Buckys pov
I'm sat in my room staring at the wall. My minds racing. I can't stop thinking about y/n. Suddenly I'm pulled from my thoughts when I hear a gun shot from downstairs. I quickly run down. Tony and Peter must've heard it to as they are running down as well. I see Steve on the ground clutching his leg.

"She shot me" He says to me in distress. I turn around and see woman. She has long y/h/c hair and beautiful y/e/c eyes. She begins to fight us. She knocks me down easily. To easily if you ask me. She's an amazing fighter.

I've never seen someone fight with such grace. She knocks down Tony and Peter and I stand back up prepared to fight again. I manage to punch her in the face and her mask falls off. Oh my god. She's alive. I can't believe it. It's y/n. I ask her "y/n?" She replies "Who the hell is y/n." I stare at her.

Hydra got her. I can't believe I let this happen. They turned her into just another one of their puppets.

Before I can say or do anything else I feel a hard punch to the face and I fall to the ground, knocked out. When I wake up I'm in Bruce's lab. Steve is next to me with his leg wrapped. "Hey Buck. How are you feeling?" I say to him, "it's y/n. She's alive. That girl. I-it's y/n. They got her Steve."

Steve doesn't say anything and just stares at me sadly. "Where is she?" I ask Steve. He says, "she's in a cell. Nat caught her trying to take super soldier serum, but she knocked her out. She's in one of the cells now." I sigh.

How could this have happened. I can't believe I let this happen. "I need to see her." I say. It comes out a lot harsher than I meant to, but I'm just so stressed right now. I need to take Hydra down. And for good this time. I can't let her get taken. Not again.

I stand up and pull out my Iv. Steve tries to stop me but I ignore him. I walk to the cells and see y/n knocked out. Tony's watching her. She starts to scream and tears are falling down her face. "Tony let me in there." I say to Tony. I can calm her. Make her feel better. "You know I can't do that Barnes. She's to dangerous." Tony says to me. "Let me see my god damn daughter Stark."

He sighs and goes and unlocks the door. I walk in a kneel next to y/n who's still screaming and crying. I rub her back gently in Ana effort to calm her down. She wakes up. I say to her softly to try and keep her calm, "Hey it's ok, it was just a nightmare."

She says to me, "Where am I? Who are you?" I say, "You're at the Avengers compound. Can you tell me your name?" She doesn't say anything at first. She's thinking. After what seems like and eternity she says, "I- I don't know. I can't remember." I sigh.

She can't even remember her name. They wiped her memories. She says, "I'm sorry. Do I know you?" I sigh again.
She doesn't remember me. She probably doesn't remember anything. I say to her, "Yes. Im your father." She stares at me, not saying anything. "Wait what?" She says she sound confused and almost terrified.

"We were on a mission. You and your partner split up, you didn't make it out of the base in time and it blew up. I thought you were dead. Hydra must've taken you, and made you into one of their soldiers. Their puppet." She doesn't say anything. After a few minutes she looks up and says quietly, "They tortured me. They beat me. I was sent here to get serum. To kill you guys."

Sorry if this chapter isn't great, I'm having a bit of writers block. I hope you enjoy!

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