Seven Springs

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Seven years on

In the top spot, my youngest son Lucien holds the key to my heart, stealing the premier place in my world, naturally, I was the one who cared for him the most, followed by his father, in truth, no one needed to attend to him because he was the most handsome, enthusiastic, and obedient child anyone had ever seen.

This determined child bears a striking resemblance to me in both appearance and personality, his gleaming, golden-yellow eyes radiate from a distance, much like mine, and his pale, fair complexion mirrors mine closely, there's a discernible resemblance in his facial features, carrying certain traits from his father.

When he speaks with his soft, flawless voice, he can be mischievous with everyone else, but he's gentle with only me and his father.

"Mother, would you be willing to accompany me to your favorite park? I thoroughly enjoy indulging in my preferred pastime there."

"And what's your preferred pastime there?"

"The swing! you know, it's my absolute favorite!" Lucien enunciated each word with enthusiastic flair, gently swaying on her lap.

"Oh, you're just like your mother, I cherish that swing, did you know I constructed it by the river with those two trees eight years ago?"

"Did you know my dad at that time?"

"I hadn't crossed paths with him then, I was on my own and used to visit there alone, but a year later, I met your father."

"And?" He asked with enthusiasm.

"We got to know each other better and fell in love."

"And then you had me?"

"I was carrying you before we got married, you were the strong connection that united us."

"MY CELESTIAL DELIGHT!" He exclaimed, lightly leaping once more. "Indulge me in the allure of your memories from the days when you carried me within you."

"I didn't anticipate carrying you inside me, honestly." She replied, a playful smile on her lips. "I was surprised and shed tears."

"Tears of sorrow...?"

"No, my silly one." She chuckled softly. "How could I shed tears of sorrow because of you? I cried tears of joy, I was happy, but concealing it from my mother and sisters was challenging because my appetite increased, and I even developed a dislike for some of my favorite food aromas, I could even sense your little kicks inside me, my precious one."

"But... why did you keep it a secret from Grandma? you taught me not to keep secrets from you, so why did you keep things from your mother?"

"It was all for your sake, I wanted to shield you, to have you all to myself, to await your father's return before revealing it to them."

"Protect me from what?" He asked with apprehension.

"Lucien, this is my maternal instinct towards you, you must understand my emotions when I felt that I held something precious in my womb, something I could lose at any moment, that's why I had to safeguard it and keep it a secret until the right time came, not everything is meant to be shared with others."

"Even so, my adored mother, you would never have lost me, I am strong, and I love you enough to always be by your side." He said, reaching his hand towards her cheek. "I pinch myself daily because I can't believe I have a polished princess like you by my side, every sunrise I see feels like a masterpiece, but your presence in my life paints the colors of an even more beautiful dawn."

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