*FROM THIS POINT FORWARD Y/N WILL NOW BE WRITTEN AS AMELIA. It makes my writing a lot easier and in my opinion better to read*

"What was that?" Peter exclaimed as he got thrown back into a concrete wall by a powerful, certainly not of this world, weapon.

"Come on Amelia!" He yelled as he shot a web onto the opposers van that was speeding away.

Amelia huffed from her hiding spot as she followed above Peter and she propelled herself forward with her magic.

Peter let out distressed grunts as he slid down the street, slamming into cars, mailboxes, and trash cans along the way.

"Peter watch out!" Amelia called as she saw the man with the weapon aim his gun, which was pulsing with purple energy, towards Peter. Peter dodged the blast that knocked off one of the van doors.

"Oh, my butt!" Peter exclaimed as he continued to slide down the road attached to the van that was still spitting out energy blasts from the man's gun at him. Peter continued to slip and slide down the street until he ran into a large brick mailbox that forced him to let go of his web connected to the van.

"Guess we'll have to take the shortcut. Come on Lia!"

"I've got you right where I want you," Peter said quietly as he launched himself from the top of a house towards the van driving below them. Before Peter could get into the van an unknown person or thing swooped down from the skies and picked Peter up by his talons.

"Shit Peter!" Lia called after Spider-Man.

Y/n looked at Peter being carried away then sighed before throwing a tracker onto the van so she could come back later. As she started to propel herself towards Peter something in the distance had caught her eye. A glowing orb was lying in someone's front yard. She had no idea where it had come from, she presumed it fell from the van and was whatever was powering the weapons, but an unknown force drew her to it. Like it was calling her name. Just looking at it made a feeling, a power surge within her, like it was breaking free of being hidden deep inside of her.

As Peter left her line of sight being carried away by the mysterious bird man, she approached the orb, suddenly unworried about what was happening to Peter, though she very well should be, something compelled her to walk forward like she was being controlled. Amelia walked towards the orb and gently kneeled to pick it up, unbeknownst to her, her eyes were glowing the same purple as the orb and the same purple as her magic. 

She carefully tossed the orb around in her hands, trying to determine what exactly it was. She closed her eyes, just for a second, and suddenly she was somewhere new. Somewhere she had never been before. She was surrounded by lights? No, it was stars. She was in the cosmos? How is that possible? How could she be safely on Earth one second and in the literal cosmos just mere seconds later? 

"Ah, Amelia of Earth." A large, powerful-sounding voice surged from behind her. Amelia whipped her head around to see a tall, muscular figure staring down at her from a throne. 

"Who are you and where the hell am I?" 

"I am Thanos. Some may call me the 'mad titan.'" 

"Mmm doesn't ring a bell. Why am I here exactly?" 

"My child you play such a large role in something you have no idea about, but I assure you all will make sense in time."

"Are you on something?" She asked with an exasperated tone. "What is this 'role' I am playing exactly?" 

"Like I said, all will reveal itself in time."

And just like that she was back on Earth. 


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