Part 18.

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Erik's Pov,

Ow to march through the sun, you've got to love it. Clearly, me and Rickon aren't made for it.

"Why is it so hot." He groans out as he half hangs over  Spot. "I would give so much for some snow." I join him as I take my water sack and dump it over my head.

"You'll get used to it." Jorhan says, and I run both of my hands through my hair to push it back.

"We are Stark's, Daenerys is fire, and we are ice simple as that." I state as I take my wet long sleeved shirt off.

"You'll get a sunburn, my lord." Ser Barristan says, and I wave him off.

"I'll be fine."


Sliding off my horse, a groan leaves my lips, and I should have listened to Ser Barristan. My poor shoulders and back! Walking over to Rickon, I help him off his horse, and a yelp leaves my lips as he places his hands on my shoulders.

"Sorry." He softly says, and I give him a forced smile before putting him down. "It's not your fault, now go find Corwyn and tell him to set up our tent." I say, and he gives me a nod before running off with Shaggydog.

"You should have listened to Ser Barristan." I hear Daenerys says from behind me as the men are starting to put up the tents.

"Just don't get how you can walk around fine in this heat." I say as I turn in her direction, and I think I saw her eyes wander down my body for a second.

"I grew up in Essos, but you've also been here for almost a year." She says, and I give her a shrug.

"I have, but the sea was cooler than being  inland." I mumble as I run my hand through my hair while I bite back the groan that wants to leave my lips. 

"Follow me." She says as she starts walking to what I presume is her built-up tent already, and I shake my head before walking after her. 

Opening the flap, I walk in and see Missandei give her something.

"You can go and get a bath ready for Lord Rickon." Daenerys says to Missandei, and I raise my brow. It was fine doing it myself, but oke.

"Your grace." Missandei responds with a small bow before walking out the tent. Seeing Daenerys walk over to a small table with some pillow laying around it, I walk further into the tent.

"Take a seat, my lord." She says as she motions to some  pillows, and I  raise my brow before walking over while my whole back still feels as if it's on fire!

"You can call me Erik." I state before sitting down  on the pillows cross-legged.

"Well, Erik, this will be cold." She says, and within a second, I feel a cold, thick paste? Being put on my shoulders and I release a satisfied groan as I close my eyes.

Feeling her move her hands over my shoulders, my head moves to the side to give her more access as my eyes stay closed, and I just enjoy the feeling of the cold paste right now.

As her hands move down my back, I well wish I could tell myself again. I like the feeling of the cold paste, but I think I like her soft hands on my body more right now.

"Turn around." She says after a couple of minutes, and I don't have to think twice before turning around.  Coming face to face with her, she takes the sea through stuff again before putting it on my chest while I have to bite back my groan as my eyes watch her fingers move over my skin.

"Next time, keep your shirt on." She says, and I give her a nod. To be honest, I think I should keep it off all day every day if that means I'll have her hands on me. 

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