One week.

One week since Amelia's life had been flipped entirely upside down. After her slight change in plans since she had arrived at Kamar-Taj, a certain speedster had managed to weasel his way back into Lia's life. Of course, the young witch had to coax him into coming to another reality, but eventually, he gave in (as if he had a choice.)

Since Pietro had arrived, Amelia had him in a trance, not exactly un-conscious, but not fully conscious. She had been picking through his memories one by one, day by day, year by year, straight from the start. Not everything had been so pretty.

Salvage Yard, African Coast, 2015

"Wanda, are you sure about this one?"

"Yes, we have to do as Ultron says."

"But this one's pretty." Pietro pouted.

"She's the enemy, Pete, get your mind out of the gutter."

As Wanda laid eyes on her next target, Amelia was too busy fighting off a few soldiers and one of Ultron's bots. "Bingo." Wanda whispered.

The young scarlet witch crept up behind Amelia, but she forgets Amelia too has powers of a similar nature. The hairs on Amelia's neck stood up, warning her of something coming. Amelia quickly turned around as she threw the last bot out of the way with a purple blast, another ball of energy quickly forming in her hand. 

When she turned around it was too late. A scarlet aura found its way into her head. "Watch out for the girl, she's trying to mess with my mind. But fortunately, her powers don't affect me because I have the same ones."  She spoke into her coms as she pressed a hand to her ear.

Perhaps the Amethyst spoke to soon.

"Come now, Amelia." A male voice spoke from behind Lia. Amelia whipped her head around to find she was no longer in the Salvage Yard, but somewhere she never hoped to see again. "Yes, daddy." Her lips moved without her telling them to as if she were watching from behind a screen. 

"Now today, you'll meet some very close friends of mine. I have to go away on a trip for a few days, but I promise I'll be back to see you soon."  'Soon' turned into ten years. Ten years of experimentation, torture, and brainwashing. Amelia turned her head again to find herself in an older body, fighting an unfortunate volunteer. Amelia huffed as she threw the victim to the ground. "That's enough training for today Amelia, come now." Alexander Pierce boomed from behind Amelia. 

"Today I have something very special for you." Amelia mindlessly trailed behind Pierce with her hands cuffed behind her back, against her will. 

"None of the other volunteers have survived, except two who have been shipped off to another base, but I have faith in you. You are one of the strongest I have trained." 

Pierce led the violet soldier to a room with a glass mirror in the front, but otherwise empty, except for a staff in the middle of the room with a bright blue glowing gem in the center.

"Good luck." Lia turned around to find herself now locked and alone in this room. 

"Please state your name and status for the record."

"Amelia Petrov, Soldier."

Whirring started to begin around the room, as the gem removed itself from the staff and began to float toward Amelia. Her mouth gaped open as she tilted her head and slowly reached out her hand to touch the gem. 

A slight gasp escaped her as the gem seemed to shed an outer layer and reveal its glowing yellow center. A glowing purple figure seemed to look down on her from the sky, a crown perched on its head. It looked strangely like Amelia. 

As quickly as it had happened, the figure was gone, and Amelia had been engulfed in the darkness known as unconsciousness. 

With that, Amelia was jerked back to 2015 as she immediately gasped up from the table she was laid out on, clutching her head and breathing harshly.

"Woah, woah, woah, calm down Princessa." A Sokovian voice greeted her.

"What the fuck just happened?" 

"It's ok, it's ok. I do apologize for my sister's actions, that Ultron bastard easily manipulated her. Anyways, I think your Avengers friends found a safe house, and we will convince Wanda to go onto the Avengers side with us."

"Wait, slow down. You kidnapped me?"

"I mean, I wouldn't call it kidnapping, more like saving. You had passed out, I didn't want such a pretty face like yours to get destroyed by killer robots." The Sokovian boy shrugged.

Amelia gasped as she left the memory, horrified at what she had discovered. She knew she had been lied to about her past life, but she never thought she was lied to on this level. Her true father was a Russian and willingly gave his only daughter to Hydra. She had been experimented on, in the same way as Wanda, when she was 14 years old, and was a mindless, brainwashed soldier for Hydra. How much worse could this week get?

Enjoy this chapter! I swear I'll start uploading more chapters now since schools out for summer. Have a great rest of your day/night.

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