Part 34.

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Erik's Pov,

"Are you sure about this, Erik?" Mother asks as night is about to fall, and I give her a nod. "It's my duty, Mother. I'll take WinterFell back. Then we will find Sansa and Arya, and after that, I'll pay a visit to Walder Frey and the Lanisters in King's Landing." I say with a small smile.

"You've grown so much,  soon you'll have to wed Erik. If it's for political reasons or others, but you will have to wed. Breaking that vow Robb made to Walder Frey is what most likely caused his betrayal." She says, and Robb was betrayed because he didn't wish to marry one of the Frey's, don't blame him.

"I will wed soon  Mother, and after I've taken WinterFell, you'll meet her." I say with a small smile as I think about the platinum haired beauty that I'll soon call my wife. 

"Must be a special girl to have gotten you to marry." She says, and I give her a nod. "She's quite special indeed, I hope eventually you'll love her as a daughter, like I'll love her as my wife."  I say before grabbing  Ice from my horse.

"How did you get that?" She asks me with wide eyes as she lets her hands move through the black fur.

"Somebody stole it from the Lanisters they where going to smelt it down, he took it sailed east and gave it to me, I never met the man but he wanted to repay a debt, years ago I saved his village from pirates. And I think now he fell like he repayed his debt that he never had in my eyes, but still I'll always be thankful for what he did ." I say as I look down at the fur.

"I'm proud of you. Your father and Robb would also be so proud of you, Erik." She says, and I look up to let our eyes meet. 

"And now it's time for me to take WinterFell back, once the gates open March the army in Lady Mormont, uncle.  We will keep them away as long as possible, and I'll give you a signal when you can start marching for it." I say as I put Ice on my back.

"And what will your signal be?" Uncle asks, and I let a smirk grow on my face.

"Ow, you'll know, but please don't hurt them. My wife to be and me are quite fond of them." I say with my smirk before walking out of the tent.

"We are ready, my king." Greyworm says, and I pat his shoulder. "Let's go, my friend."  I say before he, Corwyn, me and 17 of our best fighters start walking away.


As we've been walking through the Wolfswood for some time with our torches, I soon see the   waterfall come into view, and I let a smile grow on my face.

"Thank the gods for a good memory." I say as I over the rocks towards it, making my way behind the waterfall. I see the opening come into view, and I walk in. With my men following behind me.

"Nice dark and creepy caves."  Corwyn mumbles as he moves his torch around.

"They will lead us into the crypts of winterfell. The journey will take some hours. Let's hope we can reach before it before the sun comes up." I state as I begin to walk  through the dark and wet cave. With Shadow and Shaggydog beside me.

"And this secret passage couldn't have been anywhere else? Leading me through a dark cave into the crypts. You're lucky I've grown fond of you." Corwyn mumbles, and I  pat his shoulder.

"Ai, the big bad Corwyn master of the seas, scared of a tunnel." I tease, and he shakes his head.

"Master of the seas, Ai, you've said it correctly." He mumbles under his breath.

"Let's go my master of sea. Don't worry, I'll protect you from the rats."


Reaching the end of the tunnel, I see the large round stone come into view, and I let a grin appear on my face.

"Great, a dead end." Corwyn mumbles, and ni hand him my torch. "Help me with this." I say as I walk over to it, and soon Greyworm and 5 others help me as we start pushing with all our strength. As the stone slowly begins to move aside, I release a low growl as I push with all my strength, gods that thing is heavy.

When the opening is big enough, I walk through it with the dire wolves by my side, and soon, the others follow me.

"Ai not a dead end." Corwyn says as he hands me back my torch and I look around the hall filled with the statues of the old kings of the North, we are deep in the crypts but if we continue to walk straight ahead we will reach the spiral steps that lead up.

"Follow me and shut up, Corwyn." I state before walking down the dark and chilly hall. In a way, I'm back in WinterFell, well underneath it, but still, for the first time in over 2 years, I'm back in WinterFell, and soon the Stark Banner will hang in its walls again.

And once I've taken it, I will wed Daenerys, she'll become my wife, and then we will raise all the men of WinterFell before marching south so we can retake what is hers.

Many won't like that  I'm getting wed to a Targaryen, but she's the woman I love, and I don't care what any of them says. I love her, and she will be my wife.  Her enemies will be mine just like mine will be hers, she's in the North for me because she loves me. And I'll sail to the ends of the world for her, if that's what she'll ask.

One day, she will sit on the Iron Throne with me beside her, a Stark on the Iron Throne or well beside it?  King of The Seven Kingdoms, now that's a story worth telling.  I've always wanted to wander, but when I met her, it left my body, I just wish to spend every second of the day by her side.

"Ai Greyworm, look at that it's the thinking face." Corwyn says, and it pulls me out of my thoughts.

"A king must be troubled about what's to come." Greyworm says, and I give him a nod. 

"I never wished to be king or even lord of anything, that's why I passed it to Robb, but now love and duty brought me to it.  Now, all of you shut up." I state as I see the steps come into view. 

"Follow me and get ready. Once we reach the door, put out the torches. Hopefully, we can still hide in the cover of the night." I say before Ice start walking up the steps.

As we've been walking for some time, we reach the top, and I see the ironwood door come into view. Turning around, they all quickly put out their torches before I close my eyes for a second.

Who knows how many men are behind that door, but I grew up here, and it was taken from us. Now I will take it back and put that bastards head on a spike or even better. I'll feed it to the dragons and wolves.

When the gates are open, the army can march in butnm how many men will stand between us and the gates? Let's just hope everything will work out how it's supposed to work out, that I can return to my dragon otherwise well she'll drag me back from the death cut my cock off and kill me all over again.

"Let's go."  I whisper before slowly opening the door.

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