Y/n pov
I look up at the metal armed man. I'm terrified right now. I feel like I want to rip my insides out and throw them across the room. I have no clue where I am. I don't even have a clue who I am.

I say quietly to him, almost hoping he doesn't hear, "They sent me here to steal the serum.. To kill you guys." The man doesn't say anything for a moment, just staring at me in disbelief. Clearly he heard me. Why did I say that. They'll kill me. Their going to find me again, torture me, and kill me.

I think for a minute, contemplating what to say, or if I should say anything at all. I finally say to him, "I'm sorry I shouldn't have said that." He looks at me sadly and says, "No. it's good you did. Now we know what they want." I'm just now thinking, if this man supposedly is my dad, I should probably know his name. I say, "Sorry, I should've asked earlier, but what is your name." He stares at me blankly and doesn't say anything at first.

He's probably devastated I don't remember anything if he really is my dad. He says, "James Buchanan Barnes, but most people call me Bucky." I say, "Well nice to meet you Bucky, or see you again I guess." He stares at the wall and doesn't say anything. We sit like this for a while, but it's not  an awkward silence, but more of a comforting one. I lean my head on his shoulder and I slowly relax into it, falling asleep.

I wake up in a room. Its cold and snowy outside. I'm in the middle of nowhere, in a small abandoned looking cabin. I'm huddled closely to a fire. I quickly stand up and examine my surroundings.

Theres a small bed that looks like it hadn't been touched in years, decades almost. The whole cabin seemed that way. There was a small kitchen with brown cabinets painted with dust. I could see a single can of food sitting on the counter. It looked me in the eyes almost begging me to eat it. I can't. I don't deserve it. My stomach grumbled disagreeing with me. I've done horrible things. I don't deserve to eat.

Suddenly my ears are flooded with the sound of gun shots and glass falling to the ground as the gunshots blasted through the windows. I quickly crawl over to the bed, reaching under it and pulling out a bag containing a few granola bars, some water, my knife, and a gun. I knew I would need this bag eventually. I knew I would either get taken or had to be on the run again. Thats how it always seems to turn out. I run out the back door,guards beginning to surround me. I easily defeat them all, but I don't hear one man behind me.

He clocks me in the back of the head with gun and before I know it everything turning black. I know this feeling almost to well. It always finds its way back to me,no matter how far I run. They always find their way back to me. I have to accept it. This is just my fate. I'll always be HYDRA's pet.Nothing more. I can't even remember anything before HYDRA. I wonder if I even had a life.

I wake up on the floor of my cell. Bucky is kneeling next to me, trying to calm me once again. "Hey, hey, its ok. You're not there anymore. I won't let you be taken from me. Not again." I look up at him with tears in my eyes."Bucky?" I ask him. Before he can reply i say sniffling,"I'm really sorry I can't remember anything. You seem like you would've been a great dad to me." I can see tears threatening to fall, stinging his eyes. "It's ok.Its not your fault they took you. I just really missed you. They can't get you while your here."

I promise I am working on better and longer chapters and I promise some love will be incorporated soon😉

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