Part 40.

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Erik's Pov,

"God's your so beautiful." I groan out as I grind my hips into Daenerys, who's lying underneath me.

"I-im close." She moans out as se arches into me and I latch my lips around her nipple while I feel my cock begin to twitch inside her.

As her nails dig into my back I keep my slow thrusts while I softly bite down in her nipple and that must have send her over the edge again as she clenched bar around me while her body slightly shakes underneath me.

"Erik!" She loudly yells, and I lift my head up to crash my lips against hers as I twitch deep inside of her while both of our orgasm washes over us.

"Erik!" Mother yells as she barges trough the door and I quickly pull the fucking fur over my ass as my head snaps in my mother's direction!

"Mother, I love you, but knocking is a thing!" I state and she shakes her head.

"Petyr Baelish arrived with almost 10 000 Knights of the Vale." She says and what?!

"Ow gods can't a man just enjoy a good fu-" I start before I'm being slappen on my chest by Daenerys.

"Just keep him outside the gates mother, you know I've never trusted that weasel, I'll get ready." I say and she gives me a nod before walking out my chambers.

"Who is he?" Daenerys asks and well it soon turns into a moan as I pull out of her.

"A fucking snake, but he grew up with my mother and he's always been in love with her even a blind man can see that. Now he's my uncle? And  he's Lord Protector of the Vale." I start as I get out of bed and put my trousers on.

"What do you think he wants?" Daenerys asks as she also gets out of bed and starts getting dressed.

"My mother, my sister, my head, the iron throne, I don't know what he wants, but we can't trust him, Daenerys." I state as I let our eyes meet, and she gives me a nod.

"If you say we can't trust him, then we won't." She says as her naked form walks over to me, and her lips slowly meet mine.


Riding out of the gate with the wolves beside me, I soon  see Pertyr ride my way with 5 men, and not long after  we meet halfway.

"Aah Erik, good to see you again. The hospitality of the Noth continues to surprise me." Petyr says, and I give him a nod.

"Why are you here, Lord Baelish? Better yet, why are you here with 10 000 men." I simply state as I look at him.

"It's time for the Knights of the Vale to choose a side in the war, and I'd rather take the winning side." He says, and I release a hum.

There's always so much more to it when it comes to this snake. 

"And tell me what do you want in return?" I ask him with a raised brow before the dragons fly my way and land behind me, and ow the look on his face I would pay so much to see the fear run trough his eyes again.

"Nothing, but it's been a long time since I saw your mother and sister. I would like to see them again. And a warm meal would be welcomed, " He says, and I turn my horse around.

Getting the support of the Vale would he amazing, but I'm not sure if it's wise to take it when Pertyr Baelish is the one leading them.

"Ow, uncle, don't try anything funny, r
Rheagal looks pretty hungry. " I state as my horse starts stepping back to WinterFell while Rhaegal screeches in the direction of Pertyr see even he doesn't like the shit.

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