Y/n's pov
Tony announces to everyone, "Ok you know your jobs, your mission, your partners. No one is to go in or come out alone. Hydra is far to dangerous for us to take any chances." We all get up and exit the quinjet once it lands and guards start shooting at us almost immediately. I knock out all the guards with my a blast of energy from my hands.

"Nice one kid." Steve says to me. I smile at him and run out towards the base with my partner, Sam. I'm not entirely sure why Tony stuck me with Sam , but I don't question it.

"Alright Barnes, let's do this." Sam yells at me as he flies above me. I inhale deeply and begin fighting off the guards. "Wanda,Steve,Thor, Barton, Vision, and I will stay outside and fight off the guards. Barnes, little Barnes, Romanoff, and Sam, you get inside and find take it down." I hear Tony announce over coms.

"Come on kid. I see an entrance on the south side of the building." Sam says to me. We manage to get passed the guards and get inside. We are greeted with twice the amount of guards we took down outside. I try to fight off them all as best I can. One manages to stab me in the leg when I'm turned around. I let out a groan of pain, but I ignore the pain and continue to fight. I see my dad and Nat get inside.

My dad see me limping and runs over to me. "Y/n are you ok? You're bleeding!" I look down and see blood leaking from my suit. "I'm fine dad. Someone stabbed me, but I'm ok." "Are you sure?" He asks still looking concerned. I give him a reassuring smile and reply "I'm sure dad." I then run away and continue to fight off guards.

"Y/n we're outmatched here! As much as I hate to say it we need to split up!" Sam says to me as he punches guards. "But Tony said under no circumstance to split up!" I reply nervously. "I know, but there's no way we can take them down if we don't split up." Before I can reply Sam runs away and I'm left alone surrounded by guards.

I sigh not knowing what to do, but I do what I'm trained to and continue fighting as best I can. I hear Steve say over coms, "Ok, Buck you have the bomb to blow this place up right?" My dad replies, "Yep I've got it. Nat and I are in the middle of the base.
Everyone you've got 10 minutes to get out!"

I see the nearest exit and begin to run towards it in an effort to get out before the bomb goes off. As I'm running I feel a needle being injected into the back of neck. My vision begins to get blurry, but I keep running. Before I can escape everything goes black and I fall to the ground.

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