Part 67

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Erik's Pov,

2 months later.

Riding into the gates of WinterFell, I let a small smile creep onto my face. Gods, we did it,  but a part of me  still  can't believe it.

"Let the men set up camp. We will leave again in a fortnight." I say to Greyworm "Yes my king." He says before riding away from me.

"A Fortnight don't you need rest Erik." Mother says, and I give her my best smile. "Mother, I am  fine, and the journey to King's Landing is at least 3 months, and that's if we don't come across the Lanisters army somewhere down the line." I say as I dismount my horse.

Gods, if it's not Dany worrying about my shoulders, it's Mother. My armor took about 75% of the slam, but it still made a nasty cut.

"And what about the Frey's you need fhat bridge to cross they will never let you." Mother asks, and I point up as the dragons fly over.

"Many times I'm the one calming my beautiful wife down, the Frey's betrayed my brother their king, and did that in their home leading him there with a wedding. They'll all die the dragons will destroy their towers so that no man ever can hold that kind of power again over a fucking bridge." I state before she grabs my arm.

"Erik, think about this. Do you really wish to be known as the king who completely destroyed his enemies?"  Mother says, and I give her a shrug.

"What do you wish for me to do? Siege the tower? Wait months upon months. I'm done with the fighting and the Wandering mother I wish to take the Iron Throne for my wife so we can live out our lives in peace. We need that bridge, and I  won't forgive Walder Frey for what he has done."

"I'm not saying you should forgive him, but letting the dragons lose on the towers is that the wisest way ?" She counters, making me sigh before walking away from her.


Laying on the furs of my bed with Robb on my stomach while Rhaella lays on my arm with both of them fast asleep, I hear the door open and close.

"Hey." Dany softly says as I stare at the stone celeing. "Hey."

"Your mother said you wished to let the dragons loose on the Twins." Dany states as I hear her steps coming my way and I release a sigh.

"I'm done with wars and wandering and everything that has to do with it. At best of everything goes our way it will be a 3 months march to King's Landing, but if we have to siege the Twins and surround the capital and everything else, it could take years, Dany." I say as I feel  the bed dip beside me, and I turn my head in her direction.

"The Wandering Wolf who doesn't wish to wander anymore who would have thought." She says with a small grin, making me roll my eyes.

"The night your violet eyes snapped onto mine, I didn't have the need to wander anymore, aren't you tired? Of the wars, the marching just everything like that? I wish for us to be able to have peace to see our children grow up happily without us having to  plan wars."

"Gods, you scared me that night. But I'm happy you found me. I don't know where I would have been if you didn't." Dany says as she lays beside me on her side while running her hand tough Rhaella's hair. 

"Probably kicking ass somewhere, maybe already on the Iron Throne, maybe in Meereen or Essos or maybe planning from Dragon's Stone. Who knows." I soflty say as she scoots closer to us.

"I'm happy here with you and our children, gods. Sometimes, I wish we could just stay here to let the North be its own kingdom with you as king." Dany whispers, and I raise my brow.

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