him and Steve were trying to find all the remaining HYDRA bases. They came to the one I was at and they took me in when I was two."

"So you're mom sold you to HYDRA behinds Bucky's back."

"Not exactly. When I was born my dad was still 'The Winter Soldier' so odiously he could never have a kid. So when he found Steve and he was returned back to his old self, they found me and my dad took custody."

"So he's not your real dad."

"Nope. And I wanna hate him for not telling me, but I could never hate him."

"Are you okay?"

Y/n forced a smile on her lips. "Of course I am, why wouldn't I be?"


"Shit, shit, shit, shit, shit. Somebody help please! Mr. Stark!" Peter screamed as he held down y/n as she seized.

"Kid what's wrong?" Tony yelled as he ran down the hall towards Peter.

"Oh shit." He whispered as he saw y/n and he started to run faster.

"Mr. Stark I don't know what happened. She just started to seem zoned out and then she started having a seizure."

"It's been happening since her dad left. Hold down so she won't hurt herself."

"Ok. I did start timing it though. I saw online once that you should time seizures."

"Good job. How long as it been going on?"

Peter glanced down at his watch. "About one minute and twenty seconds."

After eating for about twenty seconds longer, y/n began to stop and Tony and Peter waited patiently for her to come around.

After five minutes she began to flicker her eyes open. "Peter? What happened?"

"It's ok you had a seizure."

"Oh. I'm sorry."

"Don't be you can't control it."

"Thank you for helping me. I love you."

Her last three words startled Peter. He had never heard her say that to him before. He stuttered for a second before replying, "It's no problem. I love you too."

There's the first chapter of the new part! I hope you enjoyed it. Sorry this chapter is a little short, but I'm having a little writers block. And thank you for 165 reads! I know that doesn't seem like a lot, but to me it is. Thank you! I'm going to try and write at least one more chapter this week since i'm on break and I promise the next chapter will be longer. Once again I hope you enjoyed this chapter!

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