Part 59.

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Erik's Pov,

6 Month's Later.

"Has there been any word about where his army is? " i ask the group around the table as we look at the map.

"No, absolutely nothing. If what you said is true, he's most likely waiting for the magic to leave the wall. Your grace." Lady Mormont says, and I give her a nod.

"He probably is, and I'm going to draw him out." I state as I place my hands on the table.

"Draw him out have you lost your fucking mind!" Dany almost yells at me and I give her my best innocent smile.

"Look we can wait here for the next year or I draw him towards the wall." I say and soon I feel a slap agaisnt the back of my head.

"And how do you plan to do that, Erik?" Mother asks as she walks next to me, and now I know who the slap belonged to.

"I believe I can be quite appealing, plus if everything that has been said is true, he will never let me roam around. I draw his army towards the wall, and then we can take him out. Look, we can dig trenches for the next 50 miles, but if the wall loses its magic, everything we've done here will be for nothing if he crosses it 300 miles away from here." I state as I look at Dany.

"You don't think I'm going to let you go all by yourself now, do you?" She says, and I give her a smile as I take her hand.

"Alone, I'll be fastest. If I come across his army, I'll change into my wolf and start running back towards the wall. You need to make sure everything is ready for when I return." 

"Viserion still hasn't returned, and now I have to let you wander around in search of an army alone." Dany says with a shake of her head before walking away from me.

"Get a horse ready. I'll ride out tonight." I say to Edd, who gives me a nod before walking away.

Taking a deep breath, I start walking out of the room and start the search for my wife. I get she's scared, but if we wait too long, everything can be for nothing, and I don't wish to spend the next year here. We've already been here for 6 months.

Robb and Rhaella are doing amazing they are growing so fast, and like I thought, they have dark hair but with platinum patches in it. Like a mix between me and her, everyone loves them, but I do have to say Arya and Rickon's. Well, they take their aunt and uncle duties very seriously they are almost the whole day with them.

And for Viserion he will show up when he wishes to return, I know Dany is worried but he's a fucking dragon like what could happen to him?


Walking into our chambers, I see Dany sit on the bed with Robb and Rhaella, who are rolling around over the furs.

"Hey." I soflty say as I close the door behind me and walk over to her. "Erik, you can't be serious, don't you have any fear? What if you get caught in  the middle of his army! If you leave me and our children behind!." Dany bites my way, and I take a seat next to her as I let Rhaella take my finger.

"Bravery is not the absence of fear.
Bravery is feeling the fear, the doubt, the insecurity, and deciding that something else is more important."I soflty say as I look at my children.

"They and you are more important than not going because I'm scared, because gods Dany I am, scared that I won't come back, scared that they will have to grow up without  father, scared to leave you behind. But i have to go. we've been waiting for months, and if he breaches somewhere else, nothing stands between him and the 7 Kingdoms." I continue before letting our eyes meet. 

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