Part 46.

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Erik's Pov,

"You need to get out of here!" Corwyn yells as the spiders continue to run our way, and I shake my head.

"We are trapped! So unless you know how to fly or how to climb the cliff, I don't see how we can get out of here!" I yell back as I force my body to stand up while snarls leave my lips.

Placing Ice back on my back I jump up into the ground with a yell that soon turns into a loud growl as I run forward and ignore the pain as I wrap my massive jaws around the leg of one of the spiders before ripping it off.

Doding it's mouth I wrap my head around its head before ripping it apart while screeches leave its lips as it tries to throw me off.

Letting the now dead spider go, I release snarls in the direction of the other ones who start  running my way before an arrow flies past my head and into the head in a spider.

Jumping onto it, my body weight slams it down into the snow before I wrap bite its back open completely as I rip it apart.

Feeling the two massive teeth sink into my back I release a growl before I'm being slammed into the ground by a spider that crawls on top of me while it's massive pincher like teeth are trying to grab me while I trash underneath its body.

Trying to move my snout up to grab anything on the spider, its legs keep holding me down before a yell is.being heard and the spider falls down on top of me.

"I fucking hate spiders!" Corwyn says as they push the dead spider off of me making me jump up with a painend whine  to see we are completely surrounded by them.

"You need to get out of here, Erick!" Corwyn yells as two of my men get completely ripped apart by two spiders while one runs my way, and I wrap my jaws around its neck from the front.

Feeling another set of teeth sink into my back, I take some shaky steps back as I shake my head. I'm losing too much blood, and there are way too many spiders still left.

"Erik, go!" Corwyn yells as he cuts a leg off while he, Lobo, and the last 2 of my men are surrounded by 5 spiders.

I can't leave him, he's my friend! He's been with me for years, and now he's asking me to leave him!

Being slammed against the ground again, I roll around the snow with the spider as my teeth sink down in any part of it that I can get a hold on while it tries to do the same thing.

Getting the overhand, I rip its troath open before I'm being completely overrun by a pile of spiders as my paws give out underneath me from the weight I'm under right now.

Snarling at the spiders I'm under, I try to grab any leg, part, troath I can, but they aren't backing away as they are trying to shove their own  teeth into me. 

"G-get away from him!" Corwyn loudly groan out and some of the weight becomes less as I can barely see trough all the legs I'm under Corwyn holding his side as he holds his sword in one hand with blood dripping down his hand before he's completely overrun by 4 spiders.


Letting my anger fill me, I don't know where the strength came from as I trow the spiders off me while loud snarls leave my lips as they screech in my direction. 

There are still 15 or even more of them left, and I'm all alone. Corwyn, h-he is dead , my men are dead, and I'm stuck here North of the wall trapped between a cliff and 15 giant spiders with who knows how many wounds on my body. I'm becoming weaker by the second, I can't take them all out by myself.

Hearing a loud roar that makes the ground slightly shake, I'm soon met with a massive shadow flying over me before blue flames fly past me, making the spiders almost blow apart.

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