Part 15.

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Erik's Pov,

"Can I now see the dragons!" Rickon yells, and I raise my brow as we are getting ready to set sail.

"They aren't mine Rickon, you'll eventually have to ask their mother." I say as I ruffle his hair, and he runs away from me to Daenerys. 

"I said eventually!" I yelled after him, but he's already reached her, and I couldn't stop the chuckle that left my lips as I grabbed the railing at the top deck.

"So we are joining them for now?" Corwyn ask  and I give him a nod. "For now, to see if she's worth putting on that cursed throne." I state as he stands next to me.

"The ships are ready, my lord!" Hassan yells, and I give him a nod. "So where are we sailing to!?" I ask Daenerys, who looks in my direction.

"Astapor." She says, and I give her a nod.

"You've heard her, we sail for Astapor!"


Walking into my chambers, I raise my brow as Daenerys sits on the table with Rickon and the dragons while the dire wolves lay on the bed.

"Hi, little warrior," I say to Rickon as I walk over and place a kiss to the top of his head.

"Look at them, Erik!" He says with wide eyes as he motions at the dragons. Who are doing dragon things?

"Shouldn't you be in bed." I state as I lift him over my shoulder and walk over to the bed.

"But Erik! The dragons!" He whines out as I drop him onto it. "You can see them another time." Daenerys says with a kind smile as she stands up.

"Tell me the story of how you got those scars." Rickon says as he gets himself comfortable and motions at my neck.

"I'll leave you two, goodnight, my lords." She says, and I give her a nod before Rickon speaks.

"Please stay, your grace. Erik tells the best stories." He begs with pleading eyes, and I couldn't stop the chuckle that left my lips.

"It's no problem it's just a story." I say to Daenerys who gives me a smile before stiiting down again.

Walking over to the end of the bed, I give Rickon a wink before clearing my troath.

"So remember when Robert came and all the big and strong men went on a hunt." I say with a smile as I flex my muscles while looking at Rickon, who nods his head.

"So me and Robb were  riding next to each other when I saw these massive paw prints on the ground, and we both dismounted our horses to get a closer look, they where the size of my hand ." I say as I put my hand out, and he sits against the headboard with the fur pulled against him.

"So Robb being Robb always wandering around and wanting the trill of adventure decided to let his curiosity make us follow th-" I start before he cuts me off.

"You always wander, and Mother says your curiosity will one day get you injured. That's why they call you the Wandering Wolf." He says, and I grab my chin as I look at the ceiling.

"Ow yes your right. It was my curiosity." I say with a grin, and I hear a soft giggle next to me.

"So we followed the set of prints while the rest rode on until we reached a den  hidden deep within the Wolfswood." I say as Shadow jumps down  the bed.

"All that could he heard where," I say before shadow starts lowly growling in my direction, and we should have been a traveling act!

"So I shot my arrow and a wolf the size of a war  horse walked out the den and kept snarling in our direction." I say as I shoot an imaginary arrow at shadow who snarls in my direction as he lifts his head high. 

"But then he lunged forward and let his massive jaws around my abdomen while I fell to the ground." I say before shadow pounches me, and we fall to the ground while I see rickon quickly move to the end of the bed as he looks down at us.

"I fought the wolf and stabbed it many times before his claws dug down into my neck." I say as I roll around the ground with Shadow.

"Untill he collapsed on top of me." I groan out as the who knows how heavy shadow drops down on me!

"And that's how I got the scar." I groan out before shadow stands up, and I soon follow before giving a bow to Rickon.

"And the one on your stomach?" He asks, and I pull my black long sleeved shirt off to show him the large bite mark on my side. 

"Mother was mad for you being stupid." He says, and I give him a smile. "Mother was right. My curiosity got me wounded. Now go sleep." I say as I point at the pillow, and he quickly makes himself comfortable again at the bed.

"Walk with me, my Lord." Daenerys says, and I turn in her direction only to he caught by her eyes wandering down my body, and I'm not sure if the flexes of my abs came from me or it was just my body.

"As you wish." I say as I put my shirt on and walk over to the bed, leaning down. I place a kiss against Rickon's head, and he gives me a smile.

"Night, Erik." He yawns out as he snuggles into Shaggydog. "Goodnight, little warrior." I say before me, Daenerys, her dragons, Nymeria and Shadow walk out.  

Walking onto the deck, we are greeted by the soft wind, the calm sea, and the darkness of night. And I just feel so at peace right now, even with her  beside me, the pull I had felt for so long, it's gone now.

"He adores you." Daenerys says as she places her hands in the railing, and I soon join her.

"I hold great love for all my siblings. My wanders take me away from home sometimes months at a time, but I always carry a smile on my face when I see the gates of WinterFell." I say with a small smile as I look at the calm water.

"Viserys once held love for me like that a long time ago, but it changed. He changed." Daenerys says, and I look at her from the corner of my eyes. 

"People can change, especially when they hold power or in your brothers case, believe they hold it. I'm sorry you had to go through  the things you went through." I say as I turn in her direction and lean against the wooden railing.

"Everything happens for a reason, if Viserys hadn't sold me off to Khal Drogo I never would have gotten the dragon eggs, if he didn't die I never would have walked into the pyre with my eggs where they hatched." She says a she turns in my direction and I raise my brow.

"You walked in a burning pyre?" I ask, and she gives me a smile .

"Indeed I did." She says, and here Mother was always worried about me wandering around with my curiosity or Bran climbing the broken tower ! We've never walked into a burning pyre!

"But tell me, Lord Stark, have you always been able to change into a giant wolf? I never heard of anything like it, and I don't think you can blame me for my curiosity." She asks with indeed curiosity dancing in her eyes.

"No, and I don't blame you for your curiosity. I have many questions myself about what happened to me." I state, and she gives me a nod.

"I should probably retreat to my chambers. Goodnight, my lord." She says, and I give her a nod.

"Goodnight, Daenerys Targaryen." I say before she walks away from me. 

Looking back at the ocean, I take a heavy breath. Robb is at war, and I'm here sailing to slaversbay, Bran is lord of WinterFell, Jon is at the wall, and Sansa and Arya are trapped in King's Landing. Let's hope she's worthy so we can sail back, and if she's not I'll still sail back but then the quistion is what will I have to do with Daenerys Targaryen if she is as  mad as  her father it would best to put a sword trough her and her dragons.

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