Escape Scheme

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The atmosphere hung heavy with indifference as the maid strolled along, paying no heed to her surroundings, seemingly oblivious to the world around her, her tranquility was abruptly shattered when an unexpected force jolted her foot from behind, threatening to send her sprawling, she swiftly regained her equilibrium and pivoted towards the source, her countenance brimming with a potent blend of indignation and incredulity, as she locked eyes with you.

"Again, it's you?" Emily's response was laced with exasperation, accompanied by a subtle yet unmistakable gesture of rolling her eyes, an embodiment of both boredom and sarcasm.

"Yes, it is indeed I, surprised to see me? despite your attempts to conceal it, I couldn't help but notice the fleeting glances and subtle movements directed my way." You retorted, your words tinged with a touch of smugness.

"How dare you resort to pushing a woman's leg from behind, causing her to stumble?" Her voice resonated with anger, her aggressive demeanor accentuated by her contorted facial expressions.

"Ah, so now you appeal to righteousness? have you conveniently forgotten that you have previously subjected me to the same treatment? I'm merely reacting, ensuring that what goes around indeed comes around." You shot back, a hint of bitter satisfaction underlying your words.

"And now you have the audacity to follow me? what the hell do you want from me?" Her voice was laced with frustration and a tinge of profanity.

"I have come to claim what rightfully belongs to Daniela." You declared, reaching out to snatch the plate from her hand.

"How dare you lay your hands on her belongings?" Her words dripped with fury, her body language now fully consumed by aggression and defiance.

"From now on, it's I who will be delivering her meals, it would be in your best interest to keep quiet and leave."

"You're the one who should leave! you're nothing but an irritating intruder." She retorted, her voice trembling with a potent mixture of anger and contempt.

Conveying a stern gaze, you intensified the weight of your words, silently demanding her compliance as he ushered her to depart. "I'm carrying out my duties as her servant, entrusted to execute these tasks, now remove yourself and refrain from excessive verbiage, there are matters to be discussed, and I shall be the one in control."

"Ugh, I hate you."

"I know, I detest you even more each day."

"You dare to make such a statement but you have yet to reach my level, you're utterly insignificant in comparison to me."

"Out of all the lies I've heard in my life, this is by far the biggest, who would want a face like yours resembling a baboon? I don't care if you refuse to accept the truth about yourself, I'm not a bully, but I reserve harsh words for those who deserve them, such as yourself."

"I won't waste another second of my precious time on you!" She scoffs arrogantly before turning away in disgust.

"Oh, please! if that's how you feel, perhaps it's best for you to leave from the start so you don't become upset, it's a pity, really, instead of dwelling in the illusions of your mind, focus on maturing and building a meaningful life."

She exits in an obnoxious manner as you make your way up to the room, coincidentally crossing paths with Cassandra as she passes by.

"Emily, out of all the maids, you are the only one I haven't questioned."

"May I inquire as to the specific topic, m'lady?"

"Some of my personal belongings have gone missing, including a gun and bullets that belong to me, have you seen them?"

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