Part 58

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Erik's Pov.

One Month Later. 

"See that man over there. In a couple of years, you'll be stealing his sword." I say to Robb as I motion at Ser Barristan.

"He has the eyes of a king, your grace." Ser Barristan says, and I give him a shrug. "Maybe he won't be our heir. Time will tell." I say as I look at Robb, who's sucking on his tiny hand right now.

"But he's your firstborn son. Your grace." He counters as we start walking towards the Large Hall. 

"And you follow a Queen, me and Daenerys talked about it the one most fit to lead will lead. That's why nobody knows who was born first, except the people who were in our chambers when they were born." I say as he pushes the door open, and I see Dany sit there with the rest of my family.

"Alright, where's my little princess." I say with a smile as I see Mother holding Rhaella. In a weird way, they are a mix between us? But Robb favors more my facial traits, my eyes color and nose while Rhaella has violet eyes like her mother and her nose. But the both of them have, I think, mixed hair? As much as you can, uhm see that with one month old newborns.

"With her grandmother." Dany says, and I couldn't stop the chuckle that left my lips as Mother raises her brow at my wife.

"Well, you are a grandmother now." Rickon says, and now he's getting the dead glare.

Seeing Arya walk over, I know exactly what she wants, and I roll my eyes before handing her Robb. "Stealing my son." I mumble as she walks over to the table and sits down while mumbling to him.

"Have you seen Viserion yet?" I ask Dany who shakes her head. We haven't seen Viserion in almost a month, and we've been wondering where he's gone. Dany, she's been nervous even scared that he may have gotten hurt, but I don't think that has happened.

"No, I'm getting worried Erik what if something happened to him?" Dany asks as she gets up, and I take her hand.

"He's a large dragon. Dany, Viserion will come back when he thinks the time is right. But we need to talk privately." I say, and she gives me hesitant nod.


Walking into our chambers, I give Dany a small smile that she doesn't return. I have to leave, I have to go to Castle Black. Do I want to go? No. But I have to, if I could, I would stay here with her Robb and Rhaella forever, but the Night King has to be dealt with.

"I know what you're going to say." Dany says as she sits down on our bed. "I have to go, Dany." I say as I squad down between her legs while my hands rest on her knees.

"And I'm coming with you." She counters, and I shake my head. "Our children need you, stay here.  I don't even know when he and his army will reach the wall."

"You want me to send you towards the wall for months if not longer, I'm not letting  you do this alone, Erik." She says with a shake of her head.

"We need to do this together, you,me, and the dragons. The sooner we have dealt with the Night King the sooner we can marh  to King's Landing and after that we can be truly a family, no wars nothing  we deserve that after everything that has happened but first we need to do this." Dany starts as she places her hand on my cheek, making me lean into her touch.

"And our children? We can't leave them for months, Dany." I whisper, and she gives me a nod, but I'm not sure if I liked the words that left her lips.

"We will take them with us."

"You can't he serious Dany they are baby's they don't belong at the wall. What if the Night King breaches it? Then what?" I say with shock as I look at her.

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