Part 51.

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Erik's Pov,

My beautiful beautiful wife is now 7 months pregnant with our child, and I can't wait till the day I hold him or her in my arms. Mother, she's been close to Dany in case something happens? But I'm glad to see them getting along.

Jon Snow has been in a cell the last weeks since I still don't know what to do with him.

Overlooking the courtyard, i soon let my jaw clench as Theon Greyjoy rides in with his sister and a carriage with most likely Lady Olenna and Ellaria Sand.

"Great, now I'm going to have to put my fake smile on." I mumble under my breath before walking away.


"So where is the Wandering Wolf? We come all this way, and he's off Wandering again." I hear Lady Olenna say as I walk into the library where our small meeting is.

"Right here." I state before my eyes wander over to Theon, who cowards away probably from fear.

"Why did you let us bring our armies, we should have marched for King's Landing." Ellaria says, and I feel Dany tug the sleeve of my coat. To probably take me out of the death stare, I'm throwing Theon's way.

"We are marching North. Better yet to the wall, the Night King is approaching with his army, I can make a very long story about how and what and why." I start as I look around the table.

"The magic inside of the wall will soon be gone if we don't stop him before he breaches the wall. Westeros will be lost in an endless cold night. We will all become part of his army of dead." Dany continues, and I nod my head in agreement.

"And instead of using our armies what they are meant for, getting you in the Iron Throne. You wish for us to send them North while Cersei has free rein about our lands." Lady Olenna says, and I give her a nod.

"You've brought 50 000 out of your 90 000 men so the Reach will stay be protected, the Lannisters have less than what you've left. For Dorne, they've also brought half, and I don't think the Lannisters are ready for marching that far south." I state with a shrug before placing my hands on the table .

"And please enlighten me on how will we defeat the Night King. If the stories are true, how do we defeat something that's already dead." Lady Olenna says before sipping on he cup of wine.

"Fire kills them, Valyrian steel and dragon glass. Now fire we have plenty off, but our plan is to mainly defend from the wall. Valyrian steel can't be made, so there goes that, and dragons glass gods know where to find that stuff."I say before my eyes move towards Dragon Stone.

Dragon Stone= Dragon glass? Or am I just being absolutely stupid right now? It's a long shot, but who says there isn't any there ? Why name it dragon glass! AND THE ISLAND DRAGON STONE?!

"He had that same face as  kid when he was thinking." Lady Olenna says, and  it snaps me out of my thoughts.

As I open my mouth to speak, there's  knock on the door before it slowly opens, and a nervous man of the Night's Watch walks in.

"I-I'm sorry to interrupt your grace. But I may have information that could help." He says, and I turn in his direction.

"Information about?" Dany asks as she also turns in his direct. "About the location of dragon glass, there's only one location big enough to mine to arm an army. Your grace. " He says, and I take a deep breath.

"Dragon Stone." I mumble, and his eyes slightly widen. "Yes, how did you know that?" He asks, and I give him a shrug.

"Dragon Stone, dragon glass made sense in my head. So now, on top of everything else, we need to go to Dragon Stone to mine the glass. Bring that to castle black to turn into weapons."

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