Daughters' Dissonance

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For a while, you remained in the darkness, listening intently as one of the daughters repeatedly called out for her mother, suddenly, the place was bathed in light, in the distance, the joyful voice of another daughter approached, its sweetness growing increasingly clear, meanwhile, a horde of flies filled the air, their incessant buzzing creating a cacophonous backdrop

Suddenly, a feminine tone declared with enthusiasm. "Don't think that the man's blood is forgotten." She descended to the ground, licking the drops of blood with her hand. "I could smell the delicious aroma from afar."

As you struggle to identify her, her face is obscured by the headscarf. "Daniela?" You question, hoping for confirmation.

In an instant, the older daughter lifts her face and gazes sharply at you. "I am Bela!" She retorts.

"Oh my apologies, I know your names well but I mistakenly thought she was your younger sister because of her undeniable fascination with my blood."

"You're mistaken, I'm actually the one with the insatiable thirst for blood." She declares, her eyes hungering for more.

"I understand, you may drink from me." You offer, prepared for what comes next.

"This will be my first time." Bela admits, anticipation gleaming on her face. "And I assure you, your blood will be equally delectable in return." As she draws nearer, a gentle exhale escapes her lips, and she consumes your blood with neither pain nor harm.

"Daniela is a passionate, impulsive girl, while you possess a colder temperament." You remark, trying to lighten the situation.

"So, you've noticed the contrast between us when we both partake in your blood?" Bela queries, her curiosity piqued.

"Yes, Daniela often exudes intense emotions and acts on instinct or emotion, which I find endearing, in contrast, you appear calm, in control and less swayed by emotions." You explain, appreciating her composed nature.

"I'm often perceived as cold." She admits, her voice softening.

"And occasionally, you can be quite harsh." You add, acknowledging her complexity.

Bela's eyes wander, focusing on something behind you. "What are you concealing there?" She inquires, her curiosity piqued.

"This is merely my to-do list." You reply, a hint of pride in your voice. "I keep it with me to ensure that I complete all tasks without forgetting or making mistakes."

"Ah, well done." She remarks, an approving smile gracing her face.

"I believe you should attend to your mother's call."

"Is your intention to distance me from your presence?"

"I assure you, I'm not leading you astray, your mother truly desires to engage in a conversation regarding your matters, as per her usual habit, however, I'm curious about who called her before the lights came on again."

"It was Cassandra, I had a disagreement with her and she chose to lodge a complaint with my mother, now, with no time to waste, return to your tasks." Bela urged, signaling for solitude.

You pressed your back against the wall, meticulously perusing the pages that lay before you, each sheet contained distinctive phrases, yet harmoniously intertwined to form sentences that exuded a tapestry of expressive prose.

First phrase: "The hand of destiny creates a scarlet circle, intended to ensnare you with a single decisive push, exposing you to the malevolence contained within."

Second phrase: "When I witness an individual who discerns distinctions, delineates truths, and perceives what is lucid amidst the formalities, yet wholeheartedly pursues a path wherein their ingenuity thrives, unmarred even by mastering the darkest deeds through illogical justifications and insubstantial conjectures, I discern that the world has no need for such a demon."

Forbidden Blood | Daniela x Male!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now