Part 1.

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Erik's Pov.

Word has come to me. The King is riding to WinterFell, so I left The Riverlands and started to ride home. It has always felt so long  since I've seen it, but the last time I was there was a year ago.

So, I left half of my forces in the Riverlands to deal with the  robbers who've been terrorizing the lands. The other half I took with me because we never knew what we find on our way. Some sightings of Wildlings have caught my attention, and if they start causing trouble in the  North, it's my duty to keep the lands safe.

Maybe not by oath, but by heart, The North is my home and therefore mine to protect, for the other Realms it's less then a duty but more a purpose, after all that has happend in Westeros since Robert's rebellion many have been roving trough the lands. Pirates hitting shores and fishing villages, rovers raiding the lands wherever they can. 

The onces who do get captured for their crimes have a choice, join me, take the black, or pay for their crimes.  During the years, I've gathered a large number of men in my ranks, some old bandits, or pirates, some even bastards or men who wanted more than the life they've been living. I have men from all the realms under me, Westeros and Essos. And I do not care. We are all equal in my eyes.

We've been called the Dark Knight for some time now, and I think the name is fitting. We aren't sellswords, I do what my heart tells me to do no matter what amount of coin someone offers me.

"You have that annoying thinking face again." Corwyn says, and I shake my head as we ride over the rode.

"You always have  an annoying look on your face, I wish I could say I got used to it, but I never did." I counter, and he takes his flask out of his saddle bag.

"4 years I've been by your side, and you still don't like my handsome face." He says before bringing it to his lips.

"Well, the choice was simple when I captured you, join me, take the black or die, but maybe I did grow fond of your company after the years." I say as I hold my hand out, and he gives me the flask.

"You were just a boy, a boy! Who took down the mighty Corwyn master of the seas." He says, and I couldn't stop the laugh that left my lips.

"So mighty he got taken down by a boy." I say through my laughter before taking some large gulps from the mead in his flask.

"The choice was easy, join the black and never lay with a woman again, die, or follow this boy while I could still lay with any women I wish." He says, and I shake my head as I throw the flask back at him.

"But after the years, you've become my friend, a man I would follow to the ends of the world." He continues, and I raise my brow.

"You can safe the ass kissing for one of your whores." I say as I see WinterFell come into view and immediately a smile forms on my face.

"She'll be kissing my arse." He says, and I shake my head. "I did not need to know you get your arse locked by a whore." I say and he gives me a shrug before putting his flask away.

"You should try it once." He counters, and I just block the former pirate out as I send my horse in a gallop as I start speeding towards the gate.

The closer and closer I come to the gate, the wider the smile on my face becomes, I've missed them. Mother, father, my siblings, and the comfort of my own bed. 

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