A cold gust of wind seeped into the room through the broken window, immediately destroying any warmth that had found its way into the small house.

"Shh, Y/n. It's going to be alright. I promise everything will be ok." A soft comforting voice spoke.

In the far corner of the house a small woman, no older than twenty-five, sat with a small blanket covering whatever she could manage it to. In her arms she held a small baby with large y/e/c eyes. Outside of the single broken window in the house was a snowy abyss, not being able to see more than ten feet from the outside of the house, the woman had elected to stay inside the house until a knight in shining armor came to save her. Or she died of hypothermia.

But alas neither of those situations had ended up happening- or at least in the way she thought.

As the shivering woman gently rocked her baby a loud pounding filled the room.

"Shit, shit, shit." The woman muttered as she scrambled to find a way out of the house.

"Boy you are one tough ghost to find Clara. Don't make this harder than it has to be. Just hand over the kid and we'll be on our way."

The woman, now identified as Clara, peered out of the singular window at the three men outside of the house, but she knew there were definitely more people surrounding the house. She had no way to escape.

The door finally busted open as the three men strolled into the house. "The baby." The man demanded as he held out his hands.

"You can't have her. She is a child, no one deserves to go through what you put me through."

"That 'child' is a witch, she has inherited your powers, and needs to be contained and taught how to act."

"HYDRA deserves nothing of mine. You'll have to kill me before you take her."

"Ok." The man shrugged as he raised a gun in the air pointed directly at Clara's forehead.

Before she could say anything he pulled the trigger. "Grab the kid and move out. Pierce wants her back at base as soon as possible."


Y/n shot up out of bed a cold sweat coating her body. "The hell was that."

Y/n leaned over on to her side to check the time. "Ugh, 4:30" She figured it's so close to dawn, there's no point in going back to sleep if she would just be tormented by nightmares once again. She soon found herself wandering the compound in the peaceful hours of the morning. The compound was so peaceful when there was no one else around. Like a breath of fresh air.

She made her way down to the kitchen to get a glass of water when she heard a faint noise coming from a nearby living room.

In the room there was a movie playing, an old movie that Y/n and her dad would watch when Y/n would coax him through a nightmare or Y/n couldn't sleep. The movie was so awful, but that's what made it so good.

Sitting on the couch, laughing as the movie played, was a man.

A certain metal armed man.

"Dad?" Y/n's lounge felt dry as she spoke the one word to the man she hadn't seen in so long. "What are you doing here?"

"I thought we were gonna watch the movie together, but you were taking too long. I had to start it without you. I'm sorry."

"What? Dad why are you here."

"I just told you silly. Are you feeling all right? Come sit down let's watch." He patted the seat next to him. Y/n hesitantly walked to the seat and sat down. She slowly leaned into her fathers embrace that she had longed for, for so long.

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