Part 54.

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Erik's Pov.

Seeing WinterFell come into view, Frost starts to fly down. It was way faster to fly back here. So my very pregnant wife is sitting on Drogon, while Rhaegal and Viserion fly behind us. The wolves will catch up, I just wanted to get her as far away from there as possible.

As Frost lands in the snow, she bends down, and I still have to slide 3 yards off her neck before my feet hit the ground.

Quickly walking over to Dany, I help her off of Drogon with a soft smile. "Now you are taking your beautiful ass to Maester Woldan so he can  check up on you and our baby ." I say as we start walking towards WinterFell.

"Can't we just have today, just me and you in our bed while you hold me." Dany says with a heavy breath, and I give her a nod.

"Anything you want. If you want to lay in bed all day, we will do that."


Rubbing my thumb over Dany's stomach, I release a sigh. I'm glad they are okay. Gods, I just can't believe he did that. That he would just go ao far for power.

"Stop thinking about it." Dany whispers as she runs her fingers over my jawline, looking up I place a kiss against her collarbone before I practically shoot up out the bed as I feel a kick against my hand that's on her stomach.

"I felt that!" I almost yell with a big smile as I look at Dany. "It's just a kick, Erik." Dany says, and I look at her in disbelief.

"Just a kick! I felt our baby kick! God's, It's a sign they are gonna kick ass when they grow up." I say with my smile before laying on my stomach next to hers.

"So what you going to be a little prince of a princess?" I whisper to her stomach before placing a peck against it.

"Would it matter?" Dany asks me, and I know what's she's getting at. Normally, everyone wants boys because, well, they're your heir. Carry on your family name and stuff like that.

"No, as long as you're healthy  and our child is healthy, that's all I care about." I soflty says as I look up at her.

Seeing a tear run down her cheek, I crawl up and wipe it away with my finger.

"You're not like any man I've ever met Erik Stark." Dany says  with teary eyes. "Is that a good or bad thing?" I ask her with a grin before she slaps my shoulder.

"A good thing you don't care about stuff most men care about. Sometimes, I think we just should have stayed in Essos, you, me, Rickon, Missandei, Greyworm, and Ser Barristan far away from all of this. From duty and wars, people who try to take one of us out." Dany breaths out, and I give her a shrug.

"Sometimes I wish the same that we could all just live together in peace, no wars, no Night King, nothing. But we can make that happen, but not just for us but also for our children and the people of Westeros." I say before wrapping my arm around her. 

"Children? Isn't one enough?" Dany teases as she runs her hand through my hair. "I told you before, that's up to you. I would never force you into carrying my children. But I wouldn't mind a big family like I've had, that they can grow up together. Play together like me and Robb did." I say, and she raises her brow at me.

"Your mother has told me many stories about you shoving him off his horse or throwing him in the river. You beating him up with your wooden sword." Dany says, and I couldn't stop the smile that grew on my face when I think back to those times.

"One time, I took him with me when i stole Mother's horse. I believe she doesn't even know of it. Gods, that was a night." I say with a chuckle

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