Her Choice, His Fate

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As the night progressed, the maids carried out their tasks, captivating the attention of the watching daughters, suddenly, one of the maids concluded her duties and began to walk away, only to be startled by a cheerful voice calling her from behind.

"Islaaaa! you'll never believe who rocked up from the party! it's none other than moi!" Linda exclaimed with excitement in her voice.

Isla turned around, taken aback by the sudden appearance. "Oh, hey! you scared me, what's going on?" She responded with surprise.

Linda excitedly continued, her words flowing like a bubbling stream. "Let me share with you the events that transpired during this eventful evening! I indulged a bit too much in drink and couldn't navigate straight, but do you know what? this male servant came to my rescue and guided me back to my chamber!"

"Well, that was rather kind of him." Isla replied gently, a soft smile adorning her face.

Linda interjected, her voice filled with enthusiasm. "No, you don't understand! it was an instant connection! he's adorned with a beauty aesthetic that eclipses ordinary standards and his chivalry captured my attention, I couldn't resist flirting with him a little."

Isla's countenance unveiled a subtle indication of worry. "Flirting with someone merely due to their assistance isn't the wisest of choices, perhaps you're misinterpreting his kindness."

"Misinterpreting? absolutely not! I can sense a deep connection when it arises." Linda retorted, her features sharp and her voice harsh.

Observing Linda's intensity, Isla adopted a serious expression. "I comprehend your attraction towards him, but it's essential to remember that there are boundaries, he's simply fulfilling his duties as a servant, nothing more."

Linda pouted, her discontent evident. "I know, I know! but the way he gazed at me... there's something different about him, something beyond mere mortality."

"I grasp the situation, yet I must interject with a matter of import." Isla interrupted. "In truth, I have also cultivated sentiments for him."

"What the hell?! you as well? is this situation morphing into a love triangle?" Linda exclaimed, her tone resonating with disbelief.

"No, it's not what you think." Isla clarified, her words conveying a sense of nuance. "The servant you spoke of appears to be a kind and thoughtful person, but he has already given his heart to someone else."

"Are you absolutely certain?" Linda questioned, her voice tinged with a mixture of shock and disappointment.

"Yes I am, he confided in me and revealed his emotions for another girl." Isla confirmed, her voice carrying a weight of truth.

Frustrated and caught off guard, Linda exclaimed. "Fuuuuck, I never saw this coming, I suppose the saying 'love is blind' holds true at this moment." She muttered, a hint of anger laced in her words, as she exhaled and paced back and forth.

Isla offered comforting insight, saying. "Well, sometimes our emotions overpower us, and it's only natural to be drawn to someone who provides support, however, it's crucial to acknowledge the reality of the situation and honor his feelings for his girlfriend."

Linda shook her head, a mixture of frustration and disbelief evident on her face, and she spoke with a tinge of exasperation in her voice. "But... I consider myself to be a pretty girl."

Isla, unfazed by Linda's statement, responded calmly yet firmly. "Being beautiful doesn't automatically guarantee one's modesty, shyness or sense of sensuality."

Infuriated, Linda shot back, her voice tinged with hurt. "Are you now mocking me? is this how you speak to your best friend? suggesting that I'm being pretentious and arrogant?"

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