Buckys pov
I wake up in a room. It looks like a lab. I see guards all around and two of them throw a girl in the chair. I hear her screams. The man asks "Who is Bucky Barnes?" The girl replies after a second, "I don't know" The man smiles. It's y/n. I know it is. I can feel her pain. Their turning her into one of them. Before anything else happens, I wake up still in the quinjet.

Steve is knelt next to me. "Your ok Buck. It was just a nightmare." He says comforting me. "I saw a girl. I think it's y/n, but I'm not sure." I say quietly. "What do you mean?" Steve asks softly. "I-I don't know, but they have her. Oh my god I can't believe this is happening. I let this happen it's all my fault."

I have to find her. I won't stop till I find her. Steve pulls me from my thoughts. "We're going to find her Buck. You know we will."

6 years later
I look up and see Steve standing in my doorway. "Hey Buck. How are you holding up?" I don't say anything. Todays y/n's birthday. She'd be 21 today. I can't believe it's been 6 years. I failed her. I should've protected her. "Buck?" Steve asks pulling me from my thoughts once again. "She'd be 21 today." I say quietly.

"I'm sorry." He says to me. Steve walks over to me and sits down next to me. " You know we're all here for you." I don't look up. "I failed her Steve. I'm a terrible father. I don't know if she's even still alive and it's all because of me."

I look up at Steve. Tears sting my eyes but I try and hold them back. "Don't say that Buck. None of this is your fault. You did all you could." Steve tells me reassuringly. Tears start to fall as I break down and uncontrollably start to weep. Steve hugs me and I relax into his arms. "I miss her so much Steve." "I know Buck me to."

Sorry for the short chapter. I hope your enjoying the story so far.

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