Part 14.

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Erik's Pov,

Walking  trough a garden with Daenerys, a Dothraki, Jorhan, my men and the dire wolves I soon see some steps and a massive tower come into view and I raise my nrow as the Dothraki says something in his language.

Reaching the steps, they say who knows what in  Dothraki while I raise my brow.

"Great conversation, now let's get the lizards back." I say before walking up the steps. "Dragons!" Daenerys says, and I give her a shrug as I hold the hilt of my sword. Probably are the size of lizards right  now. 

Reaching the base of the tower, I raise my brow. A door would have been lovely. Hearing steps behind me, I am already over these  tricks.

"Is this a riddle?" Daenerys says in  disbelief as she starts to walk away, and I quickly follow her. Walking around the tower, we suddenly stand in the  tower?!  As I almost crash into her.

"I'm ready to drive my sword through that bastard." I mumble as I grab the torch that's on the wall.

"Are you trying to frighten me with magic tricks? You want me? Here I am. Are you afraid of a little girl?!" She yells before screeches are being heard, and she starts to walk up  the stairs in that direction.

"Wait up!"  I say as I  start running after her, stuck in a fucking tower under the influence of some fucking lunatics on magic.

As we've been walking trough this fucking tower for who knows how long Daenerys keeps following the screeches untill we walk into a room that great holds more doors!

Seeing her walk into one of the doors, I try to walk after her, but soon the door closes, and I  try to open it, but it's locked.

"Daenerys!?" I yell as I smash my body against the wooden door that doesn't seem to budge!

"Daenerys!" I try agains but nothing is heard and the door feels like steel, running my hand trough my hair I suddenly hear a wolf howl trough the door to my right and I quickly walk  into it.

Letting my eyes widen as I'm walking outside of The Twins? I look around me. It's night, but there are so many tents and banners all on fire.

What is going on! It sounds so real, and  it feels so real. Just like the dreams I've had of being the wolf, what turned out to be real.

What could possibly happen at the twins? Hearing the howl again, I shake my head before walking in the direction of it.

Seeing a large gate appear It opens before I even reach it, and I'm in  the throne room on King's Landing suddenly? What is going on! Maybe Corwyn slipped something I'm my drink, but this feels like magic and the dark kind.

Seeing a large brown wolf appear, it walks past me before it makes its way down the hall and towards the Iron Throne. As I hear a loud  roar above me, I see a dragon fly over before the wolf and dragon stand on the steps in front of the Iron Throne side by side.

"I must be going mad." I mumble to myself before the scene suddenly changes completely, and I'm in the North? The cold feels so real, but it's like my body is keeping itself warm as a snowstorm is happening around me. And all u can see is snow and a large  frozen lake.

Taking a step forward, I hear the snow crack under my weight, and I grab my sword out of its hilt before I walk towards a large frozen lake.  

Reaching a large stone in the middle, I climb on top of it while my eyes look around the frozen land. This isn't just the North. This must be North of the Wall? Why the hell am I here?!

As the snow that falls down starts to increase I suddenly can't even see my own hand in front of me while the loudest roar I've ever heard gills my ears as I shield my face from the snow that feels like ice right now. 

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