"Amelia, what were you thinking about when you opened the portal?"

"I-I don't know. Nothing honestly, I was just trying to open one, I hadn't gotten to the destination part yet."


"Hey, hey. You ok?"

"This is all our fault, this is all my fault." A small, whimpering voice whispered over and over again.

"Hey, look at me. This is your fault, it's everyone's fault. Who cares? Are you up for this?"

"I don't know if I can do this Clint."

"Lia, I need to know if you're up for this because the city is-is flying. Okay look, the city is flying." As if he was trying to convince himself of this fact. "We're fighting an army of robots. And I have a bow and arrow, none of this makes sense."

Amelia and Clint both share a nervous gasp as a piece of metal comes flying through the wall. Clint quickly shoots an arrow out of the hole in the wall before continuing.

"I'm going back out there because it's my job. Okay? And I can't do my job and babysit. Amelia, you are an Avenger now. It is your job to protect this city and these people. If you follow me back out of this door you fight, and you fight to kill. Stay in here? You're good. I'll send Pietro to come and find you." Amelia and Clint both share an awkwardly silent stare before Clint gets up from his spot on the ground.

"All right, good chat."


After sitting for about ten minutes, Lia bursts through the door, her hands pulsing with deep purple energy, blasting every robot in sight with a flick of her wrist. Clint and Amelia both share an understanding nod. "Alright, we're all clear here."

"We are not clear, we are very not clear!" A struggling voice calls through their earpieces.

"Alright coming to you."

A blue blur of light speeds towards Amelia.

"Ready to go Princessa?"


"Hop on then."

The two young Avengers share a smile before connecting their lips briefly, then speeding off in a glimpse of blue.


Present day

"Mordo where are we?"

"The battle of Sokovia, 2015."

"How could I bring us here? It's not like I fought here."

"Amelia, you did fight. Don't you remember?"

"Mordo don't be stupid. I would remember if I fought on a floating city."

"Amelia turn around."

As if it were meant to be, Amelia and her past self were staring each other in the eyes.

"You-you're me." 2015 Amelia says in astonishment.

Amelia says nothing back as her mouth continues to stay gaped open. God, why couldn't she remember anything?

As if on cue, it all came flooding back.

All the memories.

All the pain.

What she lost.

What was hidden from her.

Her first true love.

Amelia had lost her memory after the battle of Sokovia after the love of her life had been killed right in front of her. She tried with all her might to revive him using the curse of powers she had been given. Eventually, she had no luck, over-exerting herself, she passed out, not waking up for weeks after.

When she had woken up she didn't remember a single thing. Any of the Avengers, her family, her past, her name, Pietro. It was all gone. Fury, not wanting to lose his asset, with the help of science, filled her empty brain with new memories, giving her a life she never led.

He never exactly planned on telling her the truth either.

"Mordo did you know?"

"Know what?"

"What Fury did? Was he ever going to tell me, was anyone ever going to tell me?"

"I'm sorry Lia, it was best not to."

2015 Lia interrupted "I'm sorry, will somebody please tell me what the fuck is going on?"

"I need to take Pietro back with me." Amelia whispered to Mordo.

"Lia, are you crazy?" Mordo gasped.

"He can help fill my gaps. I want to know what my life was like. Not the one Fury told me I led, my real life. Pietro loved me, I loved him."

"What about Peter?"

"I love Peter with my whole heart, I always will. If Pietro stays here he will die, and Wanda's entire life will be ruined. If he comes with us I can re-write the story, it'll change everything. Its clear now how Pietro loved me. If he truly did, then he knew me better than anyone. He can gie me my life back Mordo."


Wow, that was a lot. Hope you enjoyed this chapter! Sorry, it's short and it's been such a long time since the last chapter. I've been so busy! Hopefully, soon I can start updating more frequently. I have so many ideas for this story!

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