Part 66.

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Erik's Pov.

Flying above the storm, I soon see Dany sitting on Drogon as me and Viserion fly over.

"We can't see anything through the storm!" She yells, and I look down and indeed can't see shit through it.

"I know Rhaegal slammed into me and Frost, but you need to come with me !" I yell back, and I can barely see.her bod before I turn Viserion towards the direction we just came from.

Flying past the storm I see everyone running around the wall before he dives down and I'm holding on for dear life. 

Once his feet his the ground, I release a shaky breath before sliding off him.

"What's wrong?" Dany asks as she climbs down Drogon, who breathes his fire on anything that's coming close to us.

Running over to her, I grab the sword out of its sheets and stab it into the ground in front of me, and a giant wall of blue flames burst In front of us for at least 30 yards. Seeing the mammoth that was heading our way, be engulfed by the blue flames soon, nothing but a pile of snow remains.

"W-what the hell?!" Dany yells as I take my sword out and turn in her direction.

"It's always been  us Dany, a song of Ice and Fire. Get your sword it will hopefully do the same." I say, and she takes her sword out that's engulfed by normal flames. 

"I don't know how to use a sword?!" Dany says, and I take her free hand with mine.

"You can do this. Just listen to me. If everything that has been said is true, he will eventually seek us out. Then i will kill him." I say as her eyes search mine.

"Now  hold it with both hands." I say as I hold mine with both hands, and she soon follows me.

"On 3, we both slam it into the ground, oke?" I continue as who even knows how many things are running our way, and she gives me a nod.




I loudly say and we both slam the tips of our swords into the ground before fire blue and red flames mix together in a wall of at least  30 yards wide 10 high and about 50 long while we both look at it with wide eyes.

Seeing all the nearby wrights and animals get engulfed in the flames, I soon pull Dany to the side as I see the I coming ice spear fly past her.

"T-thanks." Dany breaths out , and I give her a smile. "Always my beautiful wife." I say as I slash one of the incoming wright's heads off that flies away.

"Drogon, Viserion fly and burn those bitches down!"  I say and they both roar before flying into the air.

"Suprised this listen to you." Dany says before both of our eyes widen as we see 20 mammoths with long chains start walking our way with giants behind them.

"How can we beat them all, Erik?!" Dany says with wide eyes just before Frost and Rhaegal fly down and breathe their breaths on them, and they all get engulfed in the mixed colors of flames.

"Ice and fire?" I say with a shurg as I look at the army that's continuing to run our way, but many of them are inside the trench the men have digged.

Taking the horn from my pocket, i bring it to my lips before blowing it 2 times, and soon I see the fire arrows fly into it as it blows up instantly. 

Seeing the flames dance around as no Wright or dead animal is able to pass, I take a deep breath before putting the horn back where it belongs.

"Gods, how many of those things does he have?!" Dany breaths out, and I look at her with a grin while she looks at me like I'm an absolute mad man.

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