Distance and Desperation

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"Let your body unwind for me."

"I'm presently in the midst of doing just that."

As the anesthesia began to take effect, your tense muscles gradually relaxed.

"We have limited time before your condition worsens."

"That does sting."

"I know, but it'll help with the pain during the procedure."

"I take my health very seriously, just as I trust you completely, Miss Donna."

"I love taking care of your body, even if I don't approach everything else with the same level of seriousness as you might think." Donna said in her calm tone while examining your body. "Has anyone ever told you that before?"

"You're the first."

"Perfect, speaking of your body, let's see how I'll deal with the substance affecting you."

She started examining the wounds and soon realized that the damage wasn't from gunshot wounds but rather from a toxic substance, evident in the paleness of your skin and the dark discoloration around the entry points.

"These wounds aren't from bullets, but they are definitely contaminated with a toxic substance, I need to clean and treat them." She began cleaning the wounds with antiseptic wipes.

The pain was agonizing, and you gritted your teeth to endure it. "The burning pain is intensifying."

"I'm sorry, but it's necessary."

After cleansing the wounds, Donna examined them meticulously, revealing a network-like pattern left by the toxic substance around the wounds, indicating its malicious spread.

"The infection has penetrated deeper than I initially thought, I must neutralize the poison before it inflicts further damage." She retrieved a small mirror from her tools and positioned it so you could witness the extent of the infection. "See, this is the issue I'm grappling with."

You observed the insidious toxic infection creeping beneath your skin. "This sensation in my body... it's dreadful."

"We can overcome this as long as we act swiftly, I'll administer the antidote now, but it may cause even more discomfort."

Donna applied the antidote, and you let out a groan in response, the process was gradual in countering the toxic effects of the substance as she vigilantly monitored your condition.

You breathed heavily. "Miss Donna, I can feel it working, thank you."

"Your words reassure me, you'll recover and regain your strength, patience is crucial now."

As the antidote began to take effect, Donna carefully reapplied the bandages to your wounds in a serene and quiet atmosphere, she noticed that your recovery was proceeding more slowly than anticipated, prompting her to suggest taking you outside to help you regain your strength and breathe in some fresh air.

"Let's go for a short walk outside, it might aid in your recovery."

"I'll give it a try, though I feel incredibly drained."

Donna assisted you in getting up, guiding you slowly as she closely observed your steps, ready to offer support if you stumbled, you leaned on her shoulder, your steps unsteady, upon stepping outside, you were greeted by the scent of trees and the earth, the sky bore a gray hue, and the air grew cooler, hinting at impending rain, much like last night.

You whispered. "It's nice to be here, even though I'm not in my best shape."

"The beauty of nature is as simple and pure as you are."

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