Y/n pov
"Hey y/n?" I hear Nat walk into my room. "Hey!" "I was wondering if you maybe wanted to have a bit of a girls day and go to the mall and maybe get our nails done. Just me you and Wands."

I can't even remember the last time I had done something like this. I've only been out of the compound a handful of times since I had been back. Both my dad and Bruce said it was dangerous for me right now. "Yeah sure! That sounds like a lot of fun, but if I may, what brought this on? I've been back for a while now and we haven't really much of anything."

"Well I figured you may want some new clothes since all you have are your fifteen year old selves clothes."  I smile at the thought. Nat had always been so generous and kind. I really done deserve any of this. I am a horrible person. I've done horrible things.

"Thank you Nat."

"We can leave in about an hour if you like."

"Ok sounds good."

I spend the around the next 45 minutes getting ready and once I'm done I figure I should probably go see my dad and Peter to.
I walk down the corridor to Peters room.

"Hey Pete!" I greet him as I stand in his ajar door. "Hello y/n. You look beautiful as always." I blush at his comment. "I'm going out with the girls and just wanted to say goodbye, so bye!" "Goodbye my love. Have fun!"

I walk out of his room, a cheeky smirk still plastered on my face. I can't help, but smile around him. He lights up every room he walks into. After I walk past another few rooms, I come to my dads. I knock on the door, no answer. I knock again this time a little harder.

"Dad? Are you in there?" Still no answer. I finally decide to open the door. "Dad? You in here?" He's no where to be found. I slump down on his bed and think about where he could've gone. After a few minutes I decide to check the gym. Still no where to be found.

I mutter to myself, "F.R.I.D.A.Y. Of course." F.R.I.D.A.Y. Will know where he is. "F.R.I.D.A.Y. Wheres my dad?" F.R.I.D.A.Y. Responds, "Mr. Barnes is currently on the roof." "Thank you."

I make my way up to the door on the top floor that leads to the roof.


"Oh, hey y/n."

"I've been looking for you forever. F.R.I.D.A.Y. Told me where you were."

"Sorry, I just come up here when I need to get away from everything."

"That's ok." I respond. "Whats wrong?" I notice the look on his face. Not one of fear, but one of concern. "I don't know, I've just had this feeling for a while now that something's going to go wrong." "Dad, everything is fine, nothing will go wrong. I love you."

"I love you to doll." He walks up to me and pulls me into a hug. "I won't let anything happen to you again." He lays a gentle kiss on my forehead.

"I'm leaving in a few minutes to go out with Nat and Wanda. Is that alright?"

"Of course it is, I keep saying you don't have to ask permission, you're an adult."

I smile at him. "Thanks dad."

"Have fun!" He calls to me as I begin to walk away.

About twenty-five minutes later we arrive at the mall.

"So here's the plan. We shop for about 3 hours then we will go to our nail appointment at 5:00. Sound good?"

"Yes ma'am" I say to Wanda, pulling my head to me my forehead in a solute, a twinge of laughter lingering in my voice. She takes these thing very seriously, she's just about as girly as a girl can get.

After about and hour or so we have gone to many stores, tried on twice as many outfits and are walking out of another store.

"How much longer do we have to do this?" I whine.

"We still have almost 2 hours before our appointment!" Wanda says.

I sigh loudly, making sure she heard and she rolls her eyes at me.

We walk out into the busy, packed mall, bags occupying out hands. We walk through a large group and I get separated from the two girls.

I try to quickly get back to them as I feel a cold voice brush my ear. It starts to whisper, "874583" My trigger numbers.

Before I can get away the man slips a knife into my hand as a horrible pain passes through my head.

"Your mission is to kill the Black Widow. Understand?" I nod and my feet take off. I feel as though I'm not in control, like I'm not telling my body to move, it just does.

I quickly run back to the two girls I was previously with. I walk up behind them and before they even notice my presence I whisper in the assassins ear, "boo"

She quickly turns around as I stab her in the shoulder. She pulls her gun out from her side and slowly lowers it as she realizes its me.

"Y/n. This isn't you, you've got to fight it. You don't want to hurt me."

"You're my mission" I simply say as I begin attacking her once more. Before the fight can get to heated I feel another pain rush to my head. I turn around to see a woman standing there, red magic flowing from her heads to my head.

I drop to my knees and place my hands over my ears in response to the pain. I can only take so much of it before black spots begin to cloud my vision, soon everything goes black.

I wake up in a new place. My heads throbbing and there's a bandage on my shoulder where a bruise had begun to form. I place my hand over the wound and begin to unwrap the bandage. I don't remember much, but my guess what that the bruise from one hell of a punch from my opposer.

I hover my hand over the bruise and begin to flow purple magic from my hand to my shoulder as the bruise slowly starts to fade away.

I finally take the time to actually acknowledge my surroundings. I'm in a high tech cell, most likely surrounded by guards on the outside.

I hear the door to my cell open up and see a man walk in. He has a gun tucked away in his belt, probably in case I go berserk.

"Y/n? Do you know me?"

"Of course I do. You're uncle Steve." I simply state.

He lets out a sigh of relief since I actually remember my past this time.

"What did I do?"

"Nothing to bad, Nat got stabbed in the shoulder, but that's about it."

"Is she ok?"

"Yeah, Bruce helped her, she's all good now."

I look down to see a hand cuff confining my right wrist to a metal bar, opposite of the one I had used to heal myself.



"I can't do this anymore. I need it out."

I hope you've enjoyed this chapter. Sorry I didn't get one out last weekend, ill try to do another one this weekend to make up for it. I hope you're liking the story so far.

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