Part 20.

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Erik's Pov,

"Yunkai. The Yellow City." Jorhan says as we walk over some rocks and look at the city that lies in the distance.

"The Yunkish train bed slaves, not soldiers. We can defeat them." Ser Barristan says, and I give him a shrug.

"On the field, with ease. But they won't meet us on the field. They have provisions, patience, and strong walls. If they're wise, they'll hide behind those walls and chip away at us, man by man." I state as we come to a stop and look at the city.

" I don't want half my army killed before I've crossed the Narrow Sea."  Daenerys says, and I give her a nod. I don't wanna send half of my men also to their deaths.

"We don't need Yunkai, khaleesi. Taking this city will not bring you any closer to Westeros or the Iron Throne." Jorhan says, making Daenerys turn in his direction. 

"How many slaves are there in Yunkai?" She asks and well by the looks of it, a shit tone.

"Two hundred thousand if not more." He awnsers and wow.

"More than enough reason to free these people."

"Then we have two hundred thousand reasons to take the city."

Me and Daenerys say at the same time before she turns towards Greyworm.

"Send a man to the city gates. Tell the slavers I will receive them here and accept their surrender. Otherwise, Yunkai will suffer the same fate as Astapor." She says in high Valyrian, and well, I may have asked Missandei to teach me and Rickon the language. It hasn't been easy, but we are getting there, I hope?

"Tell him Erik Stark and the Dark Knights are standing by his gates." I say to Greyworm, and he gives us both a nod before walking away.

"Didn't know you could speak high Valyrian." Daenerys says, and I give her a shrug. "Missandei has been teaching me and Rickon." I say as we start to walk amongst the rocks.

"You spend much time with Missandei?" She asks, and I raise my brow as i turn my head in her direction.  "I would almost think you sound jealous, but Missandei spends her free evenings with me and Rikon, yes." I state as we come to a stop on a large rock.

"I'm a queen suiters will be standing in lines to offer me their hand. " She says, and I give her a grin.

"Indeed they will, but the question is, do you want them? Does he make your heart beat faster? Is his touch like fire to your skin? Or like ice since you're a dragon?" I ask as I take a step closer to her and let our eyes meet. 

"Have you gotten many marriage offers?"She almost breaths out, and I give her a nod. "I'm the eldest son of Eddard Stark. My place would have been as warden of the North and Lord of WinterFell, so yes, I have gotten many offers . And I've all happily declined them because I'm able to no man can force a man to marry." I say, and she continues to walk as I soon follow her.

"And if your brother would ask you to wed for an alliance? So he could win the war?"  She asks as I fall into pace with her.

"I don't know. Love kills duty and duty kills love, I have love and a duty for my brother and family. If it could save their lives ill even we'd the lion cunt." I say and she turns in my direction again.

"We should go back." She says but I see in her eyes she's thinking about something. Better not ask questions, mother always said a woman will talk when she's ready for it.


"All we ask is that you make use of these ships. Sail them back to Westeros where you belong and leave us to conduct our affairs in peace." The representative from Yunkai says as I walk into the tent with yhe three dire wolves.

"I hope you didn't forget my gifts, but I do have to say I've never taken gold from a slave master." I state as i sit down next to Daenerys.

"Lord Erik Stark." He says, and I give him a smirk.

"I have a gift for you as well."  Daenerys says, and gods, can she be even hotter right now?!

"Your life." She continues.

"My life?" He asks, and I give a smirk as I lean forward and pet shadow, who's the size of a small horse right now.

"And the lives of your wise masters. But I also want something in return. You will release every slave in Yunkai. Every man, woman, and child shall be given as much food, clothing, and property as they can carry as payment for their years of servitude. Reject this gift, and I shall show you no mercy."She says and wow just wow.

"You are mad. We are not Astapor or Qarth. We are Yunkai and we have powerful friends. Friends who would take great pleasure in destroying you. Those who survive, we shall enslave once more. Perhaps we'll make a slave of you as well." He says as he stands up and I don't know what came over me but within a second I've lunged forward and hang over the man as drool drips down my massive canines onto his face.

"You swore me safe conduct!" He yells with wide eyes as I pull my lip up and snarl in his direction.

" I did, but my dragons made no promises. And you threatened their mother. And as for Lord Stark, he's my travel companion, not my bannermen yet." She says as I take a step back and growl in his direction while Shadow, Nymeria, and Shaggydog circle him with low growls, leaving their own lips.

"Take the gold." He says and I snarl in his direction while drogon screeches and moves down while the slaves practicly run out the tent.

"My gold. You gave it to me, remember? And I shall put it to good use. You'd be wise to do the same with my gift to you. Now get out." Daenerys simply says, and he stomps out while muttering something under his breath.

Walking over to Daenerys I climb on the couch like furniture before laying my head down on my massive paws.

"The Yunkish are a proud people. They will not bend." Ser Barristan says as I feel her hand run through my fur, and I close my eyes at the feeling.

"And what happens to things that don't bend? He said he had powerful friends. Who was he talking about?" She says, and I keep my eyes closed as I carefully lay my head on her lap, what it feels amazing!

"I don't know." Jorhan says, and she turns in his direction.

"Find out." She orders, making the two walk out of the tent while drogon lands on her other side, and she pets his head while the other continues to run through my fur.

"I'm not saying I mind, but you're quite heavy." She says after some time, and I roll on my back, and clearly, I'm too big as I roll of the thing with a loud thump.

Hearing a soft giggle, I close my eyes before I feel my body begin to shift back.

"You think that's funny?" I state with a raised brow, and I see her eyes move down my body, and well, I may have forgotten that I'm naked!

"My eyes are up here." I say with a smirk, and I see her eyes slowly move up my body again.

"Didn't mind the view down there."Daenerys says as she stands up and walks past me while I think I broke my beck from how fast it turned around and I followed her walk out the tent and I swear by all the old and new gods she's swaying those hips on purpose.

"Great another set of clothes ripped, plus she saw my cock. " I mumble under my breath as I place both hands infront of my cock and start walking out the tent and towards my own.

"Ai my lord, did you have fun!" Corwyn yells, and I send a glare his way.

"Shouldn't you be teaching Rickon how to fight with a sword instead of sitting on your ass!" I say, and he quickly gets up and lifts Rickon on his shoulder.

"Ai,let's go, little lord." He says before walking away while I quickly make my way into my tent with Shadow and Nymeria behind me.

Authors note,

Leave a vote and comment. Also, some chapters will be shorter than others. I hope you guys don't mind that.

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