Covert Passions

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Daniela approached slowly, her footsteps deliberate and measured, as she delicately moved aside the scattered glass on the ground with her feet, she forged ahead towards you with an inexplicable frenzy in her eyes, a mad smile graced her lips as she raised her sickle high above you, causing your heart to race and your instincts to kick in, in anticipation of the impending blow, your eyes involuntarily shut tight, bracing yourself for the searing pain that awaited, however, the blow you had anticipated never came, instead, she inflicted only a small, superficial wound on your neck as if relishing in the act of drawing blood, there was no immediate pain, only a trickle of crimson droplets cascading down onto your collarbone, as the drops of blood descended, her tongue darted and lapped them up with a mix of intensity and gentleness, her movements were simultaneously violent and delicate, creating a paradox that sent shivers down your spine, with every touch, her tongue seemed to explore and absorb the taste of your chest, causing involuntary moans to escape your lips, throughout this harrowing experience, her piercing yellow golden eyes remained fixed upon you, revealing the depth of her intent.

"There is something about bad boys that makes them so easily accessible, but it is a rare treasure to encounter a good boy like yourself, for it is in your blood that sweetness resides, a delicate and intoxicating essence, good boys, oh my, are truly a precious rarity, exuding a sweetness akin to a tantalizing secret"

"If you think I'm a virtuous gentleman, then why did you frighten me by attempting to harm me?"

"Why didn't you stop me from my actions and firmly grasp my hand to protect yourself from the potential harm I could have caused?"

"Because I know deep down that you won't harm me, and your actions are merely a playful way to grab my attention."

"I wonder what a daring woman like me sees in you, hmm?"

"You're infatuated with my blood, consumed by it."

"Your potent and seductive cursed blood drives my madness to new heights, but it's a relationship akin to a smoker and their cigarette, I long to follow you wherever you go, so that I never have to part ways with your neck, for my tongue only finds pleasure in tasting your blood."

"Do you truly find something as simple as my blood so captivating?"

"The battle between my rational mind, representing my righteous will, and my lust, fueled by fiery desires, is a constant struggle from which I always emerge defeated, either succumbing to the loss of self-control or submitting to the liquid that quenches my thirst, that is the ceaseless war dwelling within me, where a relentless battle rages on, enticing and tormenting me, for it knows no end."

"Time will heal you and make you stronger than the desires I stir within you, don't want your life to be consumed by shades of red alone."

"Rather, it's the light of a guiding flame that I yearn for, the crimson joy I seek seems to be stored within you, that's why my mind refuses to end your life like the others, now now..." She gestured for you to glance at the two maids. "In a deft and calculated move, much akin to the act you committed earlier, when you cunningly absconded with one of my cherished jewels, you repeated this very transgression against mother, as attested by the words of those two maids who shared their account of events with me." As the words began to form upon your lips, she swiftly intervened, seizing the opportunity to finish the sentence on your behalf. "And what further substantiates this damning accusation is your attire, adorned in a newly-changed and meticulously washed black suit, an attire that conceals the secreted jewel within its folds."

"That's not convincing evidence." You retorted defiantly, as Daniela continued to articulate her thoughts.

"In my opinion, the right thing I did to spare you my mother's wrath was to remain silent, despite my strong aversion towards lying and stealing, I decided to confront you later when the timing was more appropriate, I must say, I have my doubts about the maids' accusation of incitement against you, I was present when the jewel in question appeared and it seems unlikely that they would conspire to fabricate charges against you, now that you've removed your suit and cannot accuse anyone of planting the jewel in your pocket, I implore you to provide evidence of your innocence if you wish to escape the severe consequences that await you."

Forbidden Blood | Daniela x Male!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now