Part 21.

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Erik's Pov,

"So the Second Sons fight for the Yunkai?" I ask as Daenerys, Ser Barristan, and Jorhan walk into the large tent.

"Indeed they do." Daenerys says as she takes a seat on the couch, and I give her a shrug. "Could make the difference against your unsullied." I simply say, and all heads snap in my direction.

"You won't fight for your queen?" Ser Barristan asks with slight disbelief. "I don't think I've ever bended the knee, I'm here as her travel companion. Maybe if said Queen asks me nicely, I'll help." I say with my grin as I look in her direction.

"The gold from Yunkai you can have it." She says, and I chuckle at her words before taking a seat next to her.

"I have no need for gold, ask me nicely, and you'll have my sword and those of my men for your battle against Yunkai." I say as I lean back.

"Ow, my beloved lord, Erik Stark, would you please be so noble and honorable to help me in this battle." She says with a roll of her eyes, and I couldn't stop the laugh that left my lips.

"Beloved? Did you hear that, Jorah?  But I'll help you in your fight." I say with a over the top bow.

"Get your men ready, Lord Stark." She says with a shake of her head.

"As you wish."


"You'll all be slaves after the battle unless I save you. Take your clothes off and come and sit on Mero's lap, and I may give you my Second Sons." The Titans bastard says as he sits next to Daenerys, and I raise my brow. As I walk into the tent. Oh, the things you can accomplish when you know who to talk to.

"Give me your Second Sons, and I may not have you gelded. Ser Barristan, how many men fight for the Second Sons?" She counters before Ser Barristan speaks.

" Under two thousand, Your Grace."

"We have more, don't we?" She asks, and well, we don't even have to fight against the second Sons. Like I said, the things you can achieve when you know who to talk to. Amazing really when you find out Hassan has a younger brother. 

"10000 unsullied." Ser Barristan says as I take a seat next to Daario Naharis.

"I'm only a young girl, new to the ways of war, but perhaps a seasoned captain like yourself can explain to me how you propose to defeat us." Daenerys says, and I couldn't stop the chuckle that left my lips.

"I hope the old man is better with a sword than he is with a lie. You have eight thousand unsullied." Daario says, and I get up again with a smirk as I look at the Titans bastard.

"No, well, you see, she has 8000 unsullied, I have 12500 Dark Knights and wait 2000 second Sons since their new captain joined our ranks." I say with a grin as Shadow, Nymeria, Hassan, and Corwyn walk into the tent.

"You do not speak before I make a slave out of you." The Titans bastard says as he gets up and I give him a shurg. While Shadow growls in his direction.

"I like to believe I'm an honorable man, don't you agree, Corwyn?" I say as I look at him.

"Very my lord." He says, and I give him a nod.

"So I'll give you two the same choice I gave your men. Die, or take the black because I don't really trust either of you." I say with a shurg as I look at him.

"The second Sons will never follow you." The Titans Bastard says as he stands up and I walk outside.

"Well then, let's go. Or are you scared of a fancy lord from Westeros." I say, and he walks out the tent before grabbing his sword.

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